
Orochimaru thought for a moment and then remembered the figure of a certain infant child.

Naruto Uzumaki, who was still a baby, should be at the age of entering school now.

He...defeated Itachi? !

Itachi's information set off a terrifying wave in Orochimaru's heart.

Especially the comment made by Payne's Phantom who appeared later after hearing these words.

"According to White Zetsu's intelligence, Uzumaki Naruto is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. The tailed beast is a terrifying weapon. It makes sense that he can defeat Itachi..."

To Pain, Itachi was just a child.

Uzumaki Naruto is also a child, but he has a nuclear bomb like a tailed beast inside his body.

But Itachi retreated unscathed, indicating that he was not as powerless as he said.

Chapter 88. Follow-up 2: Orochi Princess! Akatsuki borrows a knife to kill someone, Orochi covets Naruto!

The Yondaime...child.

Looking at the people who appeared one after another and started talking.

Orochimaru's heart was already in turmoil.

He once lost a competition with Namikaze Minato.

Now, has Namikaze Minato's son also risen?


Orochimaru suddenly became interested in Naruto.

The butterfly effect appears and history begins to drift...

"Well, congratulations on joining Akatsuki, Itachi."

After Orochimaru said some polite words, he stopped talking.

Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, also introduced Itachi, a new member of the organization, to members such as Xiaonan, Kakuzu, and Scorpion...


On the mountain path of the shrine.

Itachi, who was handed the Akatsuki robe, slowly walked up.

After the Akatsuki organization meeting ended, everyone's phantoms left one after another.

The first task Itachi received was to deal with a dispute in a small country far away to prove his ability.

As he was on his way to his mission, he encountered someone blocking his way.


Itachi looked at Orochimaru, who was also wearing a red cloud and black robe.

The Orochimaru in front of him was a physical entity.

That pale face was unchanged from before.

However, this is something incredible.

"Ho ho... don't be nervous, one against seven."

Orochimaru looked at Itachi who was tense and signaled to him that he meant no harm.

"I just want to ask you...about the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki..."

Itachi: "..."

Itachi, who had no expression on his face, actually felt sleepy after hearing this, and immediately became energetic.

"Okay, no problem."

So, Itachi began to tell Orochimaru the specific details, all kinds of... everything...

When he learned that Juzo was also defeated by Naruto, a very interesting change appeared in Orochimaru's eyes.

"Is the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki...that powerful?"

Uzumaki Naruto alone is not enough to kill Juzo.

However, if you add the Kyuubi...

Orochimaru immediately realized that he had not misjudged things like "tailed beasts" in the past.

But...there is a huge misjudgment and underestimation of the "Jinchuuriki".

Jinchūriki + Tailed Beast, probably 1+1\u003e3.

As for whether it is =4, =5, or =9999.

It's hard to say.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up with astonishing light when he discovered a new research topic.

Seeing Orochimaru's interest in Naruto, Itachi felt... stable.

"In addition, what I want to tell you is... Never underestimate Uzumaki Naruto and be fooled by his honest appearance... After all, even Danzo was fooled by him... ..."


This piece of information from Itachi was the final word and played a decisive role.

Having been having a secret affair with Danzo for many years, Orochimaru certainly knew how insidious and cunning Danzo was.

Danzo, known as the "Darkness of Shinobi", suffered under the hands of Naruto Uzumaki?


Orochimaru's breathing became more rapid and cold.

Like a snake spitting a message.

Interesting, so interesting! !

Old and new grudges and the discovery of interesting things. Orochimaru, who originally thought there was no hope for revenge, suddenly realized that teasing Namikaze Minato's son seemed quite interesting.


Itachi looked at Orochimaru who was having fun and said goodbye to him happily.


After saying that, Itachi passed by Orochimaru.

- and then nothing happened.



The outskirts of Konoha a few days later.

Danzo came to this jungle with his men, waiting for the arrival of an old man.

When Orochimaru arrived late, the surrounding subordinates became nervous.

Because Orochimaru had not changed at all when he left the village, he still looked the same.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Because everyone ages.

Calculating his age, Orochimaru is in his mid-40s.

Seeing Ben 5, he looked extremely young, which aroused everyone's suspicion.

"Don't be nervous..."

Danzo waved his hand and dismissed his men, signaling them to retreat.

"Hoho, it's been a long time, Danzo-sama..."

Orochimaru's attitude was very kind, like meeting an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

There was no sense of tension at all.

Danzo stared at the young Orochimaru and was about to say something when the latter spoke first.

"Danzo-sama... you seem to have encountered some trouble recently..."

What Orochimaru mentioned made Danzo narrow his eyes. Orochimaru...does this guy know something?

"I heard Itachi say that that brat named Naruto Uzumaki tricked you..."

The words Orochimaru said made Danzo change his expression.


Orochimaru thought.

Itachi wasn't lying.

Then the information he mentioned is most likely true.

"Hmph...Have you seen Uchiha Itachi."

Danzo asked about Itachi.

If plans and arrangements made over the years are ruined, no one will be in a good mood.

Butcher Itachi, who was finally trained with great difficulty, was tricked by that brat Naruto Uzumaki!

Danzo, who was very dissatisfied with Naruto's actions, felt murderous intent in his heart.

"Ho ho, I have a good idea..."

Orochimaru's lips curled up, indicating that he had a way to deal with it.

The next moment.

Orochimaru ripped off his face...literally.

As the skin fell away, a face belonging to a woman was revealed.


At this moment, Danzo was truly moved and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

The other ninjas were all nervous and inexplicable: "Who... is she?!"

Isn't it Orochimaru?

"Danzo-sama [female voice], as you can see, I have completed the method of eternal life... seizing the body..."

Orochimaru flipped up his hair, looking very charming.

But the strangeness and evil on that beautiful woman's face was lingering and creepy.

Orochimaru is a heretic.

Everyone said so.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen thought so.

And now...has Orochimaru finally fulfilled her ambition?

"Have you...completed that technique?" Danzo asked in a deep voice.


Showing off his achievements, Orochimaru began to let himself go.

After getting eternal life, if you don't seek death, what's the point?

However, the technique of corpse reincarnation is not without its flaws.

Each reincarnation requires a three-year interval.

This time, he was just reincarnated.

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