Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 115: Okay, add some water

In Konoha Village, the fierce battle is still continuing.

But overall, on the mainland of Konoha, coupled with the support of many Konoha elite ANBU and jounin, Jiraiya's battle was relatively easy.

The large number of Konoha ninjas can help him disperse the power of Six Paths Pain, so that Jiraiya can concentrate on dealing with the most powerful Tendo, which is what Jiraiya considers "Yahiko".

During the battle, through Slug's timely contact and the constant testing of many Konoha ninjas, Pain's basic abilities of the Six Paths have been tested to almost the fullest.

The human path that can capture memories and souls and is responsible for intelligence collection and close attacks; the Shura path that uses the power of six paths to summon weapons through special psychic techniques and is responsible for the main attack mission; the animal path that is good at psychic techniques; the ability to absorb chakra and Ninjutsu, the hungry ghost path that is mainly responsible for defense tasks; the hell path that can summon and control the king of hell, and resurrect the other realms.

Of course, the biggest trouble is that the man in front of Jiraiya looks very similar to Yahiko and has mastered the power of repulsion and suction. Moreover, the so-called Six Paths Payne and the psychic beasts summoned by it seem to be able to achieve visual sharing.

All of this caused the ninjas of Konoha Village to suffer a lot.

At the beginning, Jiraiya tried to find Nagato's figure, but soon, Jiraiya combined the collected intelligence and discovered an astonishing fact, that is, the so-called Six Paths Payne seemed to be just manipulated puppet.

Such an analysis can explain why the reincarnation eye that only Nagato possessed appeared on six people at the same time.

And the person who operates the Six Paths of Payne?

The red-haired boy appeared in Jiraiya's mind again.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia----Sixth Scenery Gate-----Open----"

":Chao Peacock!"

While moving at high speeds, Kai continuously punched the target directly in front of him. The high-speed punches produced brilliant flames due to the friction with the air, and formed a peacock-like flame behind Kai. A shocking sight like a screen. Wave after wave of shock waves and flames dealt continuous blows to the Asura Path and the Hell Path, and soon the Asura Path and the Hell Path were destroyed.

"Finally solved!"

Looking at the Hell Path and Shura Path that he had solved, Kai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In the previous battle, this damn hell realm repeatedly resurrected the other realms, otherwise the battle would not have been delayed until this moment.

On other fronts, relying on the cooperation of the ANBU, the Human Path, the Beast Path, and the Hungry Ghost Path were also defeated, leaving only the last Heavenly Path, Payne, still standing.

And watching the other five paths being defeated one after another, Tiandao remained indifferent, as if he had expected this. After the battle with Kusazen Ryūha, Nagato was no longer as superstitious about his own power as before. What's more, for him, who has obtained Hashirama cells to complement the immortal body, the role of Six Paths Payne at this moment is far less important than before.

"Nagato, it's not too late to stop now!"

As if unwilling to give in, Jiraiya shouted again to Tiandao in front of him. After all, he was his disciple, and he was also the son of the prophecy. Jiraiya really didn't want Nagato to go astray.


"do you know?"

"Yahiko is dead, taking his ideals with him!"

Looking at Jiraiya with a distressed look on his face, Tiandao, or Nagato behind him, slowly spoke. Although Tiandao tried his best to suppress his emotions, Jiraiya still heard the hidden anger in it.


Hearing what Nagato said, Jiraiya fell silent. Yahiko appears in front of him in his current state of heaven, which means that Yahiko has left this world. The fact that Nagato became like this must have something to do with Yahiko's death.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya blamed himself even more. It was clear that the Son of Prophecy was by his side, but he failed to do his duty of guiding the Son of Prophecy.

Whether it's a close friend, a lover, or a disciple

Even myself failed

Looking at it this way, maybe I really failed.

"Before meeting you, Mr. Jiraiya, Yahiko's dream was to become the most powerful ninja in the world, and then to calm down this troubled world and bring peace to the world!"

"After meeting you, Yahiko believes that people in the world can finally reach mutual understanding and embark on a path that does not require force."

"The first-generation Akatsuki organization was also built around this organizational concept. Yahiko tried to make the Land of Rain stop crying."

"But reality has taught us a painful lesson. Yahiko died under the joint attack of Konoha and Amegakure, and the first Akatsuki organization was destroyed as a result."

As Tiandao spoke, he controlled gravity to guide himself into the sky slowly. Looking at Nagato's actions, Jiraiya felt vaguely uneasy, but he had not yet found an effective way to deal with it.

"The world cannot usher in peace through mutual trust and understanding. Only when people feel the same pain will they cherish the existence of peace."

"The existence of the five major countries will only make the concept of peace far away."

"Feel the pain"

“Think about pain.”

“Accept the pain.”

"Understand the pain"

"People who don't understand pain"

"It is impossible to understand true peace"

Nagato's figure gradually separated from the earth, but his words still echoed clearly in Jiraiya's ears. Hearing this, Jiraiya felt upset for no reason.

"Jiraiya-sama, the situation doesn't seem to be good!"

At this moment, Kai rushed over with his team, looking at Jiraiya with a solemn expression. The other party seemed to be brewing something.

Nagato, who rose into the air, ignored the commotion on the ground and instead opened his hands.

"Start now"

"Let the world feel pain"


Dazzling white light emitted and spread from it, completely replacing the sun at this moment and becoming the only light in the eyes of everyone in Konoha.

The extreme repulsion continues to compress and condense, and is completely released at the critical point.

With the breath of destruction, the boundless repulsive force spreads around with Tiandao Payne as the center, destroying everything it encounters.

The various buildings that were originally densely packed turned into powder at this moment, and surged to the periphery with the repulsive force. The many ninjas who were originally spread across the village also suffered a devastating blow at this moment.

Sakura's power is simply not enough to perform "Slug Tsuna Healing", and can only cover a very small number of people around her. And without the protection of "Slug and Tsuna's Cure Team", there was a question mark as to how many of the Konoha ninjas present could survive.

Konoha Village!

This village founded by the God of Ninja seemed so pale and powerless at this moment. The name of the largest village in the ninja world was shattered by a slight poke.

PS: Something went wrong in the last chapter and Yamato appeared. But I flipped through the front page and found that Yamato was set as Tsunade’s bodyguard for the Five Shadows Conference, so I went backstage and changed it, and changed the bodyguard for the Five Shadows Conference to Kakashi.

I apologize for my lack of rigor here.


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