Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Chapter 101 The Night of the Uchiha Clan Extermination (4k)

"Damn old devil Sarutobi!"

In the sealed space, Uzumaki Kushina gritted her teeth and said: "Little Naruto's talent is obviously ridiculously strong, but that old ghost actually stole our family's inheritance and secret techniques.

"Just use a few C-level and B-level breaking ninjutsu to fool little Naruto. Who cares about those rubbish things!!"

The more Kushina thought about it, the angrier she became, and she rounded and flattened the little Kyuubi in her arms, making Kyuubi's face filled with despair.

Naruto can now be considered a perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, but it is still not safe in the eyes of Kushina, a mother.

Of course my son deserves the best.

"I made a decision!"

A trace of determination flashed in Kushina's eyes, she patted Kyuubi's head and said firmly: "I want to teach Naruto all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan."

After saying that, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Minato aside.

Seeing this, Minato could only smile bitterly and nod.

As a civilian-born Hokage, he not only has solid knowledge of ninjutsu, but also has rich practical experience.

In addition to earth and water, the body has five chakra attributes: fire, wind, thunder, yin and yang.

Although his ninjutsu background is slightly inferior to that of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Minato has quite superb attainments in ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusions, and sealing techniques.

This was also the reason why Menma chose to keep the Minato couple.

Being able to get personal information from Minato and his wife, Naruto's current strength can still grow.

"Guest, I've been waiting for a long time! Your ramen!"

The energetic sound of beating hands and the scent of ramen on the tip of his nose directly interrupted Naruto's thoughts.

"Oh? It looks great!"

Looking at the delicious ramen, Naruto's eyes lit up and he felt his index finger moving.

Naruto clasped his hands together and said politely, "I'm going to start."

When Teuchi saw the smile on Naruto's face, Teuchi couldn't help but smile with relief.


Night gradually fell, and the bright moon slowly rose into the night sky.

In the Uchiha clan's territory, a figure clad in faint moonlight squatted on a tall telephone pole.

Those scarlet eyes stared coldly at everything in the clan.

"For the sake of peace in Konoha, forgive me..."

The tone was cold and ruthless, as if he was speaking to someone, but also as if he was comforting himself.

As soon as the words fell, the figure disappeared from the spot instantly.

After he disappeared, ripples and distortions suddenly appeared in the air.

Uchiha Obito, wearing a one-eyed mask, walked out of the twisted space.

"Haha~ It's time to end the fate of this stupid family."

Obito sneered and said without looking back: "Zetsu, you are responsible for collecting the Sharingan, but remember to leave some for someone."

A pitcher plant with a black and white face also slowly emerged from the ground. The white face grinned with a mouth full of fangs and said: "Don't worry, I will keep some."

How interesting.

Two members of the Uchiha clan actually wanted to completely destroy the Uchiha clan.

Even Master Madara didn't do this at first, which really makes people feel that things are unpredictable.

"As long as the Uchiha elites in the police force are eliminated, it will be much easier for Itachi to kill the other Uchiha people living in the Uchiha area."

Obito didn't know Zetsu's little thoughts, so he moved to the police force.

At the same time, on the outskirts of the Uchiha clan's territory, many masked ninjas were hiding in the darkness.

They surrounded the Uchiha clan from several directions, and then began to form seals in unison.

The next moment, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared, directly covering the entire Uchiha clan.

Even if a member of the Uchiha clan sends a distress signal, it will be blocked by the barrier. If someone wants to escape, there is no way to break through the barrier.

If you try to break through the barrier, you will only face the strangulation of the root ninja.

It can be said that everything is ready and there is no omission.

And within the shadowy root base.

Standing under the moonlight, Danzo looked up at the full moon in the sky.

The bright moon seemed to be stained with traces of blood red, looking both charming and evil.

"Hmph, Sarutobi, you are old. Konoha is the real Konoha after losing Uchiha."

Danzo gave a sneer, then turned to look at the calligraphy work behind him.

"People and trees are the same. The more they yearn for the sunshine at high places, the more their roots will stretch into the dark underground."

