The sound of the sword was heard, but the sound was loud enough to spread throughout the silent battlefield.

Shinnosuke’s voice was not loud, but it was loud enough to spread throughout the silent battlefield.

Ye Cang looked at Shinnosuke in disbelief. He did not expect Shinnosuke to stand on Taichi’s side and give the right to decide the life and death of hundreds of people to this eleven-year-old boy.

Not to mention Ye Cang, even the ninjas of Konoha could not believe what they heard. Although everyone called Taichi “little hero”, it was just everyone’s recognition of Taichi’s strength.

How could such a matter that determines the fate of two villages be handed over to a child?

“Sir Shinnosuke, this…”

A Konoha jonin who was closer to Shinnosuke was about to speak to dissuade him.

But Shinnosuke raised his hand to stop him. Shinnosuke had his reasons for doing so.

Although the war was provoked by Sunagakure, the price paid by Sunagakure is far greater than that of Konoha.

And before the war started, the third generation had a heart-to-heart talk with Shinnosuke. The third generation longed for peace. After all, the Second Ninja World War had just ended. Even if Konoha was rich, it could not withstand continuous turmoil.

In addition, Kumogakure and Iwagakure have always been eyeing Konoha, and the third generation urgently needs to find an ally for Konoha.

From a comprehensive perspective, the Sunagakure Village, which is geographically poor and adjacent to Konoha, has weak economic strength and weak ninja strength, is the best choice as an ally of Konoha.

It is precisely because Shinnosuke knows the views of the third generation that Shinnosuke will cooperate with Taichi, hoping to take this opportunity to show favor to Sunagakure.

Of course, there is a great possibility that Sunagakure will not remember this favor, and there is a great chance that letting Sunagakure go back to the mountains.

But Shinnosuke doesn’t care, and neither does the Third Generation, or rather, Konoha doesn’t care. A small Sand Village poses no threat to Konoha.

But if the Sand Village is allowed to keep doing things behind Konoha, Konoha will also be very uncomfortable.

At first, when Taichi made this suggestion, Shinnosuke just thought that Taichi was daydreaming.

It was just that Taichi’s strength opened Shinnosuke’s eyes. He didn’t expect that Taichi could actually end a “war” by himself.

After seeing Taichi’s strength, Shinnosuke went with the flow. He could not only gain Taichi’s gratitude, but also test the ideas of Sand Village. Why not do it?

Sure enough, as Shinnosuke thought, Taichi cast a grateful look after hearing Shinnosuke stand up for him.

In fact, Taichi is not that great. He wants world peace. As a time traveler, Taichi knows that world peace is a beautiful dream.

Taichi just wants to find an excuse to let Ye Cang go. As for why he went to such great lengths.

First, he wanted to leave a good impression in Ye Cang’s heart and prepare for his future recruitment.

Second, Taiyi didn’t want so many people to die in Konoha.

Sure enough, when they spend a long time together, they will form a bond. When facing the enemy, Taiyi can be cold-blooded and ruthless, stabbing the heart and the head, killing the enemy without leaving a single piece of armor.

But when these people who have been with him day and night die in front of him one by one, Taiyi still feels heartbroken.

Even though Taiyi has not known them for a long time.

“So, have you thought about it? Ye Cang.”

After getting the support of Shinnosuke, Taiyi became more confident.

Facing Taiyi’s questioning, Ye Cang looked around the battlefield. Although every Sand Ninja’s eyes revealed fearlessness, when he saw the dense clouds hanging in the air, Ye Cang still gave up a little luck in his heart.

“Okay, I promise you. I also hope that Konoha can keep its promise and we will not interfere with each other before the war is over.”

Ye Cang knew very well that after making this decision, Ye Cang’s identity would change from a “hero” to a “traitor” of Sand Village.

But for the lives of hundreds of Sand Ninjas, Ye Cang resolutely agreed to Taiyi’s request.

“Lord Ye Cang, I can’t agree!”

“Yes! Let’s help you, we are not afraid of death!”

“Even if I die! I will drag the bastards of Konoha to take the blame!”

When Ye Cang made the decision, the Sand Ninjas dissuaded him, and some radicals even lit the detonating tags they carried with them and rushed directly to the nearest Konoha Ninja, hoping to die together.

“Swoosh! Swoosh!”

But Taiyi would not give him this opportunity. Two flowing clouds, one pierced his heart, and the other destroyed the lit detonating tags.

The Sand Ninjas who saw this scene could no longer hold back, and rushed to the nearest Konoha Ninjas without caring about the swords above their heads.

TaiyiWith a flash of cold light, he raised his hands, and just as he was about to send out thousands of swords to teach these people a lesson, he heard a loud shout from Ye Cang, stopping the sand ninja.

“Stop it!!!”

After Ye Cang stopped shouting, the sand ninja above reluctantly stopped and looked at Ye Cang with an unwilling expression.

“I order you in the name of the commander-in-chief, now! Immediately! Retreat to the Sunagakure position! Execute immediately. If you disobey, kill!”

Ye Cang said the order expressionlessly.

Even though he was unwilling, Suna Ninja could only accept the order. Under Taichi’s supervision, Suna Ninja reluctantly retreated backwards.

Ye Cang stood there until the last Sand Ninja hid in the jungle and disappeared. Then he looked back at Taichi and then left in silence.

It wasn’t until Ye Cura’s figure disappeared that Konoha’s ninjas gathered around Taichi and Shinnosuke.

Although I don’t understand what Taichi and Shinnosuke did, it is a fact that they won this battle.

However, the way of victory was different from what everyone imagined, so everyone’s emotions were not high and there was no joy of victory at all.

However, Shinnosuke did not explain, but directly ordered the withdrawal of troops.

When leaving, Shinnosuke patted Taiyi on the shoulder, cast an encouraging look at Taiyi, and then turned around and left.

Although Ye Cang has promised Shinnosuke that he will not make mistakes in the coming days, Shinnosuke still has to be fully prepared. It is impossible to trust his life and death to the enemy’s trustworthiness.

“Why are you doing this?”

A familiar voice sounded, and Taichi turned around, only to see Kakashi standing behind him covered in blood, his eyes full of doubts.

“You are hurt?”

“No, this is all the blood of the enemy.”

“That’s good. Do you remember the organization I told you about?”

After confirming that the blood stains on Kakashi’s body were all from the enemy, Taichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Kakashi looked around cautiously. There was only Shisui who had just arrived, and Obito, Junichiro, and Lin were rushing here and couldn’t get through yet.


“Do you still remember the purpose of the organization?”

“I remember it was a guardian.”

Shisui suddenly spoke.

“I said it casually, I can’t help but remember it.”

Kakashi, Shisui: “…”

So you are a liar, right? That unreliable organization is indeed unreliable, right?

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