Naruto under the bamboo forest

Extra: When Ryūha becomes the Fifth Hokage (5)

(Boy friend?)

Liuyu continued to flip through the photo album, but the more she flipped through, the more uneasy she felt!

The source of this uneasiness is Kakashi in the photo.

Perhaps the feeling in his heart shouldn't be described as uneasiness, but Ryūyu couldn't find a more accurate way to describe it. In other words, Ryūyu now doesn't know how to face Kakashi in this world.

If all this was true, she didn't know what to think of Kakashi after returning to her original world.

Starting from Naruto's first birthday, Kakashi seems to appear in photos more and more frequently. Not only does every birthday celebration of Naruto appear in the background, but even Naruto's opening ceremony. coming.

In the photo of the opening ceremony, we don’t mention Naruto with a sunny smile on his face holding Ryūha’s right hand, but the problem is that this brat Naruto is still holding Kakashi’s left hand!

Kakashi stood on the left, Ryuha stood on the right, and Naruto was in the middle holding their hands.

Yes, the photos look very warm and harmonious, with a sense of family warmth. But the problem also lies in this scene, which looks very harmonious and warm, with a warmth like family.

Ninja School Ryūha is still very familiar. As ninja parents, most of them will attend their children's opening ceremony, and most of them will accompany their children to take photos.

Such a photo itself can already explain a lot of problems. If it were viewed by someone who didn't know it, they might recognize the three people in the photo as a family.

As Naruto's aunt and guardian, Ryuyu had no problem attending Naruto's opening ceremony. Accompanying Naruto to the opening ceremony was one of her responsibilities.

But the problem is

Kakashi, what are you doing here?

What does Naruto's opening ceremony have to do with you? In what capacity did you come to attend the opening ceremony? Also, Kakashi, didn’t you become an ANBU? Where do you get so much time to take pictures?

Ryuyu could actually guess the relationship between himself and Kakashi in this world. Although he was reluctant to face such a reality, there was a faint voice in his heart telling him: "Yes, the relationship between you and Kakashi in this world is just as you guessed!"

She was not surprised that a teenager and a girl in adolescence could have a crush on each other and reach this point, but this seemed abnormal to her.

Does she have a crush on Kakashi?

Undoubtedly yes, but it definitely has nothing to do with love. In her previous life, she liked the character of Kakashi very much. She thought Kakashi was handsome, strong and reliable, and an excellent partner worthy of trusting everything.

But that doesn't mean she has those feelings for Kakashi!

After thinking of this, Liuyu wanted to see herself in this world. She wanted to grab her neck and ask her loudly, how did she get to this point with Kakashi?

Liuyu didn't dare to continue scrolling down the photos. Although she wanted to know what kind of different path she had taken in this world, she was more worried that she would find a photo of herself wearing Bai Wujin at the back. .

Then he looked back at the bedroom layout behind him and felt something was even more wrong. The proportions of this bed don't seem to be that of a single bed; there seem to be a lot of men's items in the room's furnishings.

"I talk a lot of nonsense:

The overall performance of this book is disastrous. If I really relied on this book to make a living, I would have starved to death on the streets!

(′3`)sigh~So, this book was really written based on my love for Naruto.

At that time, there were actually a few people who joined the group to write fanfics at the same time. Basically, they said that writing books was their own interest. They purely relied on their love for the original work, and they would insist on finishing it even if no one read it.

But it turns out that eight and a half out of ten authors who say this are farting, and I am one of the remaining one and a half.

The score of this book is not very good, but after all, I wrote it myself, and it has feelings after all. Sometimes I also think that if I open a new book, I will definitely find an opportunity to invite Ryuyu to make a guest appearance.

To be honest, even now, I still have a lot of extra ideas that I want to write (I’ve started two). It doesn’t matter whether other people read them or not. Anyway, I’m quite happy when I’m writing them.

Now, I don’t expect and can’t expect to make money from this, so just be happy. In my free time, if I don’t want to play games, read novels, and don’t have work to do, I can just open a document and type a few words quietly. This is a good way for me to pass the time. (Yes, that’s why updates are so slow.)”

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