This sentence has become his recognized root will and is deeply engraved in the hearts of all root ninjas.

Danzo always believed that only he could lead Konoha to prosperity.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen, that hypocritical coward who was hiding in the Hokage's office and had "no knowledge" of the Uchiha genocide...

He is no longer the Shinobu that he was before, who did not hesitate to leave Teacher Tobirama to die with him!


But it was in the place they ignored - Konoha Prison.

"Hey, why do you feel a little cold today?"

"You didn't listen when I asked you to put on more clothes. If you don't know what to say, why hasn't that Daohuo guy come today?"

Two jailors stood outside the prison, talking boredly.

But while the two were talking.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The two of them were startled at first, then subconsciously became vigilant.

But after seeing the face of the visitor clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daohuo, why are you so mysterious? It scared me."

One of the guards complained angrily: "I knew you..."

However, looking at the uncharacteristically expressionless Dao Huo, the other jailer with a calm temper frowned.

Why does Dao Huo feel weird today?

"Keizo, Keiyu."

Dao Huo suddenly interrupted the jailer's chatter and said in a calm tone: "I am very grateful for your continued care."

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

The jailer named Keizo looked puzzled, but the next second it turned into shock.

"Ho ho, ho!"

A cold light flashed, Keiji's eyes widened, he covered his bleeding neck, and slowly fell to the ground.

thump! !

"Dahuo! You..."

Another jailer named Jingyu looked horrified, completely unaware of Dao Huo's sudden attack.

In their impression, Inari was a stable and harmless Uchiha.

But when Jingyu came to his senses and wanted to take out his weapon.

Dao Huo turned his head suddenly, and the moment his eyes met Jing Yu's, the magatama in his eyes moved rapidly.

Jingyu's movements froze, and then he fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do about it."

Dao Huo's expression remained unmoved and he directly moved the two bodies aside.

Immediately the prison door was opened.


Walking into the prison, wherever the fire hit, prisoners who were still confused about the situation fell in the prison.

"Rice fire?"

After hearing the footsteps in prison, Setsuna slowly opened his eyes.

I don’t know whether it was sadness or helplessness: “It seems that this day has finally arrived.”

He could already smell the blood on Dao Huo.

In other words, today is the day when the Uchiha clan will be exterminated.

Dao Huo looked at his grandfather and said in a regretful tone: "I only gathered forty-three children, and the others were entangled for various reasons."

His temperament was somewhat peaceful, but it was a pity that he could not help Uchiha leave more fire.

Setsuna was silent for a moment, and his eyes became deep.

"...It doesn't matter, that's enough."

Dao Huo tilted his head and asked tentatively: "Grandpa, aren't you leaving yet?"

The man had already sent someone outside the barrier to pick them up.

"Walk for what?"

Setsuna sneered and said: "Itachi Uchiha is the executioner who massacred the entire family, and I may not be any more innocent than him."

"My life is worthless, but I have to bear such sins and still have to die to apologize!"

He knew very well that Uchiha, who was neither willing to leave Konoha nor want to isolate himself like Hinata, would be a dead end in the end, no matter whether the coup was successful or not.

But what he did was equivalent to sacrificing the hope of survival of other Uchiha people for the sake of Uchiha children.

"...Is this so?"

Although Dao Huo had expected it, he still fell into silence.

In an instant, it was his last relative.

"Huh, kid, what are you thinking about? It's easy for me to die, but you will have to bear everything from now on!"

Setsuna snorted coldly, then stretched out his arm and forcefully dug it into his eye socket.


"Rice fire."

Setsuna's expression became serious, and he looked at Dao Huo with empty eyes: "These eyes must be given to Tianzhi Yuzhong. Remember, eyes are always tools. Don't forget your true heart."

He has lived from the early days of the establishment of the village to the present, and has witnessed everything as a bystander.

Witnessed the betrayal of Uchiha Madara by the Uchiha clan, and witnessed the arrogance, extreme and other emotions of the Uchiha clan guided by these eyes.

He understands the darkness and power contained in these eyes better than the current young tribesmen.

