Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 263: Stripping!

With unrivaled power, Nagato's defeat was already a doomed fact.

Huitu Liuyu came out again, not afraid of Xiaonan's paper rain offensive. The Seal of the Sun appeared out of thin air, absorbing all the attacks, and then the Seal of the Moon unfolded, and then poured it all out.

Above the water, a dozen giant dragons surged up, their ferocious mouths aimed at Xiaonan.

After controlling the water dragon to temporarily surround Konan, Ruitu Ruiyu continued to rush towards Nagato. She did not forget Huangquan's order------seize these samsara eyes!

However, Nagato will not just hand over all this obediently. Even if the hope of victory is slim, Nagato will never allow these reincarnation eyes to fall into the hands of the enemy.

If he really can't protect these eyes in the end, he has one last choice

Ruitu Ruiyu stretched out his hands to both sides, chakra quickly condensed from his palms, and then two huge wind escape spiral shurikens took shape and were thrown towards Nagato one after another.

There was a surge of muscles on Nagato's right shoulder, and a mechanical arm surged out. The chakra cannon in his palm shot out without waiting for the momentum to be gathered. At the same time, the arm opened up, and countless missiles hidden underneath also took off. They don't want to kill, they just want to detonate the opponent's spiral shuriken in advance.


The originally gloomy world in the rain suddenly ushered in the light of daylight. A roaring explosion occurred between the two of them. A huge air wave carried a large amount of water vapor and invaded the surroundings, temporarily blocking the sight of everyone present. perform

The next moment, Ruitu Liuyu burst out of the mist, his originally dull eyes had been replaced by a pair of blood pupils, and the huge chakra sword slashed down.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

Endless repulsive force filled the surroundings, and the giant sword that was preparing to slash stopped temporarily under the resistance of the repulsive force.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

Nagato, who blocked all this, continued his actions, using the temporary repulsion to deflect the direction and avoid the slashing chakra giant sword, and at the same time aimed the object of gravity at the white Susanoo. The dirty soil and Liuyu.

Ruitu Liuyu was pulled by gravity, while Nagato took the initiative to run towards him. Under the two-way "rush" of the two, Nagato quickly approached Ruitu Liuyu, and what came face to face was the sharp bamboo spear condensed in Ruitu Liuyu's hand.

But Nagato didn't dodge, or in other words, he chose to take the initiative to meet him. The spear penetrated his body, and Nagato couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. However, with Nagato's approach of not caring about the damage, at least his goal of getting close to Ruitu Ruyu was achieved.

Stretching out his right hand, he aimed it at Huitu Liuyu's head, and the power of the human world unfolded immediately.

The power of the human world can achieve the purpose of killing the enemy by extracting the enemy's soul, and can also use this to read the memory of the extracted enemy. At the same time, the speed at which the human world extracts souls is related to the chakra strength of the object being extracted.

There is no doubt about Ryuyu's power. If it were in the past, Nagato would never have thought of using the human world to extract Ryuyu's soul, because such an approach would only bring him closer to death.

But now, this is the best solution Nagato can come up with to face the current situation. Cao Qianliuyu's power has exceeded the limit that he can handle, and he can only find a chance of survival in this desperate situation.

Fortunately, the one who came to him this time was Ruitu Liuyu, who had suppressed his self-awareness and was only relying on his own instinct to fight.

Under such a situation, the soul extraction ability of Human World has become a huge breakthrough. After all, the body of dirty earth is not a real body, but the soul is forcibly attached to the body of dirty earth through the pull of blood. The soul instinctively rejects the body of dirty earth.

Facing an opponent reincarnated from the dirty earth, the probability of success in extracting souls from the human world is greatly increased. At the same time, Nagato did not expect to use the ability of the human world to completely extract the opponent's soul. He only hoped to use this to disrupt Huangquan's control, and even help Liuyu's soul break free from the control of the dirty earth body.

After all, Nagato had controlled the Six Paths of Payne. He knew that the more powerful the object, the harder it was to control. Among the Six Paths of Payne, only the Ten Paths of Payne consumed the most energy.

Judging from others, Ruiyu Kuzuchi in the unconscious state must have reached the limit of Huangquan's control. After all, if Kusana Ryūha really regains his self-awareness, Nagato does not believe that the guy opposite has the ability to suppress all this, and maybe even Rui Tu Liu Yu turned around and killed Huang Quan.

Huang Quan, who was originally confident of winning, looked stunned, and a look of fear climbed onto his already ferocious face. He could feel that his control over Huitu Liuyu was weakening.

High in the sky, Yu, who was originally standing on the back of the giant eagle, suddenly squatted down and held his head with both hands. Tortured by the pain that tore his soul, a low roar filled with endless pain rang out.

Yu's originally delicate face was now occupied by pain, and her pale forehead was covered with thick sweat, which frightened Honoka to the side and was at a loss. She didn't understand why things turned out like this.

At this time, Mikazuki Munechika, who was hanging on his waist, also became uneasy, and confusion and hesitation appeared on the sword at the same time.

The moment his soul was freed from the bondage, the string in Nagato's heart was suddenly stretched to the limit, and a feeling of extreme danger slowly emerged from the depths of his heart.

Liu Yu's pure white soul body watched everything that happened in front of her, and her cold eyes were locked on Nagato.

"Reincarnated in the dirt?"

He glanced down at the filthy earth body that still bound his soul and body, and the coldness at the corner of his mouth reached its limit. Then Liu Yu turned his gaze and looked at Huangquan in the distance through the endless mist.

Almost in an instant, Liu Yu figured out what was going on. That mysterious summons was actually the reincarnation of the dirty land.

I never expected that someone would dare to filthy me!

However, this reincarnation of the dirty earth really appeared "just right". It didn't come sooner or later, but it happened to be in the critical period of weakness after the deep sinking of his soul and Otsutsuki's confrontation with Denbikara.

What's more important is that a being like himself was successfully reincarnated by the dirty earth!

But after all, he has inherited everything in this world, and Liu Yu knows more about it than Yu. Almost the moment he was extracted from the filthy earth body by the human world and regained his self-consciousness, Liu Yu discovered that his soul was missing.

At the same time, Liu Yu could also feel that a chakra with the same origin as his was rushing towards him, which must be the missing part of his soul.

However, thinking about her life, Liu Yu didn't find anything missing in her memory, which also made her very interested in the other half of her soul.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen. For Ryūha, who has absorbed the chakra fruit, ordinary life and death can no longer define her existence.

An existence like her cannot be controlled, but her soul will be split in the call of the reincarnation of the dirty land.

It seems that only by regaining that part of one's soul can one understand the mystery behind it.

However, after losing the memory of his previous life, the current Liuyu is more in tune with this world. In other words, the disappearance of the special feelings for this world brought about by the memory of her previous life made her look more like a ninja at this moment.

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