After... Sako, Tenten, Hinata, and Neji, now I have met Shikamaru and Choji.

Among 12 Xiaoqiang, only Sakura, Ino, Xiao Li, Shino, and Kiba are the ones I don’t know.

"Shikamaru, he looks stupid." Choji reminded him that this yellow guy is not very smart.

"Yeah, no problem." Shikamaru showed an inclusive smile.

"Akamaru~, let's go~!"

"Woof woof~!"

At this moment, a young man with a puppy on his head and two small tiger teeth exposed ran across the small park at a fast pace on all four limbs.

"Another idiot." Choji looked at Inuzuka Kiba, who was also not very smart, and said again.


Naruto played with Shikamaru and other little friends from noon until dusk.

Everyone kicked the can, played on the swings, climbed trees... which made up for the lack of childhood.


"I'm going home."

At dusk, the sunset shines brightly.

The parents of Shikamaru and others came to pick up their children.

"That's not..."

Nara Shikaku glanced at Naruto, surprise flashing in his eyes.

The parents of other children also looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Uzumaki Naruto, the Yondaime's child, has he met his own child?

They should inquire carefully about this matter when they return.

After everyone leaves.

Naruto stood alone in the park, the sunset lengthened his shadow, and he no longer smiled.


Kyuubi yawned.

"So what if I don't have a father or a mother? There are many orphans in the orphanage who don't have parents."

Just when it was about to continue to comfort Naruto to be strong, Kyuubi suddenly thought of something else.

So it immediately laughed out loud.

‘Ha…his father and mother were killed by me, it was me! ’

Kyuubi gets a new hell joke.

Of course, the masked Uchiha was also one of the murderers.

Kyuubi, who could no longer comfort Naruto, could only continue to hold his face with his paws and close his eyes to rest.

Many things in this world are jokes, and they are jokes from hell.

Surviving in this ninja world full of hatred and hatred has never been an easy thing.

At that time, the old man of Six Paths tried to let everyone connect chakra to each other so as to know each other's thoughts and finally achieve spiritual communication.

That is, mutual understanding.

But the old man Liu Dao failed in the end, because the chain of hatred cannot be solved so easily.

In the end, the ninja world became what it is now.


Naruto's naive expression quickly calmed down, and then changed from expressionless to smiling.

“I met a lot of new friends today, it’s really great.”

"You can't be considered friends if you only meet once, not even fair-weather friends..." Kyuubi complained.

"No~, Kyuubi, you don't understand~. Ours is a pure childhood friendship. This is a good start... More and more people recognize me. One day, everyone will recognize me. I, at that time, I will become the hero of Konoha...and the Seventh Hokage~."

Naruto laughed out loud.

"Why the Seventh Generation?"

Kyuubi didn't understand.

Isn’t it okay for the Sixth Generation?

But as this guy said, more and more people admit that he has been deceived.

This is not good.

Kyuubi thought.

Because when Naruto Uzumaki is cut open, he is actually black.

Once he becomes the hero of Konoha Village, or even the Hokage, I don't know what the village will become at that time!

"Ha, will be over when human society is over anyway..."

Kyuubi simply decided to just lie down, swing, and mix, and be a fun beast.

Respect the fate of others, respect the fate of the country, and even the ninja world.


Not long after, Naruto returned home.

The setting sun almost sank into the horizon, and night fell quietly.

At the door of his home, Naruto met two figures who came to visit.

One is Uzuki Xiyan in fashionable winter clothes, and the other is Nonoyu in nun uniform.

Nonoyu, who put on new clothes, exuded the brilliance of motherhood and holiness.

Underneath that gentle expression, there is... a lower z that does not match the divine face! Body.

Just like the angels are above and the devil is below.

It seems to symbolize that if people in the world think about heaven, they will go to hell if they think wrongly.


Naruto squinted his eyes and kept scanning Nonoyu.

A man is what he wears, as the saying goes, it is indeed true.

After only a few days of not seeing each other, this nun suddenly transformed into a priest.


Uzuki Xiyan happily introduced Naruto to Nonoyu's current situation.

She found a new job, and it was a job at the "Konoha Orphanage".

Those who can take on this responsibility and take care of children, without exception, have extremely clean backgrounds.

This also allowed her to gain Maoyue Xiyan's trust.

After all, people who have passed the village's political review can have any bad intentions.

Xi Yan's attitude became much more enthusiastic.

"I now joined the orphanage and became a staff member to take care of the children..."

Nonoyu added with a smile.

But as she told the lies, she felt more and more painful.

Because in her opinion, deceiving Naruto, a kind-hearted child, was really a sin.

Kamisama... Please forgive my sins...

"That's great~!"

Naruto smiled widely, and his expression of genuine concern for Nono made Nono feel ashamed.

And then, she would use the work of the orphanage as a cover to continue to contact Naruto and take action.

"When I was very young, I also lived in an orphanage."

Naruto scratched his head, and his expression became shy.

The so-called very young was only two years ago.

"I miss that place too, I will visit it when I have time..."


In Nono's opinion, Naruto was completely useless.

Without her guidance, this child would automatically run into the muzzle of the gun.

"Ms. Nono?"

After all, Uzuki Yugao is an Anbu.

It is impossible for a person to never reveal flaws.

Having been a spy for many years, Nono's heart has long been riddled with holes.

She had seen many of her colleagues go crazy, surrender to the enemy, and even commit suicide because they couldn't get over the psychological barrier.

She was tired... Really too tired...

"Oh, I was thinking, when Naruto-kun comes, how should I entertain him..."

Nono smiled professionally for a second, and the flaw of a moment disappeared in the next moment.

After a few more pleasantries, Nono said that she had to go back to take care of the children, so she wouldn't bother her anymore.

Uzuki Yugao accompanied her and left. Naruto stood at the door, his eyes constantly staring at Nono and her nun's clothes.

And... the lower body wrapped in the nun's clothes! .


The entrance to Konoha.

With the shouts of the ninjas on duty, the city gate was about to close.

At this time, the appearance of a team of people delayed the closing of the city gate by a second.

When they entered collectively, he couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead: "Fortunately... caught up..."

The 7 ninjas were wearing blue ninja uniforms, and their teeth were generally as sharp as sharks.

This team obviously did not belong to Konoha, so it naturally aroused the vigilance of all Konoha guard ninjas.

Fortunately, the Hokage had already greeted them in advance, so they did not have any absolute hostility towards these arrivals.

The invitation letter for the Chunin Exam issued by Konoha had no hope of getting a reply.

After all, the other party's village has been closed off for many years and has never communicated with other villages, which has made the ninja village on the other side of the sea more mysterious.

In addition, they always send people to harass the border and have been enemies with Konoha for many years. No one thinks they will really accept the invitation.

"6 Genin, 1 Jonin leading the team..."

The Konoha ninja who looked at the invitation letter couldn't help but nodded.

It has the handwriting and official seal of the Fourth Mizukage.

In other words, the team in front of them was indeed sent by the Hidden Mist Village to participate in the Chunin Exam.

This was a good start and a major diplomatic breakthrough.

"Friends from Kirigakure, please come with us!"

Accommodation was immediately arranged, and the figures of the seven Kirigakure ninjas gradually disappeared.

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