The waiter at the barbecue restaurant was very efficient and quickly arranged the eight people in a spacious compartment.

As there were more people, Shinnosuke ordered a lot of barbecue and dishes.

At first, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, after all, everyone was unfamiliar, especially Shinnosuke and Junichiro.

Except for Minato, everyone met for the first time.

Obito and Shisui belonged to the Uchiha clan, so they were not so unfamiliar. Kakashi kept pestering Taichi to ask questions.

Rin quietly helped with the barbecue, while Minato and Shinnosuke talked and laughed.

Only Junichiro was at a loss and couldn’t get a word in.

Junichiro was feeling a little disappointed. He looked at the people who were talking happily and played with the chopsticks in his hand out of boredom.

Suddenly, a bandaged hand hugged Junichiro’s neck, which scared Junichiro.

Turning his head, he saw Taichi’s big face close at hand.

“Hey! Why are you so close to me? You scared me!”

“Haha, isn’t it boring to see you alone? Just now, everyone in the Minato class introduced themselves, but we haven’t. This is very rude. How about you take the lead?”

Taichi hugged Junichiro’s neck and said to Junichiro.

“Too close, idiot!”

Junichiro stretched out his hand and pushed Taichi’s face back.

Taichi broke free from Junichiro’s palm and turned to complain to Kakashi.

“Just like you, keep strangers away.”

Kakashi and Junichiro rolled their eyes at the same time, thinking: “Who would put their big face in front of others to talk? Not even acquaintances!”

“Let’s start, Junichiro.”

Seeing that Junichiro hadn’t spoken yet, Taiyi urged.

Junichiro looked at the people who were chatting happily, not knowing how to start.

Taiyi saw Junichiro’s embarrassment and cleared his throat immediately.

“Ahem! Everyone, look here! Please let our Mr. Junichiro introduce himself, applause welcome!”

“Pa pa pa”

Taichi’s voice directly attracted everyone’s attention, and everyone looked at Junichiro with a confused look.

Junichiro’s little face turned red, and there was smoke floating above his head. He could dig out the villa with his toes. Now there is a crack in the ground that Junichiro can definitely get into.

Kakashi shook his head aside, very good, this is very “Taichi”.

Lin, who was considerate, reacted first and clapped her hands gently.

Everyone clapped along, but they were still a little confused.

At this point, Junichiro could only bite the bullet and start introducing himself.

Junichiro stood up, his body stiff, and spoke haltingly.

“I… my name is Sarutobi… Junichiro, please take care of me, my dream is to become a powerful ninja like Uncle Shinnosuke!”

After introducing himself, Junichiro felt a lot more relaxed, and sat stiffly in the distance.

“Since you are targeting me, Junichiro must work hard.”

Shinnosuke encouraged Junichiro when he heard that his target was him.

“Yes… yes! Shinnosuke-senpai.”

Hearing Shinnosuke’s voice, Junichiro straightened his body and said loudly.


Everyone laughed kindly.

Junichiro also adapted to it, and this time he was no longer so embarrassed, but urged Taichi instead.

“Taichi, it’s your turn.”

Taichi smiled strangely and said to Junichiro.

“Junichiro, didn’t I tell you?”

Taichi’s smile gave Junichiro a bad feeling, but he didn’t know what was wrong, so he asked in confusion.

“We just met today, did you tell me anything?”

“Kakashi, Obito, Rin and I, we are all classmates, which means we have known each other for a long time.”

“What about Shisui?”

“Obito and Shisui are from the same clan, Kakashi has known Shisui for a long time, as for Rin…”

Before Taichi finished speaking, Rin picked up barbecue for Shisui, and the two of them were talking and laughing, and it seemed that they had known each other for a long time.


Junichiro felt himself split! Split directly!

So the eight people all knew each other, and I was the only outsider, right? Just now, Kakashi and the others did not introduce themselves to others, but to me, right? !

Junichiro doubted his life, and his whole person lost color. He sat there blankly with dull eyes.

Kakashi looked at Junichiro and shook his head. This kid has a very bad mentality.

If Taichi knew what Kakashi was thinking, he would definitely complain, Kakashi, you forgot to rest when you were being eaten by the “freeloader duo”Stirred?

The meal was finished very quickly, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, well…except for Junichiro.

It was agreed that after gathering in the mission hall tomorrow, everyone would disperse on the spot.

Kakashi walked side by side with Taichi.

After a while, Kakashi suddenly spoke.

“How is your hand?”

“It’s nothing serious. I have basically recovered after treatment. I just need to rest for two days.”


The topic ended like this until the two of them were about to separate.

Tai waved his hand and said goodbye to Kakashi.

Kakashi spoke again, stopping Taichi who turned around.


Taiyi turned around in confusion and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Wait for me in front, I will catch up with you soon!”

Kakashi’s eyes were firm.

Seeing Kakashi exuding fighting spirit, Taichi smiled and gave a thumbs up, imitating Kai’s example.


Kakashi’s face curled up slightly under the mask, and then he waved goodbye to Taichi.

Turning around, Kakashi’s eyes became firm again.

Just wait for me, Taiyi, that technique is about to be successful, I will definitely catch up with you!

A night of silence.

The next day, Minato’s class and Shinnosuke’s class gathered early in the mission hall.

Even Obito, who is often late, is rarely late.

It seems that old ladies in need of help are not found every day.

Taiyi and the other six were waiting boredly, waiting for Shinnosuke and Minato to discuss what level of mission they should take on.

To be honest, if Minato’s class and Shinnosuke’s class perform missions together, Obito, Lin, Shisui and Junichiro will be removed.

Only Minato, Shinnosuke, Taichi and Kakashi were left, and these four people alone were qualified to perform S-level missions.

However, after adding the four Obitos, their combat effectiveness decreased instead of increasing. Of these four, only the one with more experience in Shisui missions was still inferior in terms of strength.

So Shinnosuke and Minato were discussing how to find a balance between mission difficulty and combat effectiveness.

It is necessary to consider not only the combat effectiveness of the four Obitos, but also whether the mission can serve as an experience.

After half a day of discussion, the two finally decided to take on a B-level mission to try their hand first. Taichi and Kakashi did not take action, and only allowed Obito and the four to carry out the mission.

Minato and Shinyuki assisted in the pressure formation, which not only ensured safety, but also maximized the role of experience, and at the same time, they could also obtain a certain amount of mission rewards.

After Shinnosuke informed everyone of the results of their discussion, Taichi and Kakashi didn’t react much. Taichi and Taichi had done many B-level tasks before, and the lowest level ANBU mission was B-level.

On the contrary, Obito and Junichiro were the most excited.

They all said that they completed the task absolutely perfectly!

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