“Yes, I just took this thing. This thing can greatly increase physical strength, improve recovery ability, and even increase chakra.”

Tai nodded in response to Sakumo’s question.

Kakashi’s eyes lit up when he heard that it could enhance chakra.

Although the current Kakashi is different from the one in the original work, Kakashi, who majored in Hatake swordsmanship, still has a heart for playing ninjutsu.

After all, if you don’t play ninjutsu enough, how can you be called a ninja?

Compared to Kakashi who is impatient, Sakumo is much more mature, and Sakumo still has a lot of doubts about this thing.

“Taiyi, this thing…”

“Don’t worry, Master. I can’t tell you the origin of this thing yet, but there is absolutely no problem and it has no side effects. Don’t you still believe me?”

Taichi knew what Sakumo wanted to say, so he opened his mouth and blocked Sakumo’s mouth, saving Sakumo from getting to the bottom of it.

Seeing that Taiyi had said this, Sakumo didn’t ask any more questions. No matter what, Sakumo believed that Taiyi would not harm him.

“Drink it directly?”

Sakumo asked Taichi while holding Grayl’s solution.

“That’s right, just take it orally.”

Hearing this, Kakashi couldn’t wait to drink the Greer solution in one gulp. Taiyi’s growth in strength put Kakashi in crisis. He didn’t want to be left too far behind by Taiyi.

Seeing Kakashi’s furious look, Sakumo shook his head helplessly, and then drank the Greer solution in one gulp.

But no one noticed the slightly raised corners of Taiyi’s mouth.

“Huh? It’s burning, as if I’ve been drinking.”

The burning sensation of the Greer solution entering his stomach reminded Kakashi of the exact same feeling he had that time when he drank alcohol secretly.

At this time, Greer’s solution began to take effect, and Kakashi’s expression became ferocious. Sakumo was better, but his forehead was still covered with dense beads of sweat.

Looking at Taichi again, he had already retreated to the door. After making a cheering gesture to Kakashi, he exited the room and closed the door.

Taichi leaned against the door, looking at the slowly moving white clouds on the horizon, and listening to Kakashi’s screams in the room, his mouth was tighter than AK’s.

Sakumo was Sakumo, no matter how painful it was, he remained silent.

As expected of a veteran strong man, he is really tolerant.

Soon, the screams disappeared, and when Tai opened the door, he saw Kakashi paralyzed on the ground, his eyes lifeless.

Sakumo’s condition seemed to be good, he was still sitting there, but the crushed corner of the table proved that Sakumo was not in pain, he just didn’t talk about it.

Seeing Taiyi, Kakashi said with difficulty in a hoarse voice: “Taiyi, it belongs to your uncle!”

Taiyi finally couldn’t help it anymore and started laughing.

“Hahahaha, I forgot to mention it, it might hurt a little bit…hahaha…”

Taichi laughed so hard that tears almost came out. After hearing Taichi’s words, both Kakashi and Sakumo looked at Taichi with a “you’re dead” look.

Does this fucking hurt a little bit? ! !

Sakumo thought to himself, I have suffered countless injuries in my life, but none of them have been so painful, you brat! Training twice as much next time!

If Taichi knew what Sakumo was thinking, he would never stop laughing.

After more than an hour, Kakashi finally regained his strength, while Sakumo had already regained his strength and was drinking tea leisurely, while Taichi was cooking for the two of them in the kitchen.

“Master, the meal is ready…”

Taiyi carried the dishes with a dignified attitude, placed them on the table, and then quietly stepped aside.

It was too late. After Sakumo regained his strength, he gave Taichi a big bang. As a result, Taichi was still struggling to cook for the two of them.

Kakashi ate his meal with big mouthfuls, and didn’t forget to say something to Taichi.


After finishing the meal, Taichi also cleared away the dishes. After finally finishing his work, Taichi took Kakashi and left Sakumo’s house.

Kakashi was a little confused.

“Why go?”

“Don’t you want others to experience the suffering you have suffered?”

“Do you still have that thing?”

“Of course, Kai and Deersen both have a share.”

Kakashi’s eyes lit up, and his face under the mask straightened up.

What is a good friend or a good brother? We don’t necessarily share the blessings, but we definitely have to share the hardships!

The hardships I have endured must be endured by my brothers too!

Tai smiled slightly and said to Kakashi.

“You go find Deerman, and I’ll go find Kai. Let’s meet at the same place.”

Kakashi made an “ok” gesture, and the twoDecentralize your actions.

On the way to find Kai, Taiyi suddenly remembered something.

I forgot to prepare one for Matt Dai. If Matt Dai is also strengthened, is it possible to rescue Kai and the others without opening the door to death?

Not necessarily, but worth trying.

So, Taiyi turned around and went back to the hotel first, took another bottle of Gray’s solution, and then rushed to Kai’s house.

Looking at the empty room, Taiyi slapped himself hard on the forehead.

I forgot that at this time, this strange father and son should be running circles around Konoha!

So Taichi ran to wait outside the Konoha wall again. There was no need to search, he just needed to wait anywhere outside the wall and wait.

Sure enough, Taiyi didn’t wait long before he heard the passionate howls of “youth” from the father and son in the distance.

“Kai, it’s only eight hundred and forty laps, isn’t this enough? Kai!”

“Dad! I can hold on!”

“Burn your youth! Kai!”


From Taiyi’s perspective, Kai was carrying Matt Dai on his back, raising a puff of dust and smoke, and running quickly in Taiyi’s direction.

Taiyi shook his head. No matter how many times, Taiyi truly envied Kai’s physique. With his own weight and the weight on Matt Dai’s body, Kai was now carrying at least a ton of weight, and he could still run at such an inhuman speed.

Soon, the father and son arrived at Taichi’s location, but Kai didn’t seem to look at Taichi and rushed forward.


Tai yelled.

When Kai heard someone calling him, he put his feet together and left long traces on the ground before he stopped.

Kai looked back and a smile appeared on his face.

“Taiichi! Why are you here? Are the ANBU resting?”

“Uncle Dai, I have a day off today, so I came to meet you.”

Taiyi first said hello to Matt Dai, and then responded to Kai’s question.

“Taiyi, do you want to have a run with us, the run of youth? I’m very much looking forward to your joining!”

Taiyi quickly shook his head, declined Mattdai’s request, and offered to take Kai to his old place.

Of course Matt Day would not refuse, but just asked Kai to go home early.

Before leaving, Taiyi secretly gave Matt Dai the Greer solution.

Matt Dai looked confused.

Taiyi warned: “Uncle Dai, find a safe and no-one place for a while, drink it, and don’t let others know.”

Matt Dai still looked confused.

Taiyi had no choice but to explain the function of Grayer’s solution.

After hearing about the efficacy of Greer’s solution, Matt Dai did not show any excitement. Instead, he looked at Kai who was doing push-ups.

Taiyi knew what Matt Dai was thinking and hurriedly whispered: “I’ve prepared a portion for Kai too, just drink it without worry.”

Only then did Mattei accept it, and thanked Taiyi with tears in his eyes.

“Three grams of oil! Taiyi!”

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