She...remembered many, many things.

The stars twinkled, and the bright moon hung high in the sky. Little drops of rain fell, as if it was raining.

Mikoto felt her wet clothes and stepped into the hotel.

Take the elevator and go up.

Mikoto was alone in the elevator and remained silent.

The building has a different security system.

If you're on the ground floor, feel free to enter.

If you are at a high level, you must have the authority to pass.

As it happened, she did have this green light because of Naruto's care.

But other Uchiha clan members may not be able to.

Get to the top of the building.

Mikoto confirmed the direction and quickly entered.

All the way to the center of this floor, Mikoto stopped.

Mao Yue Xiyan stood guard at the entrance of the corridor, prohibiting any unrelated persons from entering. the area where Naruto lives.

It is also a zone to prevent others from disturbing you.

"Mrs. Mikoto..."

Just when Mikoto thought she had to work hard to speak...

"Please come in."

Uzuki Xiyan turned aside to let Uchiha Mikoto enter.


Uchiha Mikoto was stunned, but then immediately smiled and thanked her.

She carried the gift and slowly entered it.

Staring at this beautiful woman with a dignified gait, the corners of Xiyan's mouth turned up slightly.

"Xiyan, I brought you a midnight snack."

At this moment, Xiyan's husband Gaofeng came over.

He held a hot late-night snack in his left hand and a folding table and chair in his right hand.

"Well, thank you, Hayate."

Xiyan took off her mask, revealing the beautiful smile of a goddess.

Hayate looked at the appearance of his beautiful wife and was distracted for a moment.

No matter how many times I watch it, I will always feel that...Xi Yan is the most beautiful woman in the world.


He coughed to hide his expression.

After setting up the table and stools, Hayate and his wife began to enjoy a late-night snack with their wife.


Hayate ate and thought for a while.

He actually...had a little impulse to do something.

for example......

"Can we have a child?"

Hayate was actually quite envious when he saw other people having children.

Pure platonic love will eventually change.

Hayate felt ashamed of his impurity.

So, the wife’s reaction…

Xiyan looked at Hayate and smiled: "Okay."

"Very good!"

Hayate jumped up immediately, as excited as a teenager.

Of course I can have a child, and it will definitely be my Maoyue Xiyan's child, but the child's... is not necessarily the case.

Xiyan looked at her excited husband in front of her, and the smile on her lips became even more pleasant.

"Haifeng, don't be happy yet, I have to think about my career."

Xi Yan said.

If a woman becomes pregnant, her work will be greatly affected.

Although ninjas are physically very strong, they can work in the fields after giving birth.

But the problem is.

There will eventually be inconveniences.

This should also be considered from a humanitarian perspective.

Konoha's top brass would never allow a pregnant woman to participate in ANBU operations.


Hayate, who was immediately cooled down by the cold water poured on him, slowly sat down.

He frowned, thinking about Xiyan's future.

Xi Yan is currently the squad leader of ANBU Team 6, and the next step...maybe she can become the leader of Konoha ANBU.

That is, the position second only to Hokage and Elder.

So, as for the arrangements for giving birth...

"You also know that it's not easy for Naruto..."

Xi Yan mentioned Naruto.

"When I get a chance, I'll ask Naruto what he thinks..."

In Hayate's view, Xiyan's suggestion was normal. If Naruto gets rid of his knot, he won't need ANBU protection.

At least there is no need for Xiyan to protect him.


Hayate nodded vigorously.

Ask, you should ask, and you have to ask well.

"Of course." Xi Yan smiled like a flower.

How could it be possible without asking Naruto about having a child?

"Haifeng, eat some food." Xi Yan picked up a plate of vegetables and handed it to Haifeng.

The hot vegetables are green in color, very beautiful, and they must taste extremely delicious...

In the dark night, Mikoto walked in the dim corridor.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows are arranged neatly.

The lights of the village shone in, giving the corridor some light.

This would prevent Mikoto from walking around in the dark.

Mikoto stared at the scenery outside, a little dazed.

Because it was the same scene when we were at the beach hotel.

As I thought about it, the rain that fell outside wetted the windows, and the rain that ran in also wet... Mikoto.

Take a few deep breaths to calm down.

Mikoto turned her head and looked straight ahead.

In the center of this floor was Naruto's office.

Mikoto's heart started beating faster at the thought of seeing Naruto right away.

There were ripples in her eyes, and a smile spread across her face.

Even the pace under his feet has sped up a bit.

What she was thinking about at the moment was to see Naruto as soon as possible, take advantage of the opportunity to talk, and then...

The next moment.

Mikoto, who was looking forward to it so much, suddenly stopped.

Because...she seemed to hear something.

The door of Naruto's office was closed.

But the door made a faint sound.

How could the door make a sound?

Then of course someone must be affecting it and interacting with the door.


"There must be a rat!"

But as soon as this idea came out, Mikoto denied it.

Because rats can't appear in such a tall and newly built building.


Just as Mikoto poked her head out and looked around.


The sudden heavy banging sound of the door scared her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The door slammed hard, the sound was dull and regular.

Mikoto didn't know what happened inside.

Because she couldn't guess it at all.

If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely walk over and push the door at this time.

If it was a ninja, he would probably think for a while.

If it was a perception ninja, he would use perception immediately.

And the Uchiha clan can barely be considered as perception ninja.

After all, the Sharingan can see through to a certain extent.

Although it is not like the Byakugan, which can see the objects inside.

But if there is a chakra reaction, the Sharingan will definitely be able to capture it.

Just like in the original work, Sako saw through the bomb buried by Deidara in the soil. Another example is that Sako also saw through the nano bomb that entered her body.


After all, she is a jonin.

Mikoto immediately activated the three-magatama Sharingan.

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