Rumble!...The violent sound of the bomb explosion resounded through the sky, passing hundreds of kilometers away.

Akainu's giant lava fist turned into a wide range of meteors scattered on the sea in a violent explosion.

The violent shock wave instantly spread to the sea, blasting a huge deep pit on the sea, dispersing the fleet.

"Hurry up and stabilize!"

"Don't fall off the boat!"



On the turbulent sea, the warship was swayed by the violent explosion of the artillery shells, shaking the Marine officers and soldiers on the warship to each other.

In addition to... the terrifying shock wave, a heat wave after the explosion also followed, burning the air on the sea, and the officers and soldiers on the fleet seemed to be on the charcoal.


"It's hot!"

"so horrible!"


Hush...!! Hush...!! Puff! Puff! The giant lava punch that was blown up by the shells fell on the surface of the sea.

Boom! Suddenly there was a loud noise, and one of the warships was hit by falling lava fragments, and suddenly exploded, all the officers and soldiers on the warship were blown into flight.




The power of this explosion caused the entire sea to tremble, and even the Dragon City group that was a dozen kilometers away was affected.

A shock wave came, making everyone almost unstable.(Read more @

I saw a bright spot suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the entire sky was almost flooded with dazzling white light, and the sound of an explosion that might be enough to spread across the entire sea.

"what happened!"

"Is it an explosion! The power is so terrifying!"

The Duke of Inulan, the shopkeeper of the cat and the snake, all showed horror.

"Longcheng boss, fortunately, I am fast!"

Caribou said in shock.

"It's Bondiwald's strongest move, a 100-fold cannon that can extinguish an island in an instant!"

Long Cheng's eyes also showed surprise, and said in a solemn tone.

Dragon City, who opened the Absolute Domain Observation, has the most intuitive experience of this gun plus the power of Akainu's Great Spitfire.

Even if Dragon City knew the power of Bondiwald's 100 times cannon in the original work, it was still shocking to see it with his own eyes.

After firing this shot, Bondiwald was still exhausted and almost fell.

At this time, Wald's battleship was slowly sinking, and the water on the sea was almost reaching the ground under Wald's feet.

"Boss Wald! Let's go back to the battleship quickly!"

Seeing Bondiwald's swaying body, it seemed that he was about to fall, Naqin yelled anxiously.

Then Naqin ran to Wald and Bin Jack and picked up Bin Jack's body.

Bondiwald stretched his hand on the gun mount, barely supporting his body.

"It didn't even blow them up!"

Bondiwald clenched his fists, staring at the thick smoke that exploded on the sea, and his eyes showed unwillingness and hatred.

Akainu was unscathed! The power of the explosion just now was too terrifying. After Akainu launched the giant fire-breathing giant lava fist, he had to quickly cast Moonwalk away from the explosion center and return to the warship.

"Huh! Old immortal fellow!"

Akainu snorted coldly, frowned tightly, and was also secretly surprised.

No wonder Bondiwald was called a "world destroyer" by the World government and Marine 30 years ago

The power of this gun just now, if it were to blast Mary Geoise, it would really be possible to destroy Mary Geoise in one shot! Bondivard has this kind of power, and the world government and Marine are most afraid of Bondiwald Thoughts and speech.

Wherever he went, he destroyed it, and even advertised that Mary Geoise and Marin Vandor would fly! The World government and Marine paid so much attention to the movement of the Ward Pirates, precisely because Bondiwald acted so perversely, and was drifting between Marine and Potential threats beyond the pirate's balance.

So as soon as I got the information from Bondiwald, Akainu and others dispersed and led their teams to hunt the pirates. When they encountered the Ward Pirates, they immediately tried their best to kill and capture the group! Similarly, due to being imprisoned in Impel For thirty years down, Bondiwald was not very familiar with the existing Marine system.

After being released from prison, Bin Jack once told Wald about Marine's intelligence, and Wald only heard about the new generation of Marine Admiral Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, but he has never played against each other.

At this time, the impact of the shell explosion dissipated, and Wald and Akainu looked at each other across the sea.

"Boss Wald, let's go!"

Naiqin hugged Jack Bin and urged.

Wald took a deep look at Akainu, his eyes full of hatred and gloom, as if he wanted to carve Akainu's appearance in his bones.

"I, Bondiwald, vowed to smash Marine to death!"

Wald stood upright and yelled to the sky in anger regardless of his injuries.

Naiqin stood on the side and felt deafening.All the officers and soldiers of the fleet on the sea in the distance heard Bundywald's crazy roar.

The sea has already flowed over the soles of Wald's feet, and it won't take long for the warship to sink completely into the sea.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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