Standing in the corridor, Uchiha Izumi began to breathe faster: "Naruto, Nine-Tails, I've been looking for you for a month... You finally showed up..."

She didn't know that Naruto was partying every night. Today, Yugao, tomorrow, Miko, the day after tomorrow, Hyuga Natsu... She naturally couldn't find Naruto's whereabouts.

"Naruto-sama... I'm going to do it!"

Ningji took a stance and made a soft fist at Naruto.

In this venue that everyone is paying attention to.

There are many people who look down on Naruto.

Temari, Kanjiro... and others all think that Naruto is just a paper shell.

This useless Fire Nth Generation, it's impossible for him to win.

Looking at the cheering and impatient audience.

Temari shook her head and sighed, thinking that everyone was a fool.

"Kankuro, you said it, right?"

"That's right, if this yellow-haired guy can win, I'll eat shit!"

Kanjiro looked at Naruto and swore.

"Ningci, don't worry, use your full strength."

Naruto pointed at Neci, signaling him not to worry about his identity.

"Soft Fist!"

Ningci rushed towards Naruto, his confidence increased.

Encouraged by Naruto, he believed that he could only win the respect of Naruto-sama by using his full strength.

Even if he would be killed in an instant, it would be an honor.


"Eight Trigrams Two Palms!"


Ningci hit Naruto, and a blue cyclone bloomed.


At this moment, Neci was a little confused.

Hit? How is this possible?

But soon, he saw Naruto's smile.

I understand! It's a shadow clone!

So, Neci started to output to the shadow clone.

"Eight Trigrams Four Palms!"



All four palms hit.

"Eight Trigrams Eight Palms!"


A series of explosions, Neci was confused again.

Even if it was a shadow clone, it couldn't be so resistant.

I understand... Naruto's shadow clone is special!

"Sixteen palms! Thirty-two... Sixty-four palms!!"

When Neji used a set of gorgeous techniques to complete the set of sixty-four palms.

With his hands on his waist and a handsome pose, Naruto, whose body was shaking after being beaten, had begun to spit blood.

"Wuwuwu... Puff~~~."

Muttering something in his mouth, Naruto fell straight back.



At this moment, all the sounds in the audience disappeared.

The audience stared at this scene in amazement, obviously unbelievable that the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was solved so easily.

"Ning, Neji... The soft fist of the Hyuga clan is really powerful... I admit it, among all the people I, Uzumaki Naruto, have seen, no one is stronger than you, I would like to call your blood limit taijutsu the strongest!"

A startled.

Neji reacted and realized that the Naruto in front of him was real.

In other words... I defeated Naruto? !

"The winner is...Hinata Neji..."

Examiner Shiranui Genma's cheeks twitched as he announced the result of the match.

"I~ @!¥ @#...!!!!"

In the next second.

The overwhelming cheers from the audience drowned the scene.

Almost everyone was cursing.

Some people were heartbroken.

After all, they all bet on Naruto to win.

This time they lost everything!!!

"Ha! I said this kid is a paper shell!" Kankuro showed a crazy smile, pointing at Naruto and laughing.

"Fake match! It was a fake match before! Now it's exposed!" Temari also pointed at the field and laughed the same crazy laugh.

Some people were happy and some were sad.

The negative voices of the audience formed a sharp contrast with the crazy laughter of Temari and a few others.

Soon, Naruto was carried away...

When passing through the dark corridor, Naruto, lying on a stretcher, asked Xi Yan: "How much did we earn?"

"Several, several hundred million..."

Xi Yan swallowed her saliva and whispered.

Chapter 143. Sako: Naruto, you are too gentle

A Chunin exam, complete the accumulation of wealth.

You can lie down for the rest of your life, without worrying about money.

Naruto felt that it was worth it to lose face as a price.

Bet Xi Yan's entire property...

In fact, most of it was his share.

After all, Xi Yan could become so strong, rising step by step, and be strong enough to perform S-level tasks and get rewards, naturally all of which were my own efforts.

I... Uzumaki Naruto earned so much money by myself!

Lie down all the way to the medical room inside the venue.

Naruto quietly waited for someone to come.

After the medical staff finished the examination and found that Naruto was not much injured, they left.


The door opened.

Uchiha Izumi pushed the door open and walked in.

"Naruto, we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Uchiha Izumi smiled, her eyes narrowed into crescents.

She looked very gentle.

However, the next moment, when she opened her eyes, a strange smile appeared on her lips.

Since we are here, we should make the best of it. Naruto, who was not afraid of being killed by Uchiha Izumi, just stared at her.

"So, Sister Izumi, what do you want to do with me?"

Naruto asked the question knowingly.

"Nothing..." Uchiha Izumi came over and sat down on the edge of the bed, "I just want to... have a good chat with you..."

Invited Naruto to her home.

Naruto understood it immediately.

"Okay... But I have some troubles right now. I'm afraid I have to solve those troubles before I can do what you want... Sister Izumi."

Naruto crossed his fingers and began to propose conditions.

Uchiha Izumi naturally agreed.

After all, in the whole Konoha, as long as she wanted to do something, few people could stop her.

"Actually, it's about the third generation grandfather..."

Naruto immediately showed a bitter expression, began to cry, and mentioned the difficulties of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And this time, Orochimaru planned to murder the third generation grandfather.

I, Uzumaki Naruto, am very worried.

"It's easy~, I will help you save the Hokage in a while, but Naruto-kun, you have to stay at my house for a few days..."

Uchiha Izumi smiled like a flower.

Signed Naruto.

Stay at her house.

Uchiha Izumi's slender hand stretched out to Naruto.

The fingers in the gloves were slender and graceful.

When she was about to touch Naruto, she took it back.

No hurry...

Uchiha Izumi thought.

The most delicious food should be saved for the last taste!

Thinking of this, her breathing quickened and her body began to tremble.


Then, Uchiha Izumi stood up, turned around and left here.


Naruto, who had reached a deal with Uchiha Izumi, naturally understood why Uchiha Izumi agreed so quickly.

For the past month, she has been kept away from the companion tailed beast.

Uchiha Izumi naturally couldn't stand it anymore.

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