The cat passed by the arena where the two men were fighting, and then crashed into the flying lightning ninjutsu.


The body trembled, and the limbs stretched out.

Before it could scream, it turned into a mass of burnt, broken flesh and broken bones, like exploding fireworks, scattered in the night sky.

The ball lightning continued to fly.

Hyuga Hiashi estimated that the level of this technique was at least B-level, or even higher.


The dirt and debris in the air broke into powder. It was like a cannonball, hitting Naruto with a bang.


Hyuga Hiashi clearly saw that Naruto's whole body trembled.

The orange transparent tailed beast chakra seemed to flow like water waves in an instant.

In a hot blue-white lightning light, Naruto flew backwards.

He crashed into the wall on the left.

Boom boom...

The walls shattered and collapsed, smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Everywhere he passed, there was a mess.

"Hehe..." The ninja leader of Kumogakure showed a grim smile, his proud skill achieved excellent results.

In the dust, the orange light on Naruto seemed to dim a lot.

But in just a moment, it lit up again.

And the light was very bright!

Hinata Hiashi looked solemn, and his eyes looked through the smoke: "Two..."

I saw that Naruto, who got up, had another tail behind him.

When most of the smoke and dust had dissipated.

Naruto used all four limbs, and his hideous figure lying on the ground appeared in front of the three people.

Ninja leader: "Two~! Two tails~?!!"

Unlike the ninja leader who was frightened.

Hinata Hiashi's expression became more and more solemn. At this moment, he began to worry about what to do if Naruto went berserk.

At this point, the situation was completely reversed.

"Hinata...close your eyes."

Naruto's suppressed low voice sounded, and this gesture made Hyuga Hiashi slightly dispel the worries in his heart.

It's dark...please close your eyes.

"Naruto-kun~..."Hinata closed her eyes very obediently.

"Wait~! Wait...!!"

The head of the Kumogakure ninja, who was sweating all over, was shocked.

However, before he could finish what he wanted to say, Naruto used his hands and feet and rushed over directly.


He clawed out the heart.

He rushed into the other's arms and gave the other a chill.

The shattered heart came out from the pierced back, and countless blood foam and meat pieces splashed diagonally into the sky.

Naruto, who succeeded in one strike, hugged Hinata, returned easily and landed.


The head of the Kumogakure ninja looked down at his empty chest that was bleeding.

Then he raised his eyes.

Before he died, what he saw was... a pair of scarlet vertical pupils emitting a pinpoint red light...


The swaying body collapsed to the ground and turned into a cold corpse.

The scattered internal organs fell to the ground, splashing a fan-shaped scattered pattern.

Blood gushed out from under the corpse.

The scene was extremely bloody for a while.

Hyuga Hiashi frowned and quickly stepped forward to uncover the other party's nightgown.

When he saw the forehead protector worn on the other party's forehead and the facial features of the one-eyed dragon, his expression changed drastically.

The murderer turned out to be...

Hyuga Hiashi, who was frightened and sweating, stood there in a daze, motionless.

Only then did he understand why the son of the fourth generation did not let him do it.

Naruto: "Hinata, it's okay."

On the other side...

Getting the hint, Hinata's eyelids moved slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes and found herself being held by Naruto.

"Hinata, happy birthday..."

After thinking for a while, Naruto added.


Hinata's face instantly turned red.

Then, she hummed hard, and the suppressed fear and other emotions burst out at this time and turned into tears.

Holding Naruto tightly, burying her head deeply in Naruto's arms.

At this moment, Hinata had only one thought.

"Naruto-kun's arms~, so warm~."


Footsteps and shouts sounded, and the members of the Hyuga clan came late...

Unlike the members of the clan who were extremely concerned about the safety of the eldest daughter of the clan.

Hyuga Hiashi's face was as if he had eaten shit.

The Kumogakure diplomat who came to negotiate peace died in the Hyuga clan's residence. What will happen next?

He only knew that things were in big trouble...

Chapter 22. Maid witnesses monster♦

Hyuga Hiashi: "Naruto-kun, please come this way."

Fifteen minutes after the incident.

Hyuga Hiashi returned to the Hyuga mansion with his daughter, surrounded by the clan members.

Naruto also came with him.

At this time, it was already 9:30 in the evening.

The whole Konoha was under curfew. Except for special departments such as the Uchiha Police Department, almost all Konoha residents had fallen asleep.


In the crowd.

Looking at the clan leader who personally led Naruto in, Hyuga Xia was stunned for a moment.

The clan leader's face was as solemn as usual, but there was a hint of respect in his attitude.

This respectful attitude was directed at Naruto.

This move directly caused a huge wave in Hyuga Xia's heart.

She couldn't help but start to think about the cause and effect of the matter.

It is worth mentioning that... even if the Hyuga clan has a convenient blood inheritance limit such as the Byakugan, it cannot be peeked and used at will.

After all, if he knew too many things that he shouldn't know, the Hyuga clan would be in huge trouble, and might even be in danger of annihilation.

Therefore, subconsciously, most members of the Hyuga clan will try not to abuse the Byakugan as much as possible.

When you are practicing Soft Boxing and need to open it up, you will never look at angles and directions that you shouldn't look at.

Therefore...many members of the Hyuga clan, including Hyuga Natsu, do not know the full extent of tonight's emergency.

Only a few understood what a feat Naruto had just accomplished.

At this time, the blood stains on Naruto's face had been wiped away.

The existence of the Tailed Beast Clothes meant that there was almost no stain on Naruto's clothes.

Under Hinata Natsu's surprised gaze and uncertain mood, Naruto followed Hinata Hizashi to the special room for entertaining guests.

"Asha, you will take care of Naruto-kun and Hinata from now on... Whatever needs Naruto-kun has, you must satisfy them as much as possible, and you cannot neglect our distinguished guests...!"

Hinata Xia: "Yes!"

Saying these words with an absolute command tone, Hinata Hizashi left with the other clan members.

Of course, he still ordered two tribesmen with higher martial arts values ​​to guard the room a little further away.

Hinata bent over and lowered his head.

It wasn't until Hinata Hizu and others disappeared around the corner of the wooden corridor that she raised her head slightly.

"Naruto-kun~, you must be hungry..."

Hinata, who was standing with Naruto, had a gentle smile on her face and a faint blush.

Tonight's incident made her feel like she had spent a birthday she would never forget.

Entering the room with Naruto, Hinata immediately looked at Hinata.

"Asha...please prepare some food for Naruto-kun...well, it must be rich..."

Finally, Hinata added another sentence.

Looking at the eldest lady of the Zong family who was smiling endlessly, and Naruto with a naive expression with his eyes narrowed to a slit.

Hinata Xia, who was shocked in her heart, had no choice but to do so.

When the confused maid of the branch family left, Naruto casually sat cross-legged on the tatami.

Hinata, who was sitting across from the low table, could only see Naruto's figure at this moment, and could no longer accommodate anything else.

Just thinking about it for a moment... being saved by a hero or something, Hinata felt happy overflowing.

These days, the anxiety in my heart due to worries about the relationship between the Uchiha girl of the same age and Naruto has completely disappeared with being saved by Naruto.

“This place is quite nice...”

As Naruto spoke, he tilted to the side.

Finally, he supported his head with one hand and lay on his side on the tatami.

When Hinata Xia walked in with the food, she saw this scene.

Normally, she would of course scold him immediately, first condemning the "demon fox" for appearing here, then giving a soft fist warning, and then reporting to the patriarch...


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