Naruto under the bamboo forest

Extra: When Ryūha became the Fifth Hokage (7)

(See you!)

Liu Yu, who was originally debating whether to continue browsing the photo album, was suddenly stunned, and then shifted his gaze to an open space behind him.

Familiar and complex patterns unfolded in conjunction with the ripples of space, and a mysterious sun was reflected in the sky.

"I'm finally back!"

Seeing the Sun Seal unfolding, Liu Yu's face showed a hint of expectation.

It was only a matter of time before her whereabouts were exposed. After all, she had sneaked into the other party's room. If Ryuyu Kusanagi in this world sensed her, there was no reason to be indifferent to her arrival.

Rather, Liu Yu is looking forward to seeing himself in this world. He has many questions, and perhaps he can get better answers only by asking another "self".

"Ruyu, you"

Before the person arrived, the voice came first, but then the words could no longer be said.

Kakashi, who was the first to step out of the Seal of the Sun, was startled when he looked at the person playing with the photo album. The face that was the most familiar to him and the iconic long green hair all showed that the person was playing with the photo album. It was Liu Yu.

But Kakashi then turned to look at the alien Ryūha behind him who was wearing a god robe, his throat was rising and falling, he just didn't know what to say.

At first, Kakashi thought that Ryūha, who was looking through the photo album, was a shadow clone, but then Kakashi rejected his idea. For him, Alikyu Yu is the person he is most familiar with, but even though the person in front of him has exactly the same appearance and chakra fluctuations as Alikai Ryūyu, he feels a vague sense of alienation from her body. feel.

This feeling of alienation reminded him that the person in front of him who had the same appearance as Liu Yu from another world was not that close to him. That meant that the person in front of him was not the Liuyu from another world he was familiar with.

If not, who is this person in front of me? Liu Yu’s twin sister? I don’t remember that there is such a person in the Caoqian clan.

Afterwards, Kakashi's mind flashed through what Ryūha Itokai said before, "Supposedly we can't see each other, but we are the most familiar people to each other."

Thinking of this, Kakashi seemed to know the identity of the person in front of him, but he felt even more incredible. Because compared to the origin of the person in front of him, the shadow clone of Ryūha from another world or the long-lost twin sister of Ryūha from another world seems more reasonable.


After Ryuyu stepped out of the other world, he ignored Kakashi's troubles and instead smiled and said hello to Ryuyu.

After all, no matter where Liu Yu is, they are essentially travelers from another world. It is easier for them to accept themselves from another parallel universe.

"Ah hello!"

Liuyu replied in an appropriate manner, but compared to the other party's interest in her, she focused more on Kakashi and underestimated, "It seems that he has really reached that point."

But looking at Kakashi picking it up

Liuyu from another world smiled. From this point on, she had found one of the different directions of Liuyu in the two worlds, and she also understood why Liuyu in front of her was in such a state.


But even though Kakashi was handsome, Ryūha couldn't help but ask the otherworldly Ryūha. After all, if she were to accept Kakashi, it would still be a bit difficult to take that step.

"Kakashi, you first go to the Hokage Building to help deal with the backlog of documents these days. I will have a good chat with her."

Isekai Ryūha did not answer directly. Instead, he spoke to Kakashi beside him. His words even contained a hint of flattery and coquettishness involuntarily.

"There's really nothing I can do about you!"

Kakashi's face was filled with doting and helplessness, but he also knew that Ryūha from another world and the Ryūha in front of him, who might be from another world, had a lot to say, so he didn't refuse. After packing his things, he left the door and faced the Hokage. Rush to the building.

"This is the most unexpected turn of events for me!"

Seeing how skilled Kakashi was in this room, Ryuyu couldn't help but complain to Ryuyu from another world after Kakashi left.

But I have to say, this kind of complaining to myself in another world is really a rare experience.

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