Yesterday, Konoha was full of joy.

Because countless Konoha ninjas exchanged their lives for peace.

But today, Konoha is in a state of gloom.

Because the leader of the Yunyin Village's envoy to Konoha was actually killed by the head of the Hyuga clan himself.

In this regard, the Kumoyin Village side believed that Konoha did not have the slightest sincerity to cease the war, and demanded that Konoha hand over the body of the murderer who killed the leader of the envoy, otherwise they would start another war with Konoha.

Ninjas have even been gathered at the border of the Kingdom of Yu, ready to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Fire at any time.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

With this speed and this posture, any normal person can see that Yunyin Village has definitely had premeditation and evil intentions, but this incident gave them a reason to launch a war.

However, the idiots who couldn't clearly see the situation were scolding Hinata, and the smart people who could see the situation clearly were waiting and watching, as if they had nothing to do with them.

After all, war kills people, many, many people.

But this time it was purely the Hyuga clan's fault. How could those human-like guys be willing to take responsibility for Hinata.

Moreover, it is conceivable that once the war breaks out again, the weak Konoha will definitely be the target of the other ninja villages.

No one is willing to bear this kind of consequences.

This has resulted in a very solemn atmosphere in the village, and the public opinion on the situation is also one-sided.

A cold wind blowing from the hearts of the people is blowing towards the Hyuga clan.

——Sacrifice one person to avoid war and save ten thousand people.

This is not just oppression from the top, but also oppression from the entire village. It is a choice that Hinata cannot refuse.


The Hokage's office was filled with smoke and gloom.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette with a sad face and asked, "Why hasn't Danzo come yet?"

After going to bed, Koharu shook his head, but Mito Monoyan next to him showed a strange expression.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Mito Kadoyan said helplessly: "Let me repeat his original words."


"I just want to teach Kumogakure a lesson, but that guy Hiruzen will definitely retaliate in the name of Hokage, so instead of going there and smelling his second-hand smoke, it's better to stay at my root."

When he said this, his expression and tone were full of seriousness, and he played Danzo in a very serious way.

"This guy……"

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he blew out another puff of white smoke, which made Koharu, who was sleeping next to him, feel disgusted.

"If he doesn't come, then we won't wait for him."

Hearing this, Koharu went to bed and took out a booklet and said: "The results of the previous Jonin voting showed that there were more votes for a peaceful solution and fewer votes for continued war, but..."

"But if you want us to hand over the body of Hinata Hiashi, Kumogakure's appearance is too ugly and too whimsical." Mito Kadoyan took over the words with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Regardless of why the leader of the Kumogakure mission died, after all, he died on Konoha's territory, not to mention that it was the Hyuga clan leader who did it.

If Kumogakure's proposal was normal compensation, then Konoha would definitely spend money to avoid disasters without any hesitation.

However, they actually want Hinata Hiashi's body!

Hinata Hinata, he is not only the leader of the Hyuga clan, he has "white eyes" in his eyes!

A pair of complete white eyes without the [Caged Bird] curse seal!

The top management of Konoha knew full well that someone in Kirigakure had a Byakugan transplant, and the Hyuga clan even came to them to ask for an explanation.

But due to Konoha's current weakness, there was no other way but to condemn him.

And now the group of wild dogs in Kumogakure who bite each other when they see each other seem to be seeing bones.

He actually used the old trick of kidnapping in a new way, and he also wanted to come over to fight against the autumn wind...

"Are you kidding? Do you really think our Konoha is made of mud?"

Mito Kadoen's tone was very firm: "This time I have the same view as Danzo. If they are stubborn and unforgiving, then even if they launch a war, they will never let Kumogakure get a blank look!!"

They are just wallflowers, not fools.

The value of Baiyan is too high, definitely not just "35 million taels".

Surrendering the Byakugan may bring temporary peace, but in the long run it will cause harm to Konoha for thousands of years!

"If Hizu had captured that Kumo-nin alive, the situation might have been much easier."

In response to Koharu's comforting words, Mito Kabuto couldn't help but nod.

"Will not."

But Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Only a fool would try to sneak into the Hyuga clan's territory and steal the Hyuga clan's heir."

"The Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure may be a reckless man, but Azabui next to him is a smart man and will never be so stupid."

After going to bed, Koharu frowned when he heard this, thought for a moment, and said with a surprised expression: "You mean, that guy Kumogakure has no intention of leaving the Hyuga clan alive? Kumogakure just wants an excuse to start a war!!"

No wonder Nizu said that guy wanted to die on his own initiative, no wonder they suddenly proposed to form an alliance, no wonder they specifically chose to come to Konoha today.

"Poison! It's so poisonous! This is a conspiracy, Hiruzen!"

Mito Kadoyan was also a little surprised by the viciousness of this plan. He was completely determined to start a war and force them to make a choice.

He even doubted whether the conservatives in Yunyin Village really existed.

Anyone who is soft-hearted will not use this kind of strategy.

"The Fourth Raikage got a good counselor, and it's even harder to deal with."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and sighed: "The Byakugan cannot afford to make mistakes, but no matter what, the cause of this matter is Hyuga, and we need to discuss it with the Hyuga clan to see their attitude."

"Send troops to build a defense line first to prevent the shameless guys from Kumogakure from making a surprise attack."

Sarutobi stood up and glanced at the empty seat beside him. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "You are right. At this time, even I can't continue to be indecisive."


In the underground root base.

Shimura Danzo held a scroll in his hand, and his tightly frowned brows relaxed instantly, and his expression on his face was also a little happy.

"Hiruzen, it seems that his blood is not cold yet!!"

Beside him, the man wearing a black cloak, black sunglasses, and a purple mark on his right cheek also saw the content on the scroll.

He showed surprise on his expressionless face and asked: "Danzo, are we going to go to war with Kumogakure?"

The war has only stopped for a few years, and now it is coming again?

"Ryoma! War is coming, that's right!"

Danzo grinned: "If Hiruzen could have decided earlier, why would I have been hiding in the dark to accumulate my strength?"

The war in the ninja world will never stop. The end of each war is just a preparation for the next war.

Now Konoha's strength has indeed weakened, but this does not mean that Kumogakure can ride on Konoha's head.

Do you really think that Tobirama's forbidden technique is for viewing? !

"Now, it depends on whether Hinata can seize this opportunity. If they can't, we will give them a push!"

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