"Teacher, if you need it, I can help anytime."

Sakazuki said decisively.

The black wrist Zephyr nodded, and focused his gaze on Dragon City again.I have to say that this young man always seems to have a mysterious color on his body.While facing the two of himself and Akainu, he can be calm and calm. calm.

This kind of aura and battle spirit is exactly what Black Wrist Zephyr has been teaching new marines, but he never expected that he would see this in such a young pirate.

"Moonlight Dragon City, it's a pity that you are a pirate, and I am Marine. You and I stand in absolute opposition. Otherwise, I really want to communicate with you more."

Black Wrist Zephyr said from the bottom of his heart.

Dragon City didn't have so much leisure time to deal with them here.He never expected that Marine would even dispatch an organization.

This is a new Marine that advocates absolute justice.Even if Dragon City utters a bad mouth, Zephyr's belief in the black wrist cannot be changed.

That being the case, it's better to start doing it directly.

What's more, they have been delayed for so long, and they don't know what happened to Shock Fruit. Someone has found it. Originally, Longcheng still wanted to use the side tap to ask about the specific situation of Shock Fruit, but the black wrist Zephyr is an old fox, it is impossible to give a clue, so he quickly dismissed it.

"Hey hey!!"

At the same time, three people 3 walked out of the cabin behind Zephyr Black Wrist.Dragon City felt that the situation might be getting worse and worse, because Marine itself had a special existence.

Those three were Mr. Shuzo, the cadre, Miss Ain, a mysterious female scientist, and Mr. Binz, whose rank was unknown.

"Have you gathered three Marine members at once?"

Shen Xun murmured a few words in a low voice.

Realizing that he not only has to deal with Zephyr, but also beware of attacks by Sakazuki, Mr. Binz, and Miss Ain.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Especially the female scientist Ain, her regressive fruits are extremely terrible, but everyone who is hit by her flames will take the twelve-year-old turn and regress until they disappear.

In other words..., Dragon City is now nineteen years old. If it is touched by the other party, it will go back twelve years, and change back to seven years old. If it is touched again, it will be removed from this world. disappear.

"Mr. Shuzo, get on the sailing suit on the Clippers and go down to the sea to see how the bear is injured."

Black Wrist Zephyr ordered.

After all, in the organization's group, there are very few Marines without Devil Fruit, and this time, only Shuzo is here.

Mr. Shuzo didn't hesitate at all, he turned and left.

Akainu really didn’t want to miss such a good opportunity to catch Moonlight Dragon City alive, so he said, “Huh, Dragon City, if you just followed my instructions, maybe I will spare you one to capture you alive, but if you Falling into Marine's hands, I am afraid that the consequences would be unthinkable."

Dragon City did not oppose Akainu's words. On the contrary, he also showed his gaze of approval.Although Black-Wristed Zephyr does not kill the pirates, according to his explanation just now, it seems to be explaining to Dragon City that he can not kill the pirates. Killing does not mean that the Marine behind him will not kill.

This is enough to prove that the black wrist Zephyr, who has always admired the dragon city in the past, is no more than a downright hypocrite.

The thought of tears in Longcheng made Longcheng's heart angry.Fortunately, Duke Inulan, Cat Viper and their combat power are not weak.As long as they unite with Isshin, they should be able to block the white bear's wild blow in a short time.


Longcheng thought for a lifetime, and with a slight movement under his feet, he disappeared from the place in an instant.

"Marine Six Styles? Me too!"


Similarly, the black wrist Zephyr proudly used the "shave" under rapid speed.

, Is competing in speed with Dragon City.

It must be admitted that Black Wrist Zephyr, with decades of research on Marine Six Styles, is far from Sakazuki, Aokiji and others in terms of instantaneous movement speed.

If Dragon City's shave hadn't been strengthened by the system, maybe this battle would have ended if it lasted less than five seconds5.

At this time, whether it was Akainu or all the members of the Marine ship, after seeing the weird scene in front of them, they suddenly showed a look of surprise, and their faces were shocked, and some even couldn't even speak.




Because in front of them, the figures of Dragon City and Black Wrist Zephyr flashed repeatedly, appearing for a while, disappearing for a while, appearing in the air, and appearing on the deck of the sea.

And they don't even have room to intervene, they can only watch it.

As everyone knows, Dragon City and Black Wrist Zephyr are actually competing against the "Moonwalk" in Marine Six Styles.

And "shaved"

Akainu's complexion is even more weird at this moment, his gums are clenched, his face is hideous, and his heart is angry.

Unexpectedly, the speed of Moonlight Dragon City has reached this level. It is also blamed for him to escape from his own hands every time...

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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