Such a kind-hearted child is being used by Danzo.

This made Nonoyu's guilt deepen again.

However, if you don't do this.

Everyone at the orphanage, and Kabuto will...

"Naruto-kun, when I really settle down in Konoha and find a stable job, I will definitely come to tell the good news..."

Before leaving, Nonoyu looked back at Naruto and said words of gratitude and words of gratitude for meeting again later.

Naruto nodded vigorously: "Yes! Then I wish you success in advance, Dean."

Standing at the door, Naruto watched Uzuki Xiyan, who was wearing fashionable winter clothes, taking Nonou away.

Small snowflakes were falling from the sky.

After Nonoyu walked away, he couldn't help but look back.

At the entrance door illuminated by dim light, Uzumaki Naruto's small figure is still watching over here...

Kami Sama...

Wave-like emotions surged up, and complex emotions filled Nonoyu's sensitive soul as a woman.

If you really exist, please show a bright path.

Nonoyu, who was once the director of an orphanage and a nun, initiated devout prayers to God for the first time in her heart.

Started in medical class.

Later, she joined Gen and became famous in the underground dark world with the title of "Walking Witch".

After voluntarily retiring, he ran an orphanage and became a clergyman.

Finally, he was threatened by Danzo, demobilized again, and returned to his identity as a root ninja.

Where can I go?

Parents love their children, and gods love those who fear him/her/it.

God knows how we came to be, and remembers that we are just dust that will dissipate in the blink of an eye.

The years of the world are like green grass, and like flowers in the fields. They cease to exist when the breeze blows, and even the place where they grow is forgotten...

Until the figures of Nonou and Uozuki Xiyan completely disappeared into the snowy night.

Naruto then turned around and closed the door.

"I think... I already have an idea to save Hinata's mother."

And, the next plan to "become stronger!"

Noonoyu, a medical ninja second only to Princess Tsunade, possesses powerful medical technology.

The source of medical ninjutsu is "Yang Release".

The Yang attribute is also one of the attributes that proves that he is the reincarnation of Asura Chakra.

Just like Sako was born with Yin attributes and can practice "Yin Escape", he is the reincarnation of Indra Chakra.

Naruto admitted that he was not made to be a good medical ninja like Sakura.

But Yang Dun does not require as much painstaking training as medical ninjutsu.

Talent will determine the outcome of Yang Dun practice.

As for the learning path, a suitable guide, who else is more suitable to guide myself than Nonoyu?

The corner of Naruto's mouth curled up, and the image of Nonoyu's attack appeared in his mind again! body...and Uzuki Xiyan's outfit in a fashionable winter coat.

On the wall of the entrance hall, the monster wakes up and casts a shadow.

Naruto suppressed it and signaled it not to worry.

Next, it may be Noono U, Uzuki Xiyan, or Hinata Natsu.

There will always be a way to let it out...

Chapter 38. Sako’s invitation to Naruto

A few days after the New Year...

Itachi spent the past few days at home.

Because he was temporarily suspended from his job and had not yet made arrangements to form a new team, he has been idle at home.

According to the instruction jounin.

The Ninja School will welcome a new batch of graduates this year, and by then two new genin will join their team.

Itachi was not looking forward to this, he just wanted to take the Chunin Exam as soon as possible.

However, the failure of the mission to escort the daimyo turned his ambition to take the Chunin Exam this year into nothing.

Do I have to wait until next year?


Itachi felt anxious again and suppressed his unhappiness with force.

The only thing worth celebrating is the progress my sister has made in the past few days.

It can be described as "unbelievable".


In the grove, there are 8 targets erected.

This is a place located in a clan gathering place.

Itachi always used to come here to practice.

At his sister's request, he took his sister to this secret training place that only his parents and Shisui knew.

The younger sister let out a clear drink and flew up.

Between the fingers of the left hand and the right hand, there are 4 shurikens each.

As the eight shurikens were thrown, they made a sound of breaking through the air, and finally each of them hit their target.


The shurikens penetrated the wooden targets and all hit the red heart.

Itachi couldn't help but be surprised, amazed by his sister's progress.

After a brief moment of surprise, he thought happily...

As expected sister.

"What's up, brother!"

Zuo Zi, who has just landed, seems to have grown very fast after the new year, not only in terms of skills, but also seems to have grown taller.

Looking at his younger sister who was becoming more and more adorable, Itachi felt that she was the most precious treasure in the world.

She is obviously a girl, but her motor skills are very strong.

Probably more than many boys.

He is also very smart mentally, and he has already begun to read books that can only be read in the later stages of "genin".

And for her, that knowledge can be learned by reading it once. not a difficult task for her.

How to say it.

During this time, Zuo Zi seemed to have suddenly "enlightened", and everything was growing at an incredible speed.

"9 points."

Itachi gave his sister a high score close to full marks.

"There is only one point left. I don't want you to be proud of it."

"Eh~~?!" Just when Sako made a cute questioning tone.

The sound of heavy footsteps came closer and closer.

"Father." Itachi turned around and judged the identity of the person through his familiar steps.

"Dad..." Zuo Zi immediately softened her attitude. She was always a little reserved when facing her unsmiling father.

Uchiha Fugaku, who suddenly returned from the battlefield, didn't look very good.

After all, just when he was about to make a meritorious service, he was suddenly called back by the top management of Konoha. No one would be in a good mood. And the reason is actually to hide one's clumsiness, confuse the enemy, and not make the opponent anxious all at once...

In fact, Fugaku knew very well that the higher-ups in Konoha did not want their Uchiha to make contributions and improve their situation.

Now...the fourth generation sacrificed, Orochimaru defected, and the third generation grew old. If the Uchiha developed normally and wanted to rise, they would be unstoppable.

The higher-ups were afraid of this, so they didn't want Uchiha to reverse the situation, and even sacrificed the lives of more grassroots ninjas to prolong the border conflict that should have ended quickly.

"When I returned to the village, Lord Hokage summoned me and told me about you."

Fugaku glanced at his daughter and then at his eldest son.

Itachi: "?!"

"Recommended by high-level officials, we decided to let you participate in next year's Chunin Exam. But this time, you will not participate in a group of three, but "alone"! "

Alone...alone? !

"Compared to other candidates who are in groups of three, you are obviously placed in an unfair and harsh environment. However..."

Itachi understood.

This is tempering and a review of one's abilities.

Once he breaks through the siege and becomes a chuunin alone, he will become the strongest candidate since the founding of Konoha!

"Thank you very much..."

Because of being too excited, Itachi's words were slightly interrupted.

Countless frustrated days and nights, looking forward to taking the Chunin Exam.

Now the dream has finally come true...

"Brother, congratulations!"

Sako smiled happily.

She was happy for her brother from the bottom of her heart.

Itachi: "Sako..."

For her younger sister who has not yet entered the ninja school, her older brother has already taken a very important step in her life.

Because usually, becoming a "chuunin" and obtaining this position with greater power is the real beginning of ninja life for the strong.

"Dad~, I will grow up as soon as possible and follow in my brother's footsteps!"

Sako excitedly told her father her wish.

However, her hopes did not receive a positive response.


Father snorted indifferently.

The obvious coping attitude instantly extinguished Zuo Zi's enthusiasm.

Staring at his father's back who turned to leave, Itachi suddenly felt unhappy.

His father, who came from an old-fashioned background, upheld strict family upbringing.

Even Lord Hokage praised the education of the "Fugaku Family".

However, such a traditional family means "priority to sons over daughters."

Because my sister is a girl, I feel that it doesn't matter. I think that when she grows up, she will only be able to support her husband and raise children... so she doesn't understand her sister's feelings.

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