Hizashi Hizashi and his son came to the training ground of the main family.

Hinata took a stance and began her father Hizashi Hizashi's soft fist training.

Looking at the eldest daughter of the main family who had no talent but got everything.

Thinking of her son Neji who was obviously a genius but could only become a slave...

Combined with her own experience...

Hizashi's overwhelming resentment turned into a subtle killing intent.

It was this killing intent that was noticed by his brother.

In front of Neji, Hizashi Hizashi activated the seal of the bird in the cage.

Looking at his painful father, Neji, who was crying non-stop, hated the main family for the first time.

The seeds of hatred were planted, waiting for the future to blossom and bear fruit.

The sky outside the courtyard was already dusk at this time...

And in Hinata's Byakugan sight, Naruto had been waiting there.

From morning to dusk...



After a celebration, the birthday party of the eldest daughter of the Hyuga main family came to an end.

Hinata returned to the room, even more depressed.

The darkness outside the window permeated the room inside the paper sliding door.

When everything became completely dark.

Hinata could no longer hold back, quickly stood up and ran to the kitchen.

When she got here, she quickly took out a cloth bag and began to stuff various foods into the bag.

From day to afternoon, and then to night.

Naruto-kun never left.


Wiped a tear that fell.

After packing the food, Hinata ran out of the kitchen with a bang.

In the courtyard, the sky that was originally illuminated by the silver moonlight was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

A large shadow covered the scene.

Hinata, who took a few steps out, suddenly bumped into a tall shadow.


Hinata, who was in pain from hitting her head, just stood firm.

When she looked up, she saw a pair of extremely ferocious eyes.

A few seconds later.

The cloth bag fell to the ground.

The packed food rolled everywhere.

When the dark clouds in the sky passed and the moonlight reappeared, Hinata and the shadow disappeared completely...


The lights in the Hyuga clan's residence, which had fallen into silence, were lit up.

Noisy calls rang out.

Soon, many figures left the residence and chased out...

Chapter 20. Free♦ man, Naruto is here!

Tonight's night seems particularly long.

Naruto squatted in the grass, counting the stars in the sky out of boredom.

No matter how many times you look at it, you will understand that the moon in this world is different from that in the previous life.

The phrase "as big as a silver plate" is no longer just a beautiful hope and extravagant wish.

The bright moon hanging in the sky is indeed huge enough to be seen with the naked eye.

In such a peaceful night, a figure ran out of the Hyuga clan's residence.

He was holding something in his arms.

Behind him in the distance was a group of pursuers.

Among the group of pursuers, a shadow quickly broke away from the other figures and chased after the fleeing one.

At a glance, Naruto understood what was going on: "Hinata... was kidnapped..."

"Heh... This is Konoha's internal defense..."

The Nine-Tails shared everything he saw outside through Naruto's vision with disdain.

More than a week ago, the mask shop owner was arson and murder.

The group of idiots in the Konoha high-level officials had clearly strengthened the village's defense, but such a thing still happened tonight.

Of course, there was also the case of Kushina being kidnapped, etc....The Nine-Tails complained about these things in his heart.

Naruto did not comment on the Nine-Tails' comments.

Kyuubi, you laugh at the idiots in the high-level officials, I laugh at you for not understanding politics.

Fighting with the Hidden Cloud Village for so many years.

Even the second generation Hokage was killed by the Kinkaku and Ginkaku of Hidden Cloud Village.

How could the Konoha high-level officials not know the true face of these guys in Hidden Cloud Village? ? ?

Filtered all kinds of conspiracy theories...including the views that the high-level officials suppressed the Hinata...in his mind.

Naruto was ready to act.

"Wait, kid, look over there..."

The Nine-Tails reminded Naruto not to be reckless.

Because this time it's not a game within Konoha.

The ninjas to be faced are the guys from Kumogakure!

For this visit, Kumogakure sent 8 ninjas and 4 powerless dignitaries.

Except for the guy who kidnapped Hinata, the remaining 7 figures are running quickly in the moonlight.

Obviously, these 7 guys are the support.


Naruto looked around, as if making a judgment.

A few seconds later, Naruto quickly ran in the direction of the support.

Because if these 7 people can't be intercepted, then Hinata will most likely be kidnapped.

"Where are the people from Konoha's Anbu? That bunch of good-for-nothings...!"

Seeing Naruto's decisive action, the Nine-Tails could only insult the Anbu of Konoha.

But in the end, it's not an insult.

After all, in the comics, as long as the Anbu of Konoha appears, it will definitely be accompanied by a lunch box or a bad start.


Dark clouds kept passing through the sky, occasionally covering the moon.

Especially when the wind blew, it further confirmed the setting of a dark and windy night for murder.

Naruto did not show up immediately.

Instead, he chose to approach the seven people in a more secretive way.

I have practiced.

I, Uzumaki Naruto, have become so strong through my own efforts.

I have killed people and seen blood.

After becoming an ordinary person, it is time to fight with real ninjas.

Otherwise... it is better not to practice at all than to spend so much time practicing.


I saw Naruto slowly bend down while running.

Soon, he changed from a two-legged beast to a four-legged beast.

Running on all fours can not only hide oneself, but also play a mimicry role with the Nine-Tails Chakra.

It is just like the ancient Five Animals Play, or various tiger fists, snake fists, etc. martial arts.

The source of the power of the Jinchūriki is the tailed beast with animal nature.

Running on all fours is a return to nature.

As the scarlet light like a needle tip lit up in his pupils, Naruto's eyes also turned into vertical pupils at this moment.

The six whisker-like birthmarks were stained with the same red.

The teeth became longer, the hands and feet became sharper, and even the golden hair began to stand up.

In this state, Naruto instantly felt a breath of "freedom".

As he adapted to this state, Naruto's running speed became faster and faster.

When Naruto flew over the roof like lightning and passed by a cat, the cat's expression instantly turned into astonishment.

Just as the latter was thinking about what kind of new human being this was...

Naruto had already approached the seven Kumogakure ninjas.

This was Naruto's first attempt at a free posture.

The body's running speed was getting faster and faster, and Naruto could even clearly feel that more Nine-Tails Chakra was leaking out from the "Eight Diagrams Seal"!


Since Naruto sensed it, the Nine-Tails could naturally feel it too.

It was full of surprise and confusion at the scene in front of it.

It was so compatible with its own chakra.

Could it be... Uzumaki Naruto is...

The Nine-Tails, who vaguely sensed something and made a guess, shook his head and said it was impossible in his heart.

If it was the reincarnation of Ashura Chakra, how could he have such a devilish mind?

The peace-loving Ashura and the inhuman Uzumaki Naruto... they are not the same kind of people.

However, facts speak louder than words.

Naruto, who used the Nine-Tails Chakra to the extreme, felt unprecedented power!

The first unlucky guy who was jumping and running on the roof had no time to react.

He was pounced from the roof by Naruto using all four limbs.

Before he landed, Naruto swung his claws and tore his throat with one blow.


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