This is the ultimate application of Yang escape. It is also what can be done after accepting the power of the Six Paths of the Six Paths Sage and being promoted to a Six Paths-level strongman.

This is different from Tsunade's Yin seal. It does not require exquisite medical system capabilities, does not require memorizing so many books, and learns so much knowledge about the human body...

It relies not on knowledge, but on feelings.


Naruto closed his eyes and began to look for the feeling of Yang attribute.

The first step in practicing Yang escape... to complete the "nature change" of Yang attribute.

The five basic chakra attributes of earth, water, fire, wind, and thunder can be tested by chakra test paper.

The Yin attribute and Yang attribute depend entirely on personal talent.

If there is, there is, and if there is not, there is not.

Unless you don't want to be a human being and rely on external objects. For example, Kakuzu's earth resentment, or borrowing the Yin and Yang power of the Nine-tail.


"Hmm~, hmm... hum..."

Naruto hummed for a long time, but didn't find the feeling.

"Nine-tail~, give me Yang attribute, you should pay the rent this month~."

After failing to sense Yang escape, Naruto began to "politely" ask Nine-tail for rent.


The Nine-tail behind the sealed iron gate felt that Naruto was arrogant.

You said you would give it, I don't care about face.

"If you don't work, you won't get paid. If you work, you have to pay taxes. People can't escape taxes from birth to death. Even if you are a tailed beast, you have to contribute something..."

Naruto began to talk nonsense.

"The life of a beast that doesn't create anything is meaningless..."

"Forget it, I just know that you are full of bad water!"

Nine-tail stood up from the cage, its huge body like a small mountain.

The current situation made it think of the battle that ended the valley. Senju Hashirama stabbed Uchiha Madara in the back, and Uchiha Madara said he was putting the cart before the horse.

Nine-tail witnessed that scene with his own eyes.

Nine-Tails: "At that time, that guy Uchiha Madara said that because of Hashirama Senju's inverted priorities, Konoha would brew a new darkness..."

At first, Nine-Tails thought that the darkness was Tobirama Senju, or Danzo Shimura.

"But in fact, Uzumaki Naruto is darker than Hashirama Senju. As long as he keeps getting stronger, Konoha will sooner or later be doomed! So Uzumaki Naruto is the "ultimate darkness" that Uchiha Madara said!"

In order to avenge Hashirama Senju, revenge Uzumaki Mito... Konoha... and even the entire human race.

The Nine-Tails decided to lend more of his power to the kid in front of him.

"Want Yang attribute? Then take it!"

The fusion of the Tailed Beast Ball is yin and yang attributes 2:8.

That is to say, each tailed beast has these two attributes.

So for the Nine-Tails, separating the "yang attribute" from its own chakra is like playing.

But at this time, Naruto is not a perfect Jinchūriki, and the Nine-Tails naturally does not have a heart-to-heart with Naruto.

The Yang attribute chakra, which should have been a single color, was stained with a layer of scarlet.

This strange scarlet is the embodiment of the Nine-Tail's inner hatred, and also the negative power it has accumulated.

At first glance, it is no different from the Nine-Tail's ordinary chakra.

But the essential difference determines that this chakra will play a completely different role...

"So, what kind of changes will this kid have because of this?"

The Nine-Tail observed closely, looking forward to what will happen next.

Chapter 44. Yang attribute? ! Dark·dark♦Ming.

Yin escape can create something out of nothing.

Yang escape injects vitality into the body.

The Nine-Tail injected a large amount of vitality with hatred into Naruto's body.

It's like pouring ink into black water.

The two merged, and it was darker and deeper.

Under the Nine-Tail's gaze, Naruto's body quickly changed.


The bones and muscles vibrated at a high speed.

It was like expanding from the inside of the body to the outside.

It is visible to the naked eye that Naruto's body has grown stronger.

The most noticeable thing is his height.

Originally, he was in the middle of the height of his peers, but now he is starting to grow taller.

In the original work, he was called a short and fat man.

Naruto's height has soared, and his physique has undergone earth-shaking growth and changes under the nourishment of Yang attribute chakra...

