As expected, the butt determines the head. Konoha ninjas will never dare to resist authority.

The matter between Zabuza and Haku is actually very simple.

Kado used everyone.

Whether it is Kakashi or Zabuza, they are just pawns.

If Zabuza did not take Kado with him in the original work, then even if Dazna built the bridge, Kado would definitely destroy it later, which would be in vain.

The Land of Waves will still be shrouded in a terrible nightmare.

"Then, we are even..."

Zabuza showed a terrifying smile.

He completely unlocked the water prison technique and was ready to leave.

Next, he was going to kill——



Suddenly, a thousand needles were projected from the woods nearby and pierced Zabuza's neck.

Zabuza, with his eyes wide open and a look of disbelief, quickly fell down.


Kakashi, Sakura, Sako, Dazna: "!"

Naruto: "Huh?"

What is going on here.

It's not like Bai is being too foolish.

The masked boy who suddenly appeared on the tree trunk... Bai exuded a gloomy meaning.

She didn't even look at Zabuza who fell to the ground, but looked at the team where Naruto was.

"Your mask... is it the pursuit team of Kirigakure?"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party's outfit.

Kirigakure pursuit team, similar to Danzo's root, is a special team in Kirigakure Anbu.

"Are you here to hunt down Zabuza?"

Watching the other party kill Zabuza who was almost in full state in one move.

Kakashi was extremely shocked.

Because this means that this boy who looks only 14 or 15 years old can easily deal with their team.

In response to Kakashi's question, Bai said coldly: "Hatake Kakashi... how much chakra do you... have left?"

Kakashi: "!"

The fact that the Sharingan causes huge consumption is Kakashi's biggest weakness.

Generally speaking, he will not expose this matter.

The opponent hit Kakashi's weak spot at a glance.

"Probably... there is still a water dragon bullet technique, and a chakra amount of a waterfall technique..."

Kakashi thought about it.

He felt that he could still fight for a while.


Bai hummed and suddenly disappeared.


Kakashi, who had the Sharingan, was the first to catch Bai's figure.

"So fast!"

Seeing Bai's incredible moving speed, Kakashi turned around and then groaned.

When he tried to avoid Bai's attack, a silver needle had already sunk into his shoulder... a thousand needles.


Seeing this scene, Naruto stepped forward silently and stood in front of Sako.

"In recent years, the relationship between Kirigakure and Konoha has gradually eased..."

Kakashi covered his shoulder and spoke seriously.

"Are you...doing this to continue to develop with Konoha?"

"Don't get me wrong."

Bai narrowed his eyes.

"I just want to kill you..."

The cold murderous aura came over, and Kakashi realized that the other party was serious.

Pulling out the Senbon on his shoulder.

Kakashi began to make hand seals.

However, Bai didn't seem to take it to heart, but watched Kakashi perform the spell with interest.

"Summoning Technique!"

Kakashi slapped the ground with his palm and summoned eight ninja dogs.

The eight ninja dogs, including Parker, rushed directly to Bai.

Chi Chi Chi!!!

Bai raised his hand.

The eight flying ninja dogs turned into smoke with a bang.

Eight silver needles fell to the ground.

Bai sneered disapprovingly.

Then, he jumped up and avoided Kakashi's sneak attack from underground.


Then, Bai threw out the needle Senbon, and Kakashi quickly dodged it.

The two began to fight back and forth.

But in Naruto's eyes, Bai was suppressing Kakashi.

This was very abnormal.

Because Bai is not that strong.

It's not that she is not good, but her personality is too soft.

Just like... Uchiha Izumi.

If the physical configuration is too high, but the personality is too gentle, it is impossible to exert the true strength.

But if Bai, whose paper data exploded, is blackened like Izumi.

The result will be completely different.

The gloomy exuded by Bai in front of him has a sense of blackening.

And usually, blackening can be ten times stronger.

"Hatake Kakashi... How much chakra do you have left?"

After Kakashi missed again, Bai asked arrogantly.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura... You three, take Mr. Dazna away from here!"

Kakashi shouted anxiously.

After a few rounds of fighting, he found that the opponent was not ordinary.

In particular, the opponent could actually make a seal with one hand!

This means that the opponent can fight with him with physical skills while casting a spell.

This is equivalent to facing two people at the same time!

"Secret Technique... Thousand Killings Water Shooting!"

The water flow on the ground floated into the air.

Transformed into a thousand condensed water droplets.

A dazzling one-handed seal.

Kakashi discovered that the sky around him was already full of these things.


As Bai waved his arms.

Countless needles fell from the sky, like a meteor shower... and like a rapid summer rainstorm.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...!!!

The sharp attack directly penetrated Kakashi's defense.

No matter how strong the Sharingan is, it is impossible to avoid the extremely dense barrage.


Kakashi fell down with a plop.

His body was full of thousands of needles, and these thousands of needles quickly turned into water, gurgling down...

"Damn it!"

Kakashi's body became stiff, knowing that this was a side effect of the Sharingan.

His movements... became slower.

That's why he failed to dodge most of the attacks.

Watching Kakashi, who was a real man for three seconds, fall to the ground, Naruto curled his lips.

Then, the dancing tail of the tailed beast bloomed, revealing Sasuke and Sakura who were protected.

As for Dazna...

He ran faster and disappeared long ago.

Maybe he has already returned home.

Seeing that the other party did not pay attention to Dazna's meaning, Naruto knew... Bai's target was the four people in Team 7.

And it was very likely that it was himself.

"Goodbye, trash... Kakashi."

Bai's murmured words were captured by Naruto.

The projected silver needle flew towards Kakashi.

Sako threw a shuriken and directly rescued Kakashi.

"No one is better than Uchiha in throwing ninja tools."

Sako said coldly.

Kakashi's defeat did not make her despair.

On the contrary, an amazing fighting spirit rose from her.

Every battle is a sharpening.

Increase your strength... directly to the top, and then... you can kill Uchiha Itachi!

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