During this period, Naruto saw Hinata Hazuki several times.

Seeing that the New Year was coming, Hinata Hazuki asked Hinata Natsu to take Naruto to the shopping street to buy new clothes.

After all, you can't always wear this orange short-sleeved sportswear, right?

By the way, I took Hinata to buy some New Year items.

If necessary, she would invite Naruto to stay with the Hyuga clan and celebrate the New Year with all the clan members.

"Then, mom, let's go."

In private, Hinata calls her mother very affectionately. You can see the maternal love she enjoys.

Hinata Hazuki, who was sitting in the room, smiled and nodded, watching the two children being taken away by the maid Hinata Xia.

"That's great..."

Gently caress your belly and feel the rhythm of new life.

Thinking of a better future.

Hinata Hazuki felt that life was gorgeous.

Even if you are not in good health and may die after giving birth to a second child, then your life will not be in vain.


The commercial streets on New Year's Eve are crowded with people.

Most of the people knew nothing about the war.

However, the tense atmosphere among the ninjas in the village still affected them a little.

Coupled with the arrival of the first batch of "travelers" from the Country of Fire, rumors... rumors of imminent war on the border spread like wildfire, and the atmosphere of panic... spread uncontrollably.

On the streets of Konoha, crowds of people hurried.

A woman in coarse clothes kept looking at everything around her.

She looked about 25 or 6 years old, and her compassionate and holy expression made her look like a saint in mythology.

Rough clothes can't stop her natural beauty, and... then z! figure.

The dark blond hair was slightly curled at the ends and spilled out from the hood.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Konoha, she passed by quietly...

"Naruto-kun~? Naruto-kun...?"

Hinata called twice.

Only then did Naruto look away from the other party! Move away from your body.

Hinata Xia then looked around, but saw nothing.

The woman who has long since entered the vast crowd of people is nowhere to be seen.

Therefore, she could only speculate on irrelevant possibilities in her mind.

Chapter 25. Kabuto’s mom~Mom~

Dark underground entrance.

Seeing the dark stairs, No Naiyu couldn't help but frown slightly.

It has been several years since I left the orphanage.

In the past few years, she has been collecting information for Konoha and traveling to various countries.

The purpose is to be able to know the situation of his adopted son "Kabuto" at all times.

Kabuto, who was the first to leave the orphanage and join Konoha a few years ago, has now become an official ninja.

He lived a carefree life in Konoha. Watching the adopted son in the photo grow up day by day, Noonoyu would feel relieved in his heart. This proves that her sacrifice was not in vain.

But this time, Danzo suddenly summoned her to return to Konoha.

This made Nonoyu, who had not been back for several years, feel a little bad.

The rhetoric in the communication confirmed her concerns.

Just two days ago, the Kumogakure delegation visited Konoha, and a series of events occurred, leading to a major war between the two sides.

at present.

Konoha's troops centered on the "Uchiha Stronghold", and a confrontation began across the coast with Kumogakure's troops.

So... Danzo called him back, most likely because he wanted him to sneak into Kumogakure's side?

Nonoyu slowly walked down the stairs, passed through countless winding passages, and finally...in the deepest part of the Konoha underground, which is also the center of the Konoha underground, he met Shimura Danzo.

This is the home base of "Gen" and the embodiment of Danzo's ambition.

He who lives in the deep shadows is known as the "Dark Shinobi".

It's not a good reputation.

In the entire ninja world, Danzo and the roots he led were so notorious.

When it comes to mentioning it, almost everyone becomes jealous.

However, the interesting thing is...the ninjas of the enemy country are so familiar with the roots, but the people of Konoha know nothing about the roots.

Even most of the "Konoha grassroots ninjas" are completely unaware of the existence of "roots".

"Nonoyu, you are back..."

Danzo stood there leaning on his cane and turned around, revealing a face with obvious wrinkles.

After not seeing each other for several years, the decline in his physical strength was visible to the naked eye.


The fate that most human beings cannot escape has befallen this hero.