For Naruto himself, the changes are not just that.

First of all, it is the understanding of Yang attribute. After a lot of Yang attribute chakra, the body has remembered this attribute. Thus, the practice of "Yang attribute·nature change" was completed in one fell swoop.

After obtaining the attribute, the next step is to condense the Yang attribute chakra into a escape technique, that is, "Yang escape technique".

Yang escape technique can be a medical ninjutsu, or it can be the Akimichi clan's multiplication technique...

It has many variations, but it can be summarized in one sentence-"a specialized type of escape technique that affects the body".

This body can not only be for oneself, but also... for others.

The stimulated companion tailed beast quickly awakened, expanded, and became even more terrifying. In the end, it easily surpassed the size of 99.99% of the companion tailed beasts in the world.

The deterrent it brings is more than 10,000 times stronger than that of a mouse. This alone is enough to make all the female ninjas who may see it change color.

Then, Naruto's body continued to change...

The appearance of a large amount of Yang-style chakra was naturally noticed by other people in the orphanage.

Even if you are not a perception ninja, you can clearly feel the sense of change coming from Naruto's dormitory.

The sound of hurried running was heard in the corridor.

Uzuki Yugao and Nono looked at each other and then looked at the dormitory with a sign "Do not disturb during practice".

Yugao: "This feeling..."

Nono: "It is Yang-style chakra..."

However, this level of chakra is too amazing.

It is as huge as a lake, as big as a mountain... It is not enough to describe the feeling caused by the power that just exploded.

It should be called "Chadora" instead of Chakra.


Yugao suddenly remembered that Naruto had been asking Miss Nono about the Yang-style practice method all day yesterday.

At first, she thought it was just a little bit of enthusiasm from a child.

But she never thought that Naruto would actually make such an unimaginable big noise.

"I have never seen such a huge amount of Yang attribute chakra... Who is this child?"

Nono asked this question in a bleak tone.

As a spy, she was also a lurker sent by Danzo to Naruto.

Of course, Nono knew almost all of Naruto's information in advance.

She asked knowingly just to fit her identity as an orphanage employee.


Uzuki Yugao, who kept silent on the side, was just silent.

Because she couldn't reveal the news that Naruto was the "Nine-tailed Jinchuriki" to Nono.

"Ms. Nono, Naruto will be fine."

After a moment, Yugao, who remembered that the other party was an expert in Yang attribute, immediately turned around and asked.


Nono had seen a lot of things when traveling around.

Only Jinchuriki and Tailed Beasts could use such a huge amount of Yang attribute.

Naruto happens to be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so there should be no problem...

And he only released the Yang attribute, not the Yin attribute.

So there is no need to worry about Naruto secretly condensing the Tailed Beast Ball in the dormitory to play...

--In short, the orphanage will definitely not blow up.

And Xi Yan, who was standing aside, was already eager to try and planned to break in.

At this moment, the huge amount of Chadora's breath suddenly disappeared.

A second later, the dormitory door opened with a creak.

Naruto, who seemed to be completely fine, stood in the middle of the door: "Dean, Xi Yan sister~, good morning."


The two women looked at Naruto in front of them.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Naruto seems to have grown a little taller.

The body has become more symmetrical and stronger.

Although it's a bit strange to say this, after all, Naruto is just a child.

But the toughness he exudes is not something that other people of the same age can have.

It's like...a well-trained body that has been tempered and tempered thousands of times.

The immature face has also matured a little, and the smile exudes the spirit of a 16 or 17-year-old boy.

His gestures have also become completely different, giving people a sense of simplicity and efficiency.

The truth is often very simple...

The immature body restrains the mature soul.

And I, Uzumaki Naruto, am now just making the container more suitable, suitable for showing my power.

Naruto grinned, and his smile became brighter.

At this time...

The sewer where the Nine-Tails lives has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The space has become more spacious and huge.

"But it's also darker..."

The Nine-Tails looked at the cage that was almost pitch-black, and felt as if he had completely fallen into the deep darkness.

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