Koichi did not stop Chimason’s behavior, but watched the show from the sidelines. This was an unspoken rule of the ANBU.

Every newcomer has to go through this. I think I was like this when I joined ANBU, but I was severely taught a lesson by my seniors.

In fact, this is also a good thing. ANBU is a special force that needs to perform many special tasks. Those who can join ANBU are all geniuses, so they all have their own arrogance.

But Anbu doesn’t need this kind of arrogance. Only by polishing it off can the survival rate in Anbu be guaranteed.

Kakashi is not worried about Taichi’s safety. Even if he loses, he will only be taught a lesson, and Kakashi also wants to know how much strength Taichi has gained during this time.

“If I strike too hard, don’t bear grudges against me~”

Qian Masen wore a mask so his expression couldn’t be seen, but his tone was gentle.

“If I strike too hard, please don’t hold a grudge against me.”

Tai replied expressionlessly.

“very good.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Masen’s figure disappeared, and a cold light struck Taiyi.

Chimason is also an expert in using knives, and he uses a Ribashi.

Liuyun waved and easily blocked the blow.

Then Taiyi turned his wrist and Liuyun stabbed Qianma Sen on the shoulder.

Qian Masen reacted very quickly, turning slightly sideways to avoid the blow, and at the same time slashed his ribs horizontally, heading straight for Taiyi’s neck.

Taiyi retreated to dodge the blow, and at the same time Liuyun swung upwards. Qianmasen could only block with his sword and push Liuyun aside.

Then he swung his sword and struck Taiyi’s door with great force. Taiyi ducked and Liuyun swung again, aiming for Qianmasen’s wrist.

Chimason turned his arm, trying to block the blow with his arm armor. Taiyi was startled and hurriedly received the force.


Liuyun was blocked by the arm armor, Qian Masen turned his wrist, and stabbed Taiyi back at a weird angle.

Taiyi hurriedly retreated, and the two distanced themselves.

Sensing the strength of Taiyi’s pull, Qian Masen lowered his head and glanced at his arm armor.

I saw a deep knife mark on the arm armor, just a hair cut through. When I looked at the ribs in my hand, there were two small gaps on it, and I was suddenly shocked.

Looking at Liuyun in Taiyi’s hand again, what kind of knife is this? Why so sharp?

Although there was only a brief confrontation, Qian Masen clearly felt that Taiyi’s sword skills were not much worse than his own. Coupled with the sharp knife, he could not gain any advantage in his sword skills.

Koichi and Kakashi, who were watching at the same time, were also very surprised. Is this knife so sharp?

“Are you going to hit me again? If you keep hitting me, your ribs will break.”

Taichi spoke with good intentions, but perhaps the light tone irritated Chimasen.

Qian Masen said coldly: “Continue.”

Then he rushed towards Taiyi with a knife, but Taiyi had no choice but to continue.

The two fought again, swords intersecting, and the sound of gold and iron clashing kept ringing. If it was just a test, now Qianmasen is starting to make serious moves.

Both of them were masters of swordsmanship. Their figures kept intertwining, the cold light continued, and knife marks kept appearing on the ground.

Although they were serious about it, it was still a competition, and both of them had room to spare.

The swords, swords and shadows continued to intersect, and Qian Masen soon discovered that his ribs could no longer hold out.

In the constant collision with the flowing clouds, the gaps on the ribs are densely packed with large and small gaps. It is definitely a good saw to put down the tree now.


Liuyun and Rizai collided again, Rizai finally couldn’t hold up and broke into two sections. Liuyun stopped in front of Qianma Sen.

Qian Masen’s eyes were full of unwillingness. It wasn’t that his skills were inferior to others, but that his equipment was not good enough.

Taiyi put Liuyun back into the scabbard and said softly: “Sorry, I damaged your knife.”

Qian Masen shook his head, his tone lonely.

“It’s okay, there’s a bunch of them in the ANBU warehouse, ugh.”

“If the weapons are the same, I am not your opponent. I just took advantage of the weapons.”

“If you lose, you lose. The enemy doesn’t think so. I originally wanted to give you a blow, but if I had known better, I would have replaced you with someone else.”

Qian Masen regretted a little, why did he have to rush here, not to mention the loss of a knife, and he has never hit the newcomer, so where can I put the old face of a senior like me?

At this time, A came over and comforted: “You don’t need to spend money on the knife this time. It’s a public account.”

Qian Masen rolled his eyes, am I short of that little money? I feel ashamed!

“Okay, good performance, Sen. Take them to get their equipment, and pick up a new knife by the way.”

“Okay, come with me.”Chimason led Taichi and Kakashi towards the warehouse.

In the warehouse, Qian Masen pointed at a row of masks and said, “Choose one and give it a code name.”

Taichi and Kakashi looked at each other and began to choose masks.

The masks in the ANBU are all animal masks, with abstract patterns painted on white backgrounds.

Taiyi couldn’t understand it either, so he picked over and over again and picked the plainest one.

Kakashi picked around, but still picked the fox mask just like in the original work.

Chimason looked at the masks chosen by the two with interest. Kakashi’s was a fox, and Chimason had a strange expression when he saw Taichi’s mask.

“You’d better not choose this mask.”

Taiyi was a little confused.

“Senior, why?”

Qian Masen hesitated and said: “This mask, everyone thinks it has a curse.”


Qian Masen explained: “Since this mask appeared, a total of seven people have worn it, but the strange thing is that none of these seven people have lived safely until retirement.”

Taichi and Kakashi looked at each other, each seeing the surprise in the other’s eyes.

Is there such a thing as a mask?

Taiyi looked at the mask in his hand again, only to feel a chill coming over him, and quickly put it back to its place.

It’s better to not trust someone who is above you than to trust someone who is not.

Taichi chose another mask with a smiling face.

After the selection, he also signaled to Qian Masen, but Qian Masen didn’t say anything this time.

Taiyi put it on with peace of mind.

Afterwards, Taichi and Kakashi put on all the ANBU equipment and returned to the hall.

At this time, besides Jiayi, three more people appeared in the hall.

As soon as he walked into the hall, Qian Masen laughed out loud.


Hearty laughter echoed in the empty hall.

Taichi and Kakashi looked puzzled, why were they laughing? what’s so funny.

At this time, a ninja wearing a mask with green patterns that resembled a dog’s head said:

“Sen, you’re telling that boring story to the newcomer again, right?”

“Yes, they still believed it, hahaha, I was laughing so hard.”

Qian Masen laughed so hard that he was out of breath.

Tai was speechless for a moment. He had been fooled. Which ANBU mask had never killed someone? He actually believed such a shabby story. What an idiot.

“Okay, don’t laugh. Newcomers are reporting. Let’s get to know each other.”

Then, Jia Yi took off his mask, revealing a mature and handsome face.

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