But Nonoyu knew.

The superb chakra control that Danzo honed in his youth can allow him to live for a long time... a long time...

And Noonoyu, who left Konoha when she was just a girl, is now in full bloom.

She has been taking care of children in an orphanage for a long time, and has a superficial background as a medical ninja, making her whole body filled with the holy light of motherhood.

With this temperament, no matter where you go, you will be quickly recognized and loved by others.

"Do you want me to sneak into Kumogakure?" Nonoyu adjusted the big round glasses on the bridge of his nose, not wanting to talk to Danzo too much.

"Don't worry."


Danzo tapped his cane on the ground and moved away.

Under Nonoyu's gaze, he walked towards a corridor.

Nonoyu hesitated for a second and followed.

"There is another thing... you need to confirm first..."

Danzo said without looking back.

After many twists and turns, Nonoyu had a bad premonition and came to a familiar place again.


It is also one of Root’s laboratories.

Gen... is also a branch of ANBU.

So naturally it also has all the functions of ANBU.

This includes the recovery and research of enemy ninjas and even the corpses of our own ninjas.

Before he even got close, Nonoyu could smell the disgusting rancid smell inside.

It was a magical cave that could not be covered up even if it was soaked in potion.

Soon, Danzo opened the door.

Several medical ninjas belonging to Gen inside quickly stood aside.

Nonoyu looked over and saw eight corpses covered in white cloth.

With Danzo's explanation, she learned all the details of the Kumogakure mission's destruction that happened two days ago.

"The autopsy report...has some issues."

Danzo ordered his men to lift the white cloth.

Eight corpses with different forms of death were displayed in front of Nonoyu's eyes.

Ninjas' bodies are so powerful that they decay much slower than ordinary civilians. Even though they had been dead for two days, their faces were still lifelike.


Frowning, Nonoyu stepped forward and started to check.

"Being the leader of the medical team when I was a teenager, and the experience I accumulated from sneaking into enemy countries countless times..."

Danzo began to describe Nonou's talents...and achievements.

"I believe that you, known as the "Walking Witch", will be able to accurately determine the true cause of death of these eight people..."

Speaking later, Danzo's tone became unquestionable and threatening.


No Naiyu was silent.

In terms of medical ninjutsu, those who are better than her are... Princess Tsunade, known as the Sannin, and one of the few hermits in the ninja world.

However, there is no need for such exquisite medical ninjutsu, even if you are just a beginner.

As long as you have a little understanding of the Hyuga clan's methods of fighting enemies, you can tell that the cause of death of the eight people was not Hinata's methods at all.

Because although the Hyuga clan can also use extremely cruel and violent Gouken techniques such as "heart-breaking", their moves still have traces to follow.

The extremely exquisite chakra control method will make the wounds very "artistic", which will amaze everyone who sees it.

However, all the wounds on these eight unlucky guys looked like they had been torn apart by wild beasts.

Not to mention the beauty, this is not the harm that humans can cause at all!

Then, the answer is ready to come out.

Nonoyu suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Danzo calmly.

Danzo, who was also calm, reached into his pocket, took out an envelope, and threw it in front of Nonoyu.

Nonoyu opened the letter and almost couldn't hold back the moment he saw the photo.

However, she still held back her emotions.

Looking at the photos accumulated by his adopted son year by year and the recent changes, No Naiyu had mixed feelings in his heart.

However, she did not notice the cruelty flashing in Danzo's eyes.

The person in the photo is "Kabuto", but he is not Kabuto.

At least not really Kabuto.

Her real adopted son, like her, was currently serving Konoha as a spy.

The boy in the photo is just a common deception method...

After not seeing each other for a long time, he found a boy who looked similar to Kabuto, and then slowly replaced the real Kabuto with this boy's photo.

It's like... boiling a frog in warm water.

Eventually, Nonoyu will completely forget about her real adopted son and think that the fake Kabuto is her real child.

This is the final fate of all spies.

Used and then discarded.

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