Onoki, who caught up later, couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the actions of Naruto and Ruitu Ruyu.

"Naruto, she is now in the form of a reincarnated figure."

Gaara on the other side had already warned him in advance. He was not worried about Naruto being tricked. After all, Naruto on the battlefield here was just a shadow clone. Even if the other party wanted to pay attention to Kyuubi, it would be in vain.

But Gaara still wanted to tell Naruto through his own reminder that even if the other person was the closest person to him, the other person has left this world, and now she is just a puppet forcibly driven by the reincarnation of the dirty land.

Although there are also many reincarnated ninjas on the battlefield to say hello to relatives and friends in the ninja alliance in order to understand the recent situation. But those ninjas reincarnated in the dirty land are generally of Chunin strength, and they are used as cannon fodder when summoned. The people behind the scenes obviously will not put too much energy into them.

But the Kusanagi Ryūha in front of him was different. This person was far more threatening than the previous four shadows.

"No one can restrain my existence."

Liuyu naturally heard the reminder of Gaara's words to Naruto, but she didn't care, and instead responded extremely domineeringly. After finishing speaking, the three of them stretched out their right hands towards the back of their necks amid the shocked expressions.

His right hand reached into the dirty body, and after a little groping, Liu Yu found what he wanted, and then pulled it out directly.

"This is the core of control of the Reincarnation of the Earth."

Looking at the kunai with the control charm tied in the palm of his hand, Liu Yu had a vague sarcasm on his lips. At the same time, in the underground space, Huang Quan also felt that the connection between himself as a reincarnation caster and Liu Yu was completely severed.

Seeing Liu Yu pull out the control charm of the Reincarnation of the Earth with a normal expression, the three people present were dumbfounded. After all, since the war started, the ninja coalition has suffered countless losses under the Reincarnation of the Earth, but now

Ryuyu Kusanagi in front of her didn't take this seriously at all! He even reached out and took out the talisman that was the core of control.

But then Naruto thought of a question, since Liuyu was not controlled by the reincarnation of the dirty land, does it mean that he no longer needs to face his aunt on the battlefield, and Liuyu can even become a support for the ninja coalition.

But Onoki's expression was not that good. He thought about things more than Naruto.

No matter who the person who performed the dirt reincarnation was, he must have a far better understanding of Kusanagi Ryuha than myself. But under such circumstances, the person behind the scenes has chosen to seal Kusanagi Ryuu as the fourth shadow. The last one.

It would be okay if the opponent didn't expect that Kusachi Ryūha could break free from the shackles of the reincarnation in the dirty earth, but what if the opponent had already expected that he would not be able to restrain Kusachi Ryūha, but still chose to reincarnate him?

Ohnoki didn't dare to think any further.

"Auntie, since you are not controlled by the reincarnation of the dirty earth, does that mean you?"

Naruto's eyes were filled with anticipation.


But at this moment, Gaara's shout interrupted Naruto's unrealistic fantasy.

"Whether she is controlled by the Reincarnation of the Earth or not, in this case, she will only be our enemy."

In terms of his responsibilities as a shadow, Gaara is indeed the most suitable person for the younger generation. He is not affected by those unrealistic fantasies. He is deeply aware of what kind of situation he and the Ninja Alliance are in.

After hearing Gaara's shock, Naruto still looked at Liuyu in front of him expectantly, hoping to get a satisfactory answer from her.

However, Liu Yu was destined to disappoint him. Naruto could see the love for himself in Liu Yu's eyes, but it was only the love for himself.

"I won't let the tailed beast's power be dispersed any longer!"

Looking at Naruto, Liu Yu still said this final answer. This is an unchangeable fact.

The focus of this war is on the tailed beasts. Obito's side wants to obtain the power of the tailed beasts in order to complete the ultimate infinite

Tsukuyomi, and all the Ninja Alliance can do is try their best to block Obito's ambitions in order to maintain the current balance of the Ninja world.

But Ryūha is different. As a member of the Kussen clan, let alone how she views the situation in the ninja world. Her handling of the tailed beasts alone is destined to be a third party that cannot be tolerated by both warring parties. \u003e

As an enemy, Obito would naturally not let go of the tailed beast Ryūha in his hands. And once the tailed beast in Obito's hand is taken away by Ryūha, new problems will follow.

At the time of the first Onido War, Ryūha's power was still insufficient, so the Four Tails were eventually returned to Iwagakure as a condition of peace.

But this time it will be different. Once the tailed beast in Obito's hands falls into Ryūha's hands, the ending that the tailed beasts will face will not be any better than in the original timeline.

In the original timeline, after the tailed beasts were wiped out in one fell swoop, they were successively absorbed into their bodies by Obito, Uchiha Madara, and Otsutsuki Kaguya and turned into their own power. Even in the end, he was controlled by Sasuke's eye power and became Sasuke's power bank.

The Kusasen clan and the Otsutsuki clan are essentially the same, so as a member of the Kusasen clan, Ryūha's last choice can only be to absorb the power of the tailed beasts.

Moreover, unlike the Otsutsuki clan, Ryu Yu's devouring is also assisted by the sprites in his body. The devouring will be when the sprites will completely devour the existence of the tailed beasts. In other words, the self-awareness of the tailed beasts will be completely erased by that time, and there will be no situation where the tailed beasts are inside Obito's body in the original work.

Of course, as Naruto's aunt, Ryūyu would not attack the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body, and she did not lack the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Ryuyu also has her own ideas about the Nine-Tails in Naruto. She will erase the self-awareness of the Nine-Tails in Naruto so that Naruto can completely control the power in his body.

As for methods, she has plenty of them. If Naruto wanted, she could start operating it now.

"Is all this inevitable?"

Although he had seen the answer in Liu Yu's eyes, Naruto was still unwilling to give up.

After hearing what Naruto said, Liu Yu looked at Naruto with solemn eyes, and after a long time he shook his head gently.

"The order left by the first Hokage is wrong. The First Ninja War, the Second Ninja War, and the Third Ninja War,

"More and more children are dying in these meaningless ninja wars. Now, it's time to solve all this."

“Whether it’s my personal intentions, my contract with the Thorny Forest Sea clan, or my plans for the future, it’s time to put an end to all of this.”

"After all this, I will bring peace to this world!"

In the words, Ryūha's plan for the post-war world was displayed, but these cold words made Gaara and Onoki feel chills all over. In Kusachi Ryūha's savior-like post-war plan, it seemed that there was no such thing at all. The Five Ninja Villages.

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