Dragon City's tone at this time was very determined, and there was no choice between Sengoku.After Sengoku heard it, a black line appeared on his forehead.

In any case, the order to persuade Dragon City to join Seven Warlords of the Sea has been issued, although Sengoku really wants to make this great contribution so that he can get more benefits from the World government when he retires from the Marine headquarters in the future.

The election of Yuanshi candidate is indeed true, and Sengoku also believes that it is time for him to hand over the important task of Marine Yuanshi to the next candidate.

"Moonlight Dragon City, I have basically explained what I should say to you. As for whether you listen or not, you can only do what you want. However, I still want to advise you, it is best to obey our Marine, so no matter what It is good for you and for the partners around you. How do you think your strength compares with the red-haired Shanks, Kaido, these... Four Emperors"

Sengoku suddenly pretended to be yin and yang strange and said.

The main reason is that once Dragon City resolutely opposes relying on the World government, the World government is bound to push Dragon City into a desperate situation.

It should be noted here that it is World government that wants to force Dragon City to join, not Marine, so in terms of threat, World government is far above Marine.

But these..., Dragon City is obviously still not aware of it at this moment, just a slight shock, always feel that the other party has something in the words, especially Sengoku deliberately used Dragon City's partners as an example, standing in a hostile position, this is undoubtedly a kind of Suggestive intimidation.

As long as Dragon City does not surrender, Marine or the World government will attack his companions at any time.

"Cut! Didn't you think that in order to achieve its goals, the World government started not to break its hands?"

Long Cheng thought to himself.

"Why Moonlight Dragon City, don't you know how to answer me?"

Sengoku chuckled and asked.

"Marshal Sengoku, you are still a little special today, you have become more talkative,"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Longcheng responded, "With my current ability, naturally I can't compare with the Four Emperors."

Dragon City does not deny this, and he has never overly conceited that he can compete with Kaido...Four Emperors at this time.

The so-called Four Emperors originally meant the emperor of the sea.

"That's right."

Sengoku thought that Moonlight Dragon City was so arrogant and arrogant that he was...the strongest person in the world, and this guy was a little self-aware.

"Moonlight Dragon City, you are a wise man. If the world government wants to kill you, it can be said that it will not take any effort. Even the red-haired Shanks, Kaido, and the like are willing to submit to the world. Looks like, don’t wait until the World government has completely run out of patience and will regret it when it has to be true to you."

, Sengoku believes that he has made it very clear that if Dragon City is still obsessed with it, then he can only follow him and explain the credit, and he has no chance with Sengoku.

In that case, he had to leave the matter to his organization, such as the secret spy agency organization, the new Marine of the black wrist Zephyr, etc., the success or failure has nothing to do with him.

If Moonlight Dragon City really doesn't take his words seriously, then Dragon City's bounty will also soar to 1.3 billion! Hanging up the phone, Dragon City fell into contemplation.

Sengoku's suggestion is already obvious, he is a little skeptical, the world government has begun to point the finger at him, whoever is a friend is an enemy, which is probably what it means.

If it is only Dragon City, he can be completely fearless of World Government, because he has a strengthening system, and all he lacks is time.As long as there is enough time, he can become: stronger than now.

"Master Dragon City, are you okay? Look at your worried look. Could it be that Sengoku is threatening us"

Monet cared.

Long Cheng smiled briefly at her, did not say much, and then walked out of the cabin.

"Guy Sakuran, your medicine works very well, thanks."

Long Cheng raised his head and pointed his thumb at Guy in the cockpit.

Guy Sakulang was praised by Dragon City for the first time, and he was a little overwhelmed, and his heart tightened...

In the Marine camp.

After Sakazuki made a new deployment, he was about to return to the office.He was walking on the deck, and his mind kept reverberating with what Sengoku had said to him.

If Moonlight Dragon City really joins Seven Warlords of the Sea, then the two of them can't see and bow their heads. Wouldn't they want Tenten to pinch? What's more, Sakazuki has repeatedly smashed his head in Dragon City's hands before, I am afraid that the other party will despise him more in the future. , Especially in front of Marine.

This is undoubtedly a shame for Sakazuki of Marine San Admiral! "Damn it's Dragon City!"

At this time, he instructed a helmsman again, "Master Yuan called just now. After three minutes, I will change the course in a direction 15 degrees north, and Kizaru Admiral will meet us there!"


After the helmsman got the order, maybe he rushed to the cab to inform everyone.

Just as Akainu was about to turn around, suddenly, out of his eyes, he saw something...

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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