“Phew~ I’m full!”

Taiyi “Ge You” lay on the chair, gently stroking his round belly.

On the side, Kakashi, Obito, and Junichiro all had the same posture.

Staring at the ceiling with blank eyes.

Eat too much…×4

Only Lin and Shisui still maintained their elegance, unlike the “round-belly” quartet.

Minato looked at everyone with a smile and said with emotion: It’s good to be young.

Shinnosuke’s mouth twitched, my wallet is going to shrink.

Thinking back to his lofty words before eating, Shinnosuke’s heart was bleeding. Why were you fighting Minato for my wallet?

After the mission was completed, Taichi and his team returned to the village under the leadership of Minato and Shinnosuke.

This enemy luring mission itself was an ANBU mission. Minato and Shinnosuke were only allowed to participate in the mission after communicating with the Third Generation.

The main purpose is to let Obito, Junichiro, Lin and Shisui see the real world of ninjas.

Now that the goal was achieved, he naturally transferred back to Konoha, while the “carriage drivers” continued to perform their tasks.

Before leaving, Kusunoki and Di looked at Taiyi expectantly, and Taiyi understood it wholeheartedly and gave them a thumbs up.

“well done.”


After receiving Taichi’s praise, Kusunoki and Di happily performed the mission.

Taiyi shook his head. Although these two people were older than him, they were still children at heart. He only hoped that they could grow up quickly.

“Minato-sensei, when will we carry out our next mission?”

Obito calmed down and straightened up in his chair.


Obito burped loudly because he ate too much.

Lin covered her mouth and laughed softly, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Obito’s cheeks were slightly red, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, this mission has exposed many of your shortcomings, so in the next period of time, Shinnosuke-senpai and I decided to conduct a period of special training for you.”

Minato said with a smile.

“Yes, the main purpose of this special training is to eliminate your shortcomings and improve your strength.”

When it came to business, Shinnosuke temporarily suppressed his heartache about his wallet and spoke to everyone while sitting upright.

“By the way, there is also Taiyi’s Flying Thunder Divine Technique, which I will also teach you this time.”

Minato turned his head and said to Taichi who was about to fall asleep.

“Oh…very good…”

Tai responded weakly.

Some people overeat, and Taiyi will feel sleepy if he eats too much. This was a problem from his previous life, but he didn’t expect it to be brought back here.

Then why didn’t you bring the alcoholic drinker with you…

Kakashi tilted his head, looked at the confused Taichi, and thought to himself: This guy is getting stronger again, and from now on, he will be the one standing at the front.

Seeing Taiyi in a daze and finishing the meal, the party broke up.

We just made an appointment to start special training tomorrow morning.

After saying goodbye to each other, everyone went back to their homes.

Tai walked along the road with Kakashi in a daze.

“It seems that I can’t eat until I’m full in the future. Eighty percent full is enough. If someone uses this trick against me, I may not be able to defend against it, right? Kakashi…”

Taichi was muttering there, while Kakashi looked worried.

Looking at Taiyi, he hesitated to speak.

It’s just that Taiyi was in a daze and didn’t notice. Now Taiyi could only think about going home as soon as possible, then lying on the big bed he bought for fifty thousand taels, and having a good sleep.


Kakashi suddenly stopped and shouted.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Kakashi.”

Hearing Kakashi calling him, Taichi turned his head and found that Kakashi was not beside him. When he turned around, he found that Kakashi had stopped.

Kakashi was a little silent, not knowing how to speak.

Taichi was also waiting, waiting for Kakashi to speak.

The two of them stood under the streetlight, one behind the other, and the streetlight stretched their shadows very long.

After a moment, Kakashi raised his head and looked directly into Taichi’s eyes.

“I will keep that secret for you, and I won’t ask any more questions.”

“That’s it?”

Taichi was a little surprised by what Kakashi wanted to say to him.

“I thought you wanted to borrow money from me? So that’s what happened. If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t use that move in front of you.”

Taichi walked up to Kakashi and patted Kakashi on the shoulder.


“There is no need to put too much pressure on thisYou don’t need to keep this secret for a long time. Maybe I will expose this secret myself soon. ”

“I see.”

“Let’s go home and sleep. We have special training tomorrow, Haqie~”

Taiyi gave a big “hatch”.

After a brief farewell, the two of them went back to their respective homes.

Taiyi also got his wish and slept on his newly bought big bed.

A night without dreams, a night without words.

Early the next morning.

“Dong dong dong!”

A sharp knock on the door woke Taiyi up.


Taiyi, who was unable to sleep due to the noise at the door, roared angrily.

But no one answered.

“Dong dong dong!”

The knocking on the door continued.

Taiyi walked to the door angrily, still mumbling.

“No matter who you are! If you don’t give me a reasonable reason to disturb my sleep, you are dead!”


As soon as the door opened, the breath of sunshine rushed into my face.

Taiyi looked at the handsome blond guy in front of him, and his “getting up angry” suddenly disappeared.

“Brother Minato? Why are you here?”

Minato looked at Taichi, who had messy hair and was still wearing pajamas. Well… he was still barefoot.

He smiled and said, “Kakashi told me that if I don’t come to you for today’s special training, you will definitely be late.”

“Uh…this Kakashi!”

Taiyi gritted his teeth secretly.

If I catch you, you’ll be dead!

“Take it up, Taiyi. I’ll take you to experience the Flying Thunder Magic. This will be very helpful for your learning.”

Minato still had a gentle smile.

Not sure if it was the sunlight that was a bit dazzling or Minato’s smile that was dazzling, Taichi squinted his eyes and nodded.

“Okay, Brother Minato, come in first, I’ll be quick.”


Taichi invited Minato in first and went straight back to the bedroom to start getting dressed.

This was Minato’s first time at Tai’s house.

The house is not big, but it is very neat. Maybe it is because I often go on missions and no one lives at home.

Otherwise, with Etai Yi’s character, the house would be very messy.

Minato thought like this, looking around he suddenly saw the photos placed on the cabinet.

Minato walked closer, there was a man and a woman in the photo.

The man is strong and handsome, and the woman is gentle and graceful. The two of them are close together, smiling very sweetly.

“These should be Taiyi’s parents.”

Minato also met Taichi’s parents for the first time. Taichi’s parents passed away before Minato graduated, so Minato was not familiar with Taichi’s parents.

In the bedroom, Taiyi quickly packed up his equipment and picked up Liuyun, who was “sleeping in the same bed” with him.

“Brother Minato, I’m ready.”

Minato turned his head and looked at Taichi who was fully armed. He walked to Taichi with a smile and reached out to rub Taichi’s messy hair.

“Then let’s go.”


Taichi and Minato’s figures disappeared.

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