Naruto under the bamboo forest

Extra: When Ryūha became the Fifth Hokage (3)

(photo album)

After bidding farewell to Uchiha Gen, Liu Yu continued to rush towards his destination. But I didn't expect to find a new surprise next to the Cao Qian clan's clan.

"Is the Uzumaki clan rebuilt?"

Looking at the scroll-shaped clan emblem engraved on the vermilion beams and the red-haired clansmen passing by from time to time, a question mark appeared in Liuyu's mind.

Whether it is the original world or the world she lives in, the Uzumaki clan is a historical name that has disappeared. But in this world, the Uzumaki clan actually has a tendency to revive?

Also, if the red-haired Uzumaki clan is rebuilt, can Naruto with yellow hair still represent the Uzumaki clan?

Instinctively, Liu Yu cast doubt on herself in this world. Kusachi Ryūha, who has taken a different path from his own, can be said to be the only variable in this world.

Not paying too much attention to the incident along the way, after finding the Kusachi clan's clan and confirming his room in this world, Liu Yu activated her seclusion and sneaked in secretly. She had a hunch that she would find what she needed in the room.

There is an enchantment outside the room, which is activated depending on the specific identity of the incoming person. It is basically a recognition and perception type enchantment. It's just that the person who comes is considered the owner of this room in a sense, so the barrier does not change.

After arriving at the room, what I saw was not much different from what I saw at Liu Yu's residence in Yueyin Village. After all, the owner of the room was the same person, and the specific layout was not much different.

In the room, the first thing that caught Liu Yu's attention was a huge photo album on the lid of the desk in the middle of the room.

Slowly moving forward to the photo album, Liu Yu reached out and opened the photo album. The photos are arranged in order, starting with the photo of Ryuha with her father when she was young, and then the photo with Kussenfudou and Kusanagi. Liu Yu has memories of these photos, because the two people in this world were basically the same in the first half of their lives.

For these photos, Liu Yu did not quickly skip them. Instead, he caressed them slowly, and his memory couldn't help but return to the past. It is not only a recollection of past memories, but also a reflection on why? Obviously the same person is in the same world, but he has taken different paths.

When the photo album turned to the next page and looking at the new photos that came into view, Liu Yu's red lips opened slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Above the photo is a group photo of the original Haiyi class. This photo is Ryūyu's first official photo after coming to Konoha, other than the Ninja Registration Book. It is also the beginning of her life in Konoha, so Ryūyu attaches great importance to this photo.

In itself, there is nothing weird about this photo. The only thing worth exploring is the positioning of the three people.

In the photo, Yamanaka Haiichi, who is the instructor of Jonin, stands at the end, looking at his three students with a smile on his lips, and reaches out his hands to caress the heads of the students on the left and right sides.

Asuma stood between the three of them, but her little eyes couldn't stop glancing at Kurenai on the right, while Ryūha stood on the left with a look of helplessness.

Seeing this, Liu Yu was shocked that he seemed to have discovered something.

If she remembered correctly, in the world she was in, when Class Haiyi took the photo, she was standing on the far right, which was where Hong was in the photo in front of her.

That is to say, in the group photo of Haiyi Class in the two worlds, the positions of Kurenai and Ryūha are completely opposite.

After realizing this, Liu Yu frowned. When it is discovered that the two have different life trajectories, it means that the worlds they live in will usher in different directions.

But what Liu Yu didn't expect was that the first difference in their life trajectories was actually a photo, and it happened to be a group photo of the ninja team.

Looking at the photo in front of him, Ryūha's mind couldn't help but think of a photo of Kakashi's Class 7, a photo of Minato Namikaze's team, and a photo of the Third Hokage and the three of them.

Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Obito, and Orochimaru are all rebel ninjas. The only thing they have in common is that they all stand on the right when taking pictures.

Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, and Tsunade are all on the Hokage. The only thing they have in common is that they all stood on the left when taking pictures.

When you have figured this out, look at yourself standing on the left in this photo, and then think about yourself standing on the right in your own time and space. Riuyu didn't seem that confused about why he became Hokage in this world, but in the original world, he could only escape from Konoha as a rebellious ninja.

Is this considered a bad taste in the world of Naruto?

But this isn’t right either!

Whether the other people are Hokage or rebel ninja, they still have a Hokage teacher. But his teacher Yamanaka Kazuichi is just the Minister of Intelligence, so he shouldn't have such a strong causal effect!

Besides, if you really follow this law of cause and effect, then the fifth or sixth generation Hokage in the world you live in should be Red, and the Red in this world should defect.

"Continue to talk nonsense:

So I arranged for Uchiha Izumi's survival, or it can be said that as early as when I started writing, I decided that Uchiha Itachi would die under Uchiha Izumi's revenge. It's not Sasuke's kind of revenge like a kid who was coaxed into playing house, but both parties understand everything and make their own true choices.

Next is Uchiha Obito. Whether it is from the protagonist's life journey or the author's personal perception, I don't really like Obito's way of abandoning the darkness and turning to the light in the end. Personally, I hope that the Obito in the original work will be the same. Either go to hell or never fall into it.

So in the end I arranged for Obito's absolute death!


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