Even he was put in prison by these eyes.


The three magatama in Inohuo's eyes were spinning rapidly, and even seemed to be merging.

It's a pity that I couldn't break through that shackles in the end.

"I see."

He was silent for a moment and took the pair of eyeballs from Setsuna: "Old man, I'll leave then."

"Go away! You should have left long ago!"

Setsuna waved her hand with a look of disgust, then turned her back to him and said no more.


It wasn't until the footsteps behind him disappeared that he slowly turned around.

The face under the shadow is full of melancholy and death.

"No one can extinguish the flame of Uchiha, and the ninja world will surely witness the fire of Uchiha's revenge!"

Before that, let me light the first fire with my old bones.


After leaving the Konoha prison, Inari walked back to the Konoha border on foot.

Arriving at an open space, a group of three- and four-year-old children stood there obediently, and beside them were Kurama Unkai and Yakushi Nonou.

"Uncle Rice Fire!"

After seeing the rice fire, all the children showed smiles on their faces.

Dao Huo nodded to Yun Hai and the two, and received the same response from them.


When he looked at the children, a smile was already on his face: "Let's play ninja games today."

After saying that, he pointed in the direction of Konoha's border.

"Under the leadership of Sister Nonoyu, whoever of you runs there first will be rewarded by me."


Hearing these two words, the children did not have any doubts, but their eyes lit up.

Because during this time, Uncle Daohuo often played games with them, and then would give various rewards to the winners.

This time it was just two more people leading the way.

"Ready! Run!"

As Inahori gave orders as usual, Nono and Yunhai looked at each other and ran towards the border of Konoha with a group of children.

And Inahori followed behind them to ensure that no one would be left behind.

At the same time, they also had to ensure that there would be no pursuers behind to stop them.

In any case, more than 40 people were marching together, and the Anbu and the Root would definitely find them.


At this time, in the Uchiha clan.

Some old people who had been on the battlefield vaguely sensed an abnormal atmosphere.

They just didn't know what happened, and could only think that they were a little suspicious because of their old age.

In a brightly lit house, two elderly Uchiha couples lived here.

They once had a son and daughter-in-law who were ninjas, but they died on the battlefield of the Hidden Mist during the Ninja World War.

Now there is only one grandson left.

The old grandfather wore reading glasses and looked down at the newspaper.

But he looked up at the time and asked in confusion: "Old woman, why hasn't Xiaocheng come back today?"

During this time, Xiaocheng has been fooling around with Inahori.

If it weren't for Daohuo's good temper and strong strength, he wouldn't let his grandson stay with that kid.

But he should have come back at this time.

"Are you still worried about Daohuo?"

While making the bed, the old woman complained unhappily: "If you have time to worry, you might as well help me! I don't know what's going on recently, my business is getting worse and worse."

The old man hummed reluctantly: "The older you get, the more nagging you are. Who told you to always like to give things to those little ghosts for free."

But the two are an old couple after all. Although he was ruthless, the old man still moved his body down with some difficulty.

And just then.

Da~ Da~ Da~

In this quiet night, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the room.

"Huh? Is there anyone visiting so late?"

Although the old woman looked a little puzzled, she still patted the old man: "Go open the door and see if anyone needs help?"

"I know, I know~"


The old man responded impatiently, and walked to the entrance and opened the door.

Just a barely audible sound was heard, and the outside fell into silence again.

"Old man?"

The old woman turned around with some doubts.

I saw a figure slowly walking towards her from the shadow of the entrance.

The old woman squinted and looked over, and saw the face of the person clearly, and a kind and gentle smile appeared on her face again.

"It turned out to be Itachi, it's so late, what's wrong... eh?"

As she was talking, she suddenly glimpsed from the corner of her eye, and seemed to see a familiar figure falling in front of the door.

But before she could react.

I only felt a flash of cold light in front of my eyes.


A short knife pierced directly into the old woman's heart.

The scarlet blood splashed on her face, making Itachi's Sharingan look even more evil.

When I was writing, I liked to put myself in the role, but writing Itachi made me sick, so speechless. . .

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