Although Akainu has informed Zephyr about the World government Zhao’an Dragon City, like Akainu, he has always implemented "absolute justice".

Zephyr, the black-handed stance, is unwilling to let Dragon City join Seven Warlords of the Sea. This kind of approach is clear...

What's more, Moonlight Dragon City once blatantly killed Celestial Dragons in front of Akainu, and said that he should bring justice to him. Does this mean that there is only one justice in the face of World government and Marine in public! That is Marine and Marine. World government! Pirates are always the evil side! People like Moonlight Dragon City must never allow him...the slightest chance to grow and expand.

Sakazuki, who was once swept around by Dragon City, should have been one of the happiest people at this moment, but he still couldn't laugh.

This is mainly because Moonlight Dragon City did not die in his hands, but died in the hands of Charlotte Linlin, which may become a regret in his life.

"Teacher, Kizaru, since Moonlight Dragon City is dead, should we also consider how to get to the island"

Sakazuki returned to the original question and asked.

The black-armed Zephyr sighed, and said, "This is not for us. It's weird to say that this storm is also weird. It can actually dissolve the power of Devil Fruit. Right now, we can only rely on Charlotte Linlin to smooth the two volcanoes. , And then consider the issue of landing on the island."

Kizaru said, "But, sir, if we really razed those two volcanoes to the ground, wouldn't all the...magma erupt, like a scourge that cannot be suppressed," At that time, I was afraid it would be extremely detrimental to our search for Shock Fruit."


Suddenly, the corner of the black wrist Zephyr's mouth twitched, showing a slight smile, intentionally turned his back, turned his back to the people of the Pirates, and whispered to Sakazuki and Kizaru, "I want this result, because at that time , Magma is likely to cover more than half of the island, but some rocks fell from the sky... Even if the average pirate successfully landed on the island, he would never dare to light the central location, and we happened to be able to, at this time, Let Sakazuki sneak away from Charlotte Linlin's eyelids. With Lava-Lava Fruit, there is no need to worry about what the magma will do to you."

.(Read more @

Looking at the three senior generals in front of them, talking and laughing, Bartholemew Kuma, a born and dead tyrant with a fish-faced face, held a Bible in his hand, standing on the edge of the warship, which was constantly erupting volcanoes.

Obviously, among all the people present, he is the only one who still doesn't believe that Dragon City is dead, because he still hasn't figured out how Moonlight Dragon City escaped from his bear paw in the first place. He appeared in front of him promptly and kicked him flying.

But at this moment, the Pirate Ship was also talking about how to snatch Shock Fruit from Marine.

And Charlotte Katakuri walked out of the crowd again, and hinted to Charlotte Linlin, "Mom, if we can't get to the island within three minutes, I'm afraid Shock Fruit's situation will change. Into the hands of others!"


After listening to Charlotte Kata Kuri's words, Charlotte Linlin's original embrace of joy disappeared instantly, and her face became savage, "Kata Kuri, you can explain to me clearly why Shock Fruit will fall into others. Isn’t Moonlight Dragon City dead?"

Charlotte Katakuri replied calmly, "No, I am not referring to this, because there is another pirate on the island."

"Who is it, tell me, I will get rid of him by the way!"

Charlotte Linlin had a murderous heart at this time.Who would dare to stop her from taking Shock Fruit, or want to fight with her, what she said would not let the other party have good fruit.

"I am not very familiar with this person, but as far as I know, this person seems to be able to tie Whitebeard, and as far as the current situation is concerned, he is clearly on the top."

Charlotte Katakuri explained.

"Quickly tell me, where is that guy? I want to cut him in half like I killed Moonlight Dragon City!"

After all, Charlotte Linlin once again wielded the sword "Napoleon"

Regarding... the fact that Whitebeard did not die, Charlotte Linlin didn't feel surprised, but what she didn't expect was that there was a pirate who could tie Whitebeard.

If this was said from someone else, even her other children would not easily believe me, but she was the only one who believed in Charlotte Katakuri's words.

However, Kata Kuri said, "It's a pity, mom, that... the pirates and Whitebeard are at the other end of the island. If we rush over now and eliminate the influence of the surrounding storm, it will take at least half an hour."

"The damn guy, who would it be?"

Charlotte Linlin was furious again.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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