Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 185 Times have changed!

Liu Yu just looked at the Six Paths Immortal in front of him quietly without speaking to break the tranquility of the place. He was obviously waiting for the other person to speak first.


The Immortal of Six Paths just stared at Liu Yu for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh.


Old Man Liudao, what do you mean?

Liu Yu frowned, originally thinking that the opening between them would be something like "You're here." "I'm here." "You shouldn't be here." "But I'm already here." "You're here after all." "I'm here after all." There was a series of paradoxical conversations, but she didn't expect that the other person started with a sigh. Could she understand that the other person was here to cause trouble?

"Say it!"

"What else do you want to do?"

After the mystery was exposed, Liu Yu lost the thought of waiting and watched the Sage of Six Paths ask directly, without any respect for the founder of the Ninja Sect in his words.

Due to his confidence in his strength, Liu Yu didn't feel any uneasiness about the appearance of the Six Paths Sage. At this moment, even if the Sage of Six Paths was resurrected together with his brother and his mother, Liu Yu said that she could beat three of them one by one.

Moreover, appearing at such a critical moment, Liu Yu could roughly guess what nonsense the Sage of Six Paths was going to say. "Mutual trust and assistance between companions is the real source of strength." I was tired of hearing this nonsense when I watched Naruto and various fandoms in my previous life.


"Did you do something wrong?"

Unexpectedly, the Six Paths Sage didn't talk about the so-called peace, nor did he ask Liuyu if he planned to unlock his mother's seal. Instead, he asked questions about his right and wrong.


Hearing this unexpected answer, Liu Yu was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while and shook his head again.

"I don't care about the dispute between you and your mother. I only know that your arrangement of this world must be wrong."

"You disperse chakra to establish a ninja sect, and you simply hope that people will use chakra as a bridge between each other to achieve mutual understanding and trust."

"But when you ask people to achieve all this, do you understand your mother-----Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

"At the same time, you have also forgotten that chakra is power. The amount of chakra naturally divides the classes within the ninja sect. As your son, Asura with the body of an immortal and Indra with the eyes of an immortal are The natural heir to the Ninja Sect."

"Due to their differences in ideas, they have dominated this thousand-year war."

"And you, unable to stop all this, are wandering around the world ridiculously, placing your hope in an illusory future."

"As a direct descendant of the Otsutsuki clan, you are naturally powerful, and the initial power you gained is far greater than what I once had. In that era, you could easily build everything you wanted. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that you have not seen through the nature and nature of war. The nature of chakra also does not lead people to the path of correct use of chakra.

"Your dispersion of chakra is tantamount to planting the seeds of war. Countless people have died in wars over the past thousand years because of your fault."

"Everything you did was ridiculous and stupid!"

"As a dead person, you should abide by your duty as a dead person and stop interfering."

"As for the future of this world, you don't need to worry about it anymore. I will do everything I have to do! You just need to watch quietly."

At the end of his words, Liu Yu directly began to criticize the Six Paths Sage. Let’s not talk about whether the reasoning behind it is right or not, at least you have to stand firm in terms of cards and momentum. After all, this was the Sage of Six Paths, the nominal founder of the Ninja Sect, and no one else had a chance to fight him.

More importantly, she has the biggest fist at the moment, so what she says must make sense even if it doesn't make sense. If she couldn't control the future with her power, the Six Paths Immortal might not show up to see her at all.

This world is such a naked reality. The Six Paths Immortal shouted about "love and peace," "mutual understanding," and "mutual trust" because he had the biggest fist at that time.

But now, times have changed, and now she has the biggest fist.

With the added benefit of her previous life's knowledge, Liu Yu didn't bother to engage in these theoretical wranglings. She cut through the mess quickly, put her trump card on the table, and told the Sage of Six Paths straightforwardly that she would settle everything with her absolute power.


After being slapped in the face by Liu Yu, the Immortal of Six Paths fell silent. Compared to others, Liuyu is a factor that the Six Paths Sage cannot control. Not to mention that he is just a ball of chakra wandering in the world at this moment. Even if he is fully resurrected, he is far from Liuyu's opponent.

The balance of power was on the stage, and the decision-making power was not in his own hands. All he could do seemed to be asking questions about right and wrong.

However, after listening to Liu Yu's words, the face of his mother emerged in the mind of the Six Paths Immortal. Even though she was in the middle of a battle, her eyes were still full of tears.

Seeing the silence of the Immortal of Six Paths, Liu Yu had no time to continue arguing, and directly expelled the Immortal of Six Paths from her consciousness space with a wave of her hand. After all, she still had things to do in the real world.

In the consciousness sea space, the long quarrel between Liu Yu and the Six Paths Immortal only lasted a few moments in the real world, but Liu Yu's stagnation was also captured by everyone.

Ohnoki didn't know why the other party was distracted at such a critical moment. He almost subconsciously put his hands together to prepare for such a move. The other four shadows around him were also well prepared. After all, there was no reason to let go of such a good opportunity.

But almost at the moment Ohnoki was about to take action, Bamboo Dragon changed his shape and protected Liuyu in it. His huge mouth opened, and the blue and purple colors were gestating in it. More importantly, the Seal of the Sun opened again, blocking everyone in front of them.

For a moment, the white light that had just condensed in Ohnoki's hand stopped awkwardly.


Liuyu, who had escaped from the space of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, sneered when he saw the five shadows opposite him who were about to use their skills but then stopped awkwardly. But now that it's reached this point, there's no need to continue to delay like this.

Ryukyu locked his gaze on Gaara and said, "Don't you want to know what my way to achieve peace is?"

"Now then!"

"Let you see it for yourself!"

After finishing his words, endless chakra spurted out from behind Liu Yu, and the dark purple chakra quickly built up behind Liu Yu, as if something extremely terrifying was being nurtured, and a sense of depression rose in the hearts of everyone present.

"So possible, this woman!"

Ohnoki's expression changed drastically, and an extremely terrifying inference emerged in his mind.

"Damn this woman!"

But the one who was most uneasy had to be Shukaku, who was roaring with fear deep in Gaara's heart. At this moment, it seemed that only this loud roar could slightly alleviate the fear in Shukaku's heart.

After sensing the chakra released by Ryūha, the word "death" kept flashing in front of Shukaku's eyes.

Through the perception of chakra, Shukaku knew that the monster opposite was craving for his chakra, and even the air seemed to be filled with its greed.

Shukaku understood that if he was really caught by the opponent this time, he would usher in absolute death and never have the chance to be resurrected.

After a moment, the complete body of the monster was released by Liu Yu. A monster nearly a hundred feet high was raging in front of him, and a series of negative emotions such as violence, hatred, resentment, etc. were dispersed in the air with chakra.

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