All the sword energy disappeared, and Orochimaru also came to a preliminary conclusion.

Chakra is added and the nature of wind escape changes, but there is no process of forming seals. How can chakra fly away from the user?

Is it because of the Kusanagi sword in his hand?

Orochimaru stared meaningfully at the cloud in Taichi’s hand.

Taichi didn’t know it yet, but with a simple test, Orochimaru could almost see through his underwear.

Seeing Orochimaru standing there without moving, Taichi was still wondering, “Don’t fight?”

Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru’s movements made Taichi feel his scalp numb.

I saw Orochimaru looking thoughtful, and then the Kusanagi sword in his hand glowed with blue light.


Orochimaru swung fiercely, and a transparent sword energy roared out, although it only flew a few meters before dissipating.

But Orochimaru still had a satisfied smile on his face.

However, Taiyi couldn’t hold back after seeing this scene.

Have you learned this? ! !

You learned it just by looking at it?

If it weren’t for proficiency and weapons, Taichi felt that Orochimaru’s sword energy was stronger than his own.

How to fight this? Is this the world of genius?

“Taiyi-kun, it seems that I have learned your moves, but there seems to be a gap between them and yours. It must be a weapon problem, right?”

There was a hint of pride in Orochimaru’s tone, like a child showing off a new toy.

Taiyi felt speechless for a while, and gritted his teeth when he spoke.

“Lord Orochimaru is really awesome!”

Orochimaru pretended not to hear the anger in Taichi’s tone, and instead spoke with interest.

“Then go ahead.”


Orochimaru’s figure flashed past, and Taichi only saw a dark shadow.

too fast! Not so fast!


Taichi blocked the blow with instinctive reaction.

Then Orochimaru began to attack like a storm. The Kusanagi sword was like a silver dragon in Orochimaru’s hand, flying up and down with a fierce attack.

Taiyi could only keep waving Liuyun to resist, leaving no room for counterattack.

“When” “When” “When”

The sound of gold and iron clashing could be heard endlessly. Liuyun and Kusanagi swords were both extremely sharp weapons. Just by waving them, the sword energy overflowed, and the surrounding grass was destroyed by the sword energy.

It was not easy for Taichi who was struggling to resist. Even if he could resist the Kusanagi Sword’s attack, but unlike the sword energy inspired by it, the sword energy of the Kusanagi Sword itself was invisible. It was an extremely sharp weapon with its own attributes. This thing cannot be easily resisted.

The clothes on Taiyi’s body were in tatters and were covered with holes cut by the sword energy. There were also some tiny wounds that were also cut by the sword energy.

On the other hand, Orochimaru still looked at ease, with no wrinkles in his clothes.

Knowing that he could not continue like this, Taichi immediately mobilized his chakra.


Liuyun instantly ignited flames. The sudden flames made Orochimaru’s pupils shrink and his body instinctively leaned back.

It is precisely because of this that a gap was created in Orochimaru’s suppression of Taiyi.

Taiyi took this opportunity to inject Wind Escape Chakra.

The flames on the Liuyun sword body are restrained, the whole body is red, and the flowing blade state is turned on.

Then he struck hard on the head with a knife.

After a brief moment of surprise, Orochimaru’s eyes flashed with dazzling light at Liu Yun’s changes.

It was a curious look.

How is this done?

A combination of wind and fire? What is the power of the Kusanagi sword?

Although there were some speculations in his mind, Orochimaru’s body did not hesitate at all, and the Kusanagi sword directly parried Taichi’s attack.

Then he violently tried to push Taiyi back, but Taiyi finally seized the opportunity, how could he give up so easily.

Feeling the power coming from the Kusanagi sword, Taichi felt something, and turned his wrist to avoid the important thing and take the light.

Sparks flew between Liuyun and Kusanagi sword, and they flew straight past the Kusanagi sword towards Orochimaru’s head.

Orochimaru turned his head to avoid, Liu Yun passed by Orochimaru’s head, and a strand of long hair slowly fell down.

Taichi took advantage of the situation, and the force started from the ground, from the legs to the waist and then to the arms, before the Kusanagi sword stabbed the back of the heart.

A powerful and heavy chop hit the Kusanagi sword directly.

If it was a life and death fight, Taichi would never do this. It would be stupid to expose his back to the enemy, but Orochimaru would not take his own life. Taichi was betting on this.


There was a burst of violent sparks, and even Orochimaru was struck by this powerful and heavy blow.Take two steps back.

What a mess. Orochimaru thought.

Seeing that the move was effective, Taichi seized this rare opportunity and bullied himself, trying to suppress Orochimaru before he could adjust.

Facing Taichi’s constant attacks, even Orochimaru in this state could only resist for a while and could not find a chance to counterattack.

However, the three ninjas are the three ninjas after all, and soon Orochimaru gradually adjusted during the battle and began to counterattack in the gaps between Taichi’s attacks.

“As expected of a Sannin, a veteran is strong. Even his taijutsu is hard to resist.”

As the fight continued, Taichi sighed. Even though he was being clever, Taichi still didn’t take any advantage. Instead, Orochimaru regained the initiative in the battle.

However, Orochimaru soon discovered something was wrong. Why was the Kusanagi sword in his hand getting hotter and hotter?

At this time, Orochimaru noticed that the Kusanagi sword in his hand had begun to turn red, especially where it had been in contact with Liuyun many times. It had turned red and white.

Fortunately, the Kusanagi sword is an artifact-level weapon. If it were any other weapon, it would be useless now.

Orochimaru’s cold eyes flashed with light.

No wonder, Taiyi went out of his way and began to actively pursue suppressing himself. It turned out that this was his intention.

It seems that the Kusanagi sword in Taichi’s hand has many secrets.

However, my Kusanagi sword also has its own characteristics. Can you predict it, Taichi?

Thinking of this, the corners of Orochimaru’s mouth raised slightly.

Taichi, who was attacking, felt his heart tremble for no reason. When he saw Orochimaru’s raised lips, Taichi knew that Orochimaru was about to take action.

Sure enough, after Liu Yun and the Kusanagi sword collided again, Orochimaru did not rush to attack. Instead, he slightly adjusted the Kusanagi sword and pointed the tip of the sword at Taichi.

Taichi felt his brows tighten as the tip of the Kusanagi sword was pointed at him.

Oops! too close!


The Kusanagi sword suddenly stretched out, and Taiyi’s pupils shrank, his eyes full of fear.

There was no room to hide at this time, so Taiyi could only try his best to turn his head away.

At the same time, I cursed in my heart: I am! Silly snake! Are you going to kill me? ! ! !

Of course Orochimaru would not really kill Taichi. After confirming that Taichi could not avoid the blow, Orochimaru moved his wrist slightly.

The blazing blade of the Kusanagi sword passed by Taichi’s ear and penetrated deeply into the ground. Then a strand of hair slowly fell from Taichi’s ear.

Taiyi’s eyes were horrified and he was breathing heavily.

Orochimaru said calmly: “We are even.”

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