Chapter 2. Beautiful Uchiha

Several years ago, the seal set by the Fourth Hokage was "loose" for the first time in the eyes of the Nine-Tails.

Of course.

This loosening was just a trace of power that leaked out from the edge of the seal.

When the orange tailed beast power enveloped the little Naruto in the spiritual space, the Nine-Tails grinned and couldn't help showing an ecstatic expression.

Everything has a beginning, and you can't get fat in one bite.

But the Nine-Tails knew that as long as a corner of the seal was torn, it would only take time for him to escape.

So, next... Will this kid lose his self-awareness and run away because of the infusion of his power, or will he be swallowed directly by himself?

In the present world...

Sitting on the terrace, Naruto suddenly opened his eyes.

His originally azure eyes were now stained with scarlet, and even turned into the vertical pupils of a fox.

This made Naruto's temperament change dramatically.

His originally honest and tender face now had a hint of ferocity.


Getting up from the ground, Naruto looked across the terrace and gazed at the scenery of Konoha in the distance.

The abundant alien chakra flowed out from the gap of the Bagua seal on his abdomen.

Chakra is the root of everything and the foundation of strength.

In this world, the more chakra you have, the stronger you are.

Under the expectant gaze of the Nine-Tails, Naruto jumped up and landed directly from a 7-8 meter high building.


After landing steadily, Naruto took a step and soon went all the way to the grove where he often practiced.

The peaceful place with targets and stakes is Naruto's private paradise, where he used to practice physical skills.

Facing the stakes that he had spent thousands of punches on in the past, but could only leave a few marks, this time... the result will be completely different.


The young and tender fists hammered out, and the stakes exploded instantly as if they were facing the bombardment of large-caliber guns, and the debris flew.


Watching this scene, Naruto nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Naruto punched and kicked, constantly practicing his physical skills in the grove.

Every clumsy movement can cause a huge roar and destructive power.

This is the potential of the Jinchūriki under the power of the Nine-Tails.

However, all this is completely unacceptable to the Nine-Tails.

Nine-Tails: "This kid... didn't go berserk?!"

Directly bearing his unfiltered chakra, this negative emotion containing his hatred for humans, this kid was not affected at all! ?

"How is this possible..."

The Nine-Tails couldn't help but groan.

Even the previous Jinchūriki, Kushina, who has a complete Uzumaki bloodline, would experience a berserk experience because she couldn't bear the negative emotions carried in her chakra.

Could it be because of the effect of the Eight Diagrams Seal? !

The Nine-Tails, puzzled, could only stare at the kid in front of him practicing his poor so-called physical skills.


The morning passed quickly.

Naruto wiped the sweat off his face and went to a small river nearby to take a bath.

"I'm so hungry, it's time to go back..."

Under the incredulous gaze of the Nine-Tails, Naruto, whose pupils were still scarlet, walked towards home step by step.


The following days.

Naruto continued to adapt to the power of the Nine-Tails.

Under the gaze of the Nine-Tails, which was increasingly shocked, confused, and finally felt that it might have lost, Naruto's strength also increased.

One kick could blow up a tree of ordinary diameter, and one punch could destroy a stone the size of a casserole on the roadside.

No matter how you look at it, the Nine-Tails felt that he was taken advantage of by this kid and got his chakra for free.

But as time passed, the opportunity that the Nine-Tails had been waiting for finally arrived.


In the morning of that day, Naruto couldn't sleep well.

Borrowing the power of the Nine-Tails all the time not only brings powerful expressiveness, but also means extremely vigorous energy.

No matter how tired you were the day before, as long as you take a short rest, you can immediately recover to the most perfect state due to the continuous healing of the Nine-Tails Chakra.

However, being overly immersed in the Nine-Tails Chakra, especially the "vigorous vitality" represented by the Nine-Tails, will eventually bring unpredictable negative changes, especially... as a very young human child adapting to this power 24 hours a day...

Standing in front of the mirror, Naruto's body shape has changed slightly compared to last month.

His eyes are still scarlet fox vertical pupils, and his body has become stronger.


"It's so swollen..."

Naruto looked at a part of his body that was jumping up and down. At a young age, he began to be gifted.

In this aspect, there has been an amazing growth compared to other parts of the body.

"Why did it become like this?"

Naruto thought that he might be sick.

During this period, he also asked the tenant in his body, but the other party didn't seem to want to explain the situation.

"Maybe it doesn't know..."

In short, Naruto, who was uncomfortable with the swelling, decided to go out for a walk.

Whether it's seeing a doctor or relaxing your muscles and promoting blood circulation, it's time to go out for a walk.


Konoha, a corner outside the Uchiha clan's residence, in an alley next to a store.

Three children are surrounding a child.

If you look closely, you will find that in addition to the latter's exquisitely carved face, the Uchiha clan emblem is very conspicuous on his clothes.

"What do you three have to do?"

She raised her head and looked at three people of the same age.

Her delicate face inherited the characteristics of the Uchiha clan.

At this age, she has the label of "very cute".

Just looking at her will make people feel inferior.

The three ordinary-looking and somewhat fierce children immediately pointed at her and said, "You are the Uchiha who summoned the Nine-Tails! How dare you walk on the street so arrogantly!"

The Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago caused unimaginable pain to Konoha and its ninjas and residents.

There is a rumor in the village that it was the Uchiha who summoned the Nine-Tails.

"My brother was killed by the demon fox!"

"Uchiha is everyone's enemy!"

The three children began to curse and accuse.

She was originally calm, but when she heard the slander of three peers, she immediately became furious.

"Unstable lower limbs, weak arms..."

As an Uchiha, she is also the child of the police captain.

She has been practicing with her brother since she was a child, and she can see at a glance that these three peers are all good-for-nothings.

Proud Uchiha, is it not a trivial matter to deal with the three of them?

However, the consequences caused by this will inevitably bring trouble to her parents and even the clan.


She raised her head and began to look around.

This is a small alley, and the sun does not shine in. If no one finds it...


Suddenly, a strange expression appeared on her face.

And the three peers who were still cursing did not notice the change in the situation.

"Bullying is wrong~." A silly voice sounded behind him.


The three bear children looked back in horror.

The other party was wearing a rustic orange short-sleeved sportswear, and his golden hair was messy.

No matter how you look at it, he looks very stupid.

However, two needle-like red lights were shining from his scarlet vertical pupils.

In addition, a ferocious aura seemed to emanate from his body.

Two seconds later, the three children's foreheads began to sweat and even tremble.

"Don't move."

The Uchiha girl raised her lips and watched leisurely.

"This guy is not something you three can deal with..."

"Shut up! You damn Uchiha!"

The leading bear child was angry and turned his head and cursed at the former.

However, the moment he turned his head back again-


Naruto stretched out his hand, and his cold fingers had pinched his face.

Click... click...

The fingers that contracted like iron clamps made the child's skull make a tooth-grinding sound.

"Woo... woo..."

The excessive fear made everyone stand still.


The next second, the kid with the pinched cheek was thrown out.

——As easy as throwing away a garbage bag.

"! ! ??"

The remaining two were scared when they saw their playmates take off immediately, flying from one end of the alley to the other.

However, as Naruto made his move, the two of them suffered the same treatment before they could even utter a sound.

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