"It's so anxious to leave."

"We haven't even had time to thank them."

At the port of Dresrosa, watching the Dragon City and the others leave by boat, King Liku, Violet, Rebecca and others were full of regret.

Dragon City originally planned to rest in Dresrosa for a while, but learned that Momanosuke had been arrested, he had to temporarily change his plan.

At noon the next day, after confirming that the Donquixote Family had left, he also left by boat.

At this time, in addition to...Dragon City, Jinbei, Garlotte, Kanjuro, Guy Sakulang, and Monet! Although Doflamingo has been defeated, the cautious Monet did not reveal his identity as a spy.

At this point, I have to say that Monet is really an excellent spy, just as good as Kanjuro.

So she naturally continued to follow Dragon City in order to report Dragon City's movements to Doflamingo.

Although Doflamingo agreed to cooperate with Dragon City, the real relationship between the two is still the enemy! From the defeat of Donquixote Family, it can be proved that it is not a bad thing to have a spy around him, so Dragon City did not break Monet.

Of course, after Dresrosa's defeat, Doflamingo, who had doubts about Monet, may no longer trust her completely.

Therefore, if Longcheng wants to use her and set Doflamingo, it will not be so easy.

However, even if the strength is relatively low, after all, he is still a rare Logia capable person.

Besides, Monet didn't look bad, so he put it next to him, just as a vase for the facade.


Momanosuke is regarded as a rare beast, and should have been brought to the aunt's base camp, Totland of All Nations! Totland is located in the specific location of New World, which Dragon City does not know.

But before in the horror barque, he got the aunt's life card from Lola.

With the guidance of this life card, he can find the aunt and find Totlan.

However, at this time, Jinbei followed Dragon City's instructions to steer the ship with all his strength, not towards Totland, but Zuow! "It should be in time..."

Although Momanosuke is trapped in Totland, there is no danger for the time being, and it is even safer than ordinary people.After all, the aunt will not let people harm her pets at will.

In contrast, the furry Principality of Zou is truly at stake! Since Kanjuro and the others have already been to Zou, then this news is likely to have passed back to the country of Wano.

Kaido, who received the news, is likely to send someone to attack the furry principality in order to eliminate hidden dangers in advance.

In fact, the plot in the original book is the same.

The highest combat power of Beasts Pirates, Jack the Drough, one of the three plagues, led people to invade the furry duchy.

Duke Inuran and the shopkeeper of the cat Viper lost their arms and legs.

Out of this concern, Longcheng hurried back to the rescue.

According to the calculation of the distance between the two sides, although time is tight, it should be too late.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Of course, in order to avoid Kanjuro's suspicion, Long said he was going back to rescue.

It just said that to rescue Momosuke from the aunt, he needed the combat power of the shaggy Principality of Zou.

"Hey, this is great."

Longcheng's explanation was reasonable, and Kanjuro did not revolt in the slightest.

In fact, he, who considers himself a perfect actor, can't think of the reason why Longcheng lied to him.

Moreover, for...Dragon City's move, Kanjuro's mind was on the contrary.

After all, that is the Aunt Pirates, one of the Four Emperors in New World, how easy it is to invade not only the furry principality, Kanjuro even hopes that Dragon City will gather all the people who resist the big snake, and then borrow the aunt. With his hand, they will be wiped out in one go! "It's still only one shot."

For this matter, at present, just let it go, without the intervention of Orochi and Kaido.

But Kanjuro thought for a while, and still delivered a message.

I drew an extremely realistic bird with my right hand, and then with a fluttering sound, the bird was alive! He sneaked away from the stern and flew straight to the country of Wano.

This is Kanjuro's Devil Fruit ability, which can make the things he paints live.

In order to hide his strength, Kanjuro used his left hand to paint in front of people, and the paintings were unsightly.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Kanjuro simply spoiled this fruit.

But in fact, he is very good at drawing with his right hand! The ink bird just now has no combat effectiveness and is used to convey information.

Only the big snake takes out the special paper, the bird will hit it, and then it will become text, intelligence.


After doing this, Kanjuro smiled triumphantly, and then continued to play the image of a loyal servant who had trouble sleeping and eating because his master was arrested.

In addition to...Kanjuro, the other people on the ship also have their own ideas, such as Guy Sa, such as Monet.

These people are all under the control of Dragon City, and they don't bother to pay attention.

At this time, he was sitting on the bow deck, his eyes closed, and he was practicing! Before fighting against Doflamingo, he unexpectedly awakened Conqueror's Haki.

As only one in a million people, and a symbol of the king's qualifications, Conqueror's Haki has an excellent effect.

But the performance in the original book, this ability is completely useless when facing masters, and can only be used to clear small soldiers.

Therefore, in Longcheng's view, it is far inferior to armed color, seeing and hearing color is practical, it is really tasteless.

"it should be OK!"

However, because of... such a tasteless ability, Longcheng suddenly had an idea.

Conqueror's Haki, whether it can be combined with his fruit ability, Dragon City, as a phantom beast capable person, in addition to... Zoan's three-stage transformation, there is also a charm ability.

But up to now, the specific use of Dragon City's charm ability has only been'thousands of faces', the world is repetitive, and there is still a certain distance from the real illusion.

The reason for this is that... the fox incense used to create hallucinations is extremely difficult to control the blending itself.

There is another important reason, that is, the amount is not enough...! To increase the amount of fox incense, thereby expanding the scope of illusion arts, and the power of illusion arts, this requires years of continuous cultivation.

But obviously, Dragon City currently does not have this time.

At exactly this time, Conqueror's Haki awakened, and he immediately thought of whether Conqueror's Haki can be combined with Huxiang and how to improve its power. "It's definitely possible!"

Dragon City, who has traveled from the world of Naruto, knows the so-called illusion, the first thing to do is...conquer the spirit of others.

And Conqueror's Haki is a deterrent skill! If you use Conqueror's Haki, you can attack and shake the spiritual defense of others.

In this way, even if the amount of fox incense is lacking, it should still be effective.

The more he thought about the higher the feasibility, Longcheng couldn't help feeling excited.

"Although it is tasteless, it is really difficult to master."

Of course, if you want to combine Conqueror's Haki with illusion, you must first master Conqueror's Haki proficiently.

At this time, I have to say that the ability to be one of a million talents is more difficult to master than Armed Color and Observation Haki.

In the following time, Long Cheng sat at the bow of the ship every day and began to concentrate on cultivating Conqueror's Haki.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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