“What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?”

Lin finally couldn’t hold back her curiosity and asked Taiyi.

Looking at Lin’s big doubtful eyes, Taiyi smiled slightly and said to Lin.

“Come up first and I’ll explain it to you.”

Lin looked at the driver, who nodded and said to Lin.

“It’s okay, go up and rest.”

Lin then jumped onto the carriage and sat across from Taiyi.

“Explain it.”

Taiyi lay on the canvas, looked at the clear blue sky, and spoke slowly.

“Actually, I have noticed something is wrong since I received this mission. The relationship between Sunagakure and Konoha is very tense now. It can be said that it is on the verge of breaking out. How can the mission of escorting military supplies to the Konoha-Sunagakure border be only B-level? , at least it should be A-level.”

“Moreover, how can the escort of military supplies be released openly? These tasks are always taken over by the ANBU or the root, and the time, location, and candidates are not fixed at all,”

“why is that?”

Lin blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

“Of course it’s for safety. Except for a few people at the top of Konoha, no one knows where the military supplies are and where they are. When I was in Anbu, this was often the case. When I was on duty or sleeping, there was a sudden The news is that supplies need to be escorted and the location is unknown. Just follow them and don’t know anything else.”

“Then why is the mission issued in this way this time? Could it be…”

Lin spoke again, and at the same time she had some suspicions in her mind.

Seeing Lin’s hesitant expression, Tai nodded, confirming Lin’s suspicion.

Unexpectedly, Lin’s thinking is still very sharp.

“Bait, this escort mission is just a bait, but I’m curious, will anyone fall for such an obvious bait?”

The former sentence was spoken by Taiyi to Lin, and the latter sentence was spoken to the driver.

“True or false, I can’t say more about the rest.”

The driver driver said calmly.


Tai Yixin said: You are trying to hide the truth from the sky and secretly hide Chen Cang, right?

“What do you mean? Taiyi?”

Lin was still confused. Although she understood that she was now a bait, she still didn’t understand what the driver driver meant by “true and false.”

Tai waved his hand.

“It doesn’t matter, Lin, take a good rest first and recharge your batteries. There may be a battle soon.”

Then Tai paused, pulled down his forehead protector to cover his eyes, and spoke again,

“Of course, it’s possible that there won’t be a fight.”

Lin wanted to ask again, but seeing Taiyi closing his eyes and concentrating, she couldn’t interrupt him anymore.

I can only think about it by myself, what does Taiyi mean?

Time passed quickly, and the transport convoy walked slowly for a day.

The sun has begun to set and the sky is getting darker. Shinnosuke is waiting for the convoy not far away.

When the team came closer, Shinnosuke spoke to the team leader.

“Just rest here and replenish your strength. You can just sleep. I will arrange for someone to keep watch.”

The leader nodded and called for everyone to gather the carriage together.

A bonfire was built and everyone sat together.

Minato also followed, and Kakashi came back with Junichiro, as well as Obito and Shisui.

Hearing the noise from everyone, Tai stretched himself and jumped down from the roof of the car.

Seeing Taichi coming, Kakashi handed Taichi a piece of food.

“Thank you, I’m exhausted.”

After Taiyi took it, he started to devour it.

I haven’t eaten for a day, so I’m really hungry.

Taichi ate so deliciously that Obito couldn’t help but say.

“We have been traveling all day, and you have been sleeping in the car all day. Why are you tired?!”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

Even Junichiro couldn’t help but complain.

However, neither of them was malicious, just a little envious. Why could Taiyi sleep in the car while he had to drive hard.

Soon Taiyi finished the food in his hands.

He returned to sit cross-legged on the top of the carriage.

“What does he mean? Why is he ignoring people?”

Obito said pointing at Taichi.

Minato and Shinnosuke shook their heads helplessly, and Minato spoke.

“After eating, go to bed early. Taiyi and Lin will keep watch today. Taiyi will be responsible for the first half of the night, and Lin, the rest of the night will be left to you.”

“no problem.”

Lin nodded, then glanced at Obito, turned around and walked under a tree, leaning againstRest under a tree.

Kakashi and Shisui also glanced at Obito before taking a break.

Obito suddenly felt ashamed.

Junichiro patted Obito on the shoulder and looked at Obito like Kakashi.

Obito immediately became furious.

You just agreed, what qualifications do you have to look at me like that?

However, everyone had already rested, and Obito did not dare to make a sound.

I had no choice but to find a flat place to rest.

As everyone began to rest, it suddenly became quiet, with only the occasional sound of burning firewood.

Taiyi sat cross-legged on the roof of the car, closing his eyes to relax.

Although his eyes are closed, he is always aware of the surrounding environment. As long as there is the slightest sound, Taiyi will be aware of it immediately.

Although they had been walking for a day, the convoy was moving slowly and had not yet left the jurisdiction of Konoha Village.

If nothing else goes wrong, those lurking Sunagakure ninjas will not appear. After all, a “bait” that looks like a bait will only be fooled by a fool.

The night sky is very clear tonight, and a huge moon hangs in the sky.

As time goes by, the moon gradually sets in the west.

At this time, Lin suddenly stood up, came to Taiyi’s side, and spoke softly.

“It’s changing of the guard. You go and rest, Taiyi. I’ll keep watch in the second half of the night.”

Tai opened his eyes and nodded.

Lie directly on the roof of the car and start to rest.

Lin’s eyes widened and she kept looking around.

Although Taiyi had already lied down, he did not sleep and remained alert.

To be honest, Taiyi was a little worried about letting Lin stay overnight.

It’s not that she doesn’t trust Lin, but that she lacks experience and is still the most difficult to guard in the second half of the night.

Anyone who stays up late knows that when it’s dark, that’s when people feel most sleepy.

Moreover, with Lin’s current state, Lin’s energy will be exhausted before dawn.

As expected by Taiyi, Lin began to feel sleepy after a while, even after a day of rest during the day.

However, this kind of behavior that goes against the biological clock, coupled with Lin’s particularly energy-consuming way of keeping vigil, still makes it difficult for Lin to support herself.

The moment Lin Qiang braced herself and opened her eyes.

“Whew” a very small voice sounded.


A thousand sticks were blocked by Liu Yun a second before it stabbed Lin.

“Whoosh whoosh…”

A dozen kunai with flaming tails headed straight for the carriage transporting supplies.

“Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!”

A wall of water rose quickly, directly wrapping the carriage transporting supplies tightly.

It was Shinnosuke. The moment Liu Yun blocked Senbon, Shinnosuke and Minato had already woken up, and then said that Kakashi, Shisui, Obito and Junichiro were still asleep.

“Boom boom boom…”

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