Next to the bathroom, there is a residence separated by only a wall.

Uzuki Yugao's childhood sweetheart, Moonlight Gale, is humming a little tune and cooking today's dinner.

The successful completion of the diplomatic mission brought him a great sense of accomplishment and comfort.

If Konoha and Kumogakure unite, then an infinitely bright future is just around the corner.

And at this moment, he really wants to share this good news with his childhood sweetheart.

So, after cooking dinner, he quickly rushed to the next door.



The dark courtyard here is in sharp contrast to his own brightly lit house.

One side is in the light.

The other side is completely shrouded in the night.

With doubts, he knocked on the door of Qingmei's house.

Knock knock knock...!


Moonlight Gale shouted, but there was no response.

It was not until the fifth knock that the light in the bathroom came on.

Soon, he saw Qingmei, with wet hair, open the door.

Obviously, Qingmei was taking a bath just now.

Looking at Xiyan coming out of the bath, Jifeng could not help but stand there in a daze.

Soon, he smiled: "Xiyan, you seem to have become more beautiful..."

Yueguang Jifeng did not know that his childhood sweetheart had just been awakened by his knocking on the door.

He quickly got up from the bathtub, only to find that the water inside had already become cold.

He wiped his body carelessly, put on his clothes, and opened the door.

Before he could think, he saw Jifeng who came to the door in person.

At Qingmei's invitation, Xiyan followed him to the next door.

The sumptuous dinner whetted her appetite.

However, Xiyan suddenly found that her appetite still seemed to be not very good.

She vaguely remembered some things in her mind.

Probably Naruto knocked her down.

Then, she was in a coma for two days? !

Just as the Jinchūriki's rampage is risky, it may lose the memory of the rampage.

Xiyan, who suffered the erosion of the Nine-Tails Chakra in her brain, also lost some of her memory.

Xiyan only remembered that she left Naruto's house in a daze, and then she didn't know how she came back...

The memory became more and more hazy, as if she had a dream.

"Xiyan, what's wrong with you?" Moonlight Gale blinked.

"Nothing... Maybe I was a little tired from the mission. I fell asleep without turning on the light just now, and I woke up to find that it was dark..."

Xiyan smiled awkwardly.

The warm dinner atmosphere continued.

The two talked and laughed, and it seemed that nothing strange happened.

When dinner was over, Xiyan was going to wash the dishes with Qingmei, but suddenly felt a little unwell.

"Xiyan, if you are tired, go to bed early."

In Qingmei's gentle embrace, Xiyan nodded and left.

"Good night, Gale."

Standing on the second floor, Xiyan opened the window and waved to her childhood sweetheart.

The latter smiled back.

When the figure of Moonlight Gale disappeared behind the wall, Xiyan immediately closed the window.

The indescribable heat made her take off her clothes quickly.

It was a cold winter, but she felt abnormally hot.

"It's so hot..."

Yu Yan murmured in a low voice, took off her underwear, and quickly soaked in the bathtub.

Only then did she feel a little cooler.

However, this action of putting out the fire was a drop in the bucket.

Soon... a hotter heat surged into her heart and quickly spread to her whole body.


Yu Yan closed her eyes and felt her whole body was hot, even her cheeks.


The water in the bathtub was stirred because of the twisting of her body.

She held her hands on the edge of the bathtub, and her fingers searched back and forth for the cold ceramic edge.

But this could not completely relieve the heat.



Yu Yan put her hands into the bathtub, and then she touched something.

It might be ice.

Finally, it started... to get cooler...


The Hyuga clan's residence.

This ancient and conservative clan ushered in a curfew early.

The moon began to rise at night, the stars in the sky became more and more shining, and the Hyuga clan's residence became silent.

Hinata lay in bed, eyes open and did not fall asleep.

Until the next room came Hyuga Xia's serious question: "Hinata-sama... please go to sleep as soon as possible..."

"Okay~, okay~."

Hinata answered her hurriedly, and then closed her eyes.

In her mind, Hinata was still thinking about that question.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, Naruto-kun... will he come?"

Until she fell asleep, Hinata was still thinking about it.

Chapter 17. First Encounter·Instant Body Shisui


In the early morning, Uzuki Yugao woke up from her sleep.

She suddenly got up and sat on the big bed, like the end of a hangover.

The light in the bedroom was a little dim.

Staring at Yugao in front of her, her mind kept flashing the absurd experience of last night.

She raised her right hand and looked at her five fingers, which were as slender and white as green onions, as if something had grown on them.

Soon, Xiyan's eyes began to tremble, and her cheeks were flushed.

Shame surged in her heart, making her feel ashamed.

Last night, while soaking in the bathtub, she couldn't help but practice the Lightning Release Ninjutsu to dispel the unspeakable heat.

As an elite member of the Anbu, Xi Yan is familiar with all the structures of the human body and all the physiological activities of the human body.

She has been clean since she was a child and has never stepped out of line, but she did such a ridiculous thing last night.

Xi Yan got up with a self-pitying mood, and didn't think about the question "why" at the first time.

Pulling open the curtains, it was just dawn outside.

Before she left the window, her childhood sweetheart standing outside the yard was already waving at her.

Xi Yan smiled back, but her smile seemed a little stiff.

Watching the gust of wind on the street in the distance.

Xi Yan kept thinking about the cause and effect in her heart.

She thought about everything, but she didn't suspect Naruto. Naturally, she didn't know that Naruto fed her during the two days of coma.


Opening the window, Xi Yan was about to say something, but suddenly felt something strange in her cheek muscles.

To be precise... it was the pain in her chewing muscles that made it difficult for her to speak.

What puzzled her even more was that when she waved to her childhood sweetheart, her right hand accidentally brushed across her body.

Something warm slowly flowed down...

It might be raining, after all, the weather outside didn't seem to be very sunny.

——It might also be the water escape that only ninjas can release.

"What happened to me...?"

Xi Yan looked at this scene, her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but stand there in shock...


An hour later.

The front of the Hokage Building gradually became lively.

A large number of ninjas came in and out, and they were making final preparations after receiving the transfer order.

Xi Yan, who hurriedly sorted out everything, also rushed to the office.

The order she received was to do a good job of dark protection at the entrance of Konoha.

In a short while, the diplomatic mission of Kumogakure will officially arrive.

In addition to the ninjas of Kumogakure, there were also officials from the official country of Thunder.

They brought the willingness to negotiate peace.

Years of friction have made the people of the Land of Fire suffer for a long time.

Now that the two countries have made peace, all the villagers spontaneously rushed to the entrance to welcome the other side.

For Konoha.

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