After getting the “Sora no Tachi”, Taiyi studied it all night to figure out the basic principles.

It’s not that the theory is too complicated, but that it’s too simple.

Yes, it’s too simple!

Perhaps for Orochimaru, this kind of ninjutsu is child’s play, so the training method is very simple.

But Taichi wanted to say something.

MMP! ! !

Do you think everyone is as talented as you?

When Taichi watched “Sora no Tachi”, he felt like Naruto teaching Konohamaru the Rasengan.

“Clang”! “Pong”! Just blow it up!

What a liar!

At first glance, Taichi and Konohamaru had the same expression.

What the hell is this?

But after careful study later, I discovered that although Orochimaru’s records were very omitted, they were all key points.

The technique of “Sora no Tachi” needs to be used with a divine weapon, which means that the Kusanagi sword is the minimum standard and cannot be used with ordinary weapons.

Secondly, this technique does not use chakra lines to control weapons, but pre-stores chakra in the Kusanagi sword and controls the Kusanagi sword through the connection between chakras.

Pre-preserving chakra is not something that ordinary weapons can do, and only artifacts like the Kusanagi Sword can retain chakra within a certain period of time.

After finding the key point, Taiyi started trying.

It doesn’t go well at first, even though Taichi has great chakra control abilities.

However, the amount of pre-stored chakra is not easy to control, as each Kusanagi sword is different.

In addition, Orochimaru did not write it down, so Taichi could only keep trying.

Finally, under Taiyi’s constant attempts, the flowing clouds floated tremblingly from the ground.

“Yeah! It worked!”

Tai raised his hands in excitement.


Liuyun fell directly to the ground.

“It seems like you can’t get too excited. Maybe it’s a matter of proficiency. Just practice more and you’ll be fine!”

The falling clouds did not extinguish Taiyi’s enthusiasm. Since he could fly once, he could fly a second time.

Although Liuyun can only be considered floating now, Taiyi feels that he is one step closer to becoming the “Konoha Swordsman”.

As a time traveler from a flower gardening family, who hasn’t dreamed of being a swordsman yet?

If he were really proficient to a certain level, Taiyi might be able to fly with a sword.

It makes me excited just thinking about it!

Therefore, Taiyi put away Liuyun and planned to exchange the “Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique” back.

When he was in ANBU, Taichi carried out many missions and accumulated a lot, plus he had the status of a special jounin.

Well, I’m a chuunin now, but after all, I was once a jounin, so it should be enough.

Taking Liuyun with him, Taiyi went out happily.

Wan Jian returns to his clan, here I come!

Nanga Shrine, the secret gathering place of the Uchiha clan.

There is a stone tablet left by the Sage of Six Paths hidden underground here, but this is a secret that most Uchiha people don’t know.

At this point in time, perhaps only Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Fugaku know this secret.

A routine family meeting is being held inside Nanga Shrine. Because it is a family meeting, there are no outsiders present.

Some Uchiha could vent their dissatisfaction with the village without hesitation here.

Although these Uchiha only account for a small part of the clan, Fugaku knows that if the Uchiha and the village maintain the current relationship, there will be more and more Uchiha dissatisfied with the village.

One day, the relationship between the village and the Uchiha will be irreparable, and the conflict will break out sooner or later.

But in the face of all this, Fugaku was powerless. It wasn’t that Fugaku didn’t want to do it, but that he was too willing to do it but not powerful enough.

The upper management’s attitude towards Uchiha has always been lukewarm, just like a couple in love. One of them is always hanging on to you, never staying away or getting close to you.

You want to do something, but the other person’s attitude is still not to stay away, not to get close, and treats you coldly. No one can stand it.

Looking at the chattering Uchiha clan members, Fugaku suddenly thought of Uchiha Mirror.

“If Kage-senpai is still alive, he will be more suitable to be the leader of the clan than me. Maybe under his leadership, Uchiha can truly integrate into the village.”

But no one could tell Fugaku what he was thinking. As the leader of the clan, Fugaku had to bear these.

After a long time, the family meeting finally ended, and Fugaku let out a sigh of relief.

This happened every time, and Fugaku felt that sooner or later he would collapse because he couldn’t bear the pressure.

The tribesmen left one after another, and the richYue’s eyes stayed on a young man.

That was Kage’s descendant. He was as outstanding as his predecessors. He had considerable strength at a young age. In him, Fugaku seemed to see the future of Uchiha.

“Shisui, wait a moment.”

Fugaku spoke and stopped Shisui who was about to leave.

Hearing Fugaku’s shout, many Uchiha stopped, but when they realized that Fugaku was calling Shisui, they turned around and left.

Shisui was also surprised and didn’t understand why Fugaku stopped him, but he still stopped and responded respectfully.

“Okay, Patriarch.”

In fact, as Shisui, he is not eligible to participate in the clan meeting now, but geniuses always have privileges, right?

Opening the Sharingan at a young age, graduating early, and reaching the chuunin level in terms of strength, these are undoubtedly not proof of genius.

In this family that focuses on strength, Zhisui’s performance greatly improved his status, which allowed Zhishui to join the clan association in advance.

And this was also the beginning of Shisui’s tragic fate.

When the crowd dispersed, only Shisui and Fugaku were left in Nanga Shrine.

Fugaku stretched out his hand and said to Shisui.


Shisui sat opposite Fugaku respectfully.

Fugaku stared at Shisui, and Shisui didn’t shy away, just looking at Fugaku.

After pondering for a moment, Fugaku smiled and said.

“You and Jing-senpai are really similar.”

Shisui was stunned for a moment, then replied.

“Thank you, my ancestors are also the goals I strive for.”

Afterwards, the two fell into silence again. Fugaku actually had a lot to say, but he always felt that it was too early for Shisui to say a lot, so he had nothing to say for a while.

Zhisui was also a little restless. This was the first time he faced the clan leader alone, and he couldn’t figure out why the clan leader left him alone.

Just to say that you are very similar to your ancestors?

After a long while, Fugaku spoke again.

“Has the village arranged a combat class for you?”

Fugaku finally stopped being silent, and Shisui hurriedly took over.

“Not yet, my cohort hasn’t graduated yet, and this year’s students still have some time to go, so we may have to wait until this year’s students graduate before we can arrange it.”

Fugaku nodded.

“Let me help you arrange this matter. Without the instructor to lead the team, there are many tasks that cannot be completed.”

Although Shisui didn’t understand what Fugaku did, he still expressed his gratitude respectfully.

“Then it will be a problem for the patriarch!”

Fugaku waved his hand and said with a smile.

“It’s all Uchiha, no need to be so polite.”

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