If the Yondaime couple knew Izumoshita, they would definitely be extremely happy.

After all, their children's talents are likely to surpass their parents in the future.

The position of the Fifth or Sixth Generation Hokage seems to be waving towards Naruto...

As a member of ANBU Team 6, he was also an ANBU team once commanded by Minato Namikaze.

Xiyan felt that it was indeed an honor for her to work in this ANBU class.

Maybe... I will become Naruto's subordinate in the future...

As soon as this thought came to mind, Xi Yan immediately shook her head: "Naruto, you'd better not get too close to the Uchiha clan..."


Naruto immediately looked confused.

"Sister Xigao... I don't understand. Well, are you worried that someone in the Uchiha clan will be bad for me?"

This kid is as smart as a fool. He is always so smart when he should be smart.

Xiyan thought.

"There are good people and bad people. It is like this in every place, country, village, ethnic group..."

There are bad people among the crowd.

There are bad people in the Uchiha too.

But...most of the people are good people, and most of the people in Uchiha are also good people.

"So, don't worry, Sister Xiyan~, I will be careful. And...don't you protect me? By the way...Brother Hayate, are you okay... "

Naruto's words moved Xiyan greatly.

The cheeks under the cat mask immediately turned red, because Xiyan felt very ashamed.

After all, he really couldn't do much to help.

"Hayate is... very good..."

Moonlight Hayate is still hospitalized.

Because he was seriously injured, but it was not life-threatening and he just needed a good rest.

Naruto had visited him before and became more familiar with Moonlight Hayate.

Xi Yan was moved by Naruto's kind and righteous character, so she nodded: "Well, as long as you are happy..."

As Naruto said, there may be bad people in Uchiha, but most of them are good people, right?

From now on, I must fulfill my duty to protect Naruto even better.

Xi Yan secretly made up her mind.

And little did she know...soon, that opportunity would come.

Because there was a technique, Naruto wanted to test it out, but couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Although the Hyuga family's maid will come regularly to help clean the house, she can do whatever she wants.

But if you suffer too much damage, it will still be noticed by the Hyuga clan, which will be difficult to handle.


The best experimental subject is naturally Xi Yan.

Most of the time, she follows her around, and a small amount of time is for personal activities.

She is almost completely alone, so isn't she the best person to help her?

Helping yourself complete the magic practice and making yourself stronger can be regarded as protecting yourself in disguise.

Naruto's lips widened and the smile on his face grew brighter.

"It's getting dark again..."

Kyuubi tried hard to see the surroundings clearly, but this time... the visibility was even lower.

After experiencing the Konoha Back Mountain Incident, Naruto discovered his shortcomings.

It is impossible for one person to be 360 ​​degrees without blind spots and be all-round.

If it weren't for the help of Sako's Sharingan, it would really not be easy to severely damage Juzo with one blow.


I really need help at all times.

And if there are no helpers, create some helpers yourself.

Xi Yan... is his first helper, or his subordinate.

Judging from the strength performance of her and Hayate, they are probably the "special jounin" whose strength fluctuates greatly.

After all, teleportation and swordsmanship can work wonders against some opponents.

But if Hayate were to face a knife expert like Loquat Juuzou, he would stop immediately.

What I mean is...

You can use magic to strengthen Uoyuki Xiyan, making her stronger and more suitable for your own intentions.

"Sister Xiyan~, let's go visit Brother Gale tonight."

Naruto scratched his head and his bright smile turned into shyness.


Xiyan couldn't help but smile.

She thought to herself, what a kind child...

When Xiyan walked away, Naruto noticed the graceful way she walked.

Wearing an ANBU uniform, coupled with his exquisite figure, and arms as white as a porcelain doll, the companion tailed beast in Naruto... began to move.

When fighting against Juzo, the negative impact of liberating the "third tail" should indeed be released...

That method is "Yang Release" - using the magic type on "her" person.

Chapter 18. The Sandaime steps down, steps down, steps down! Uchiha's ambition

The residence of the Uchiha clan.

"My father on the battlefield will be home soon...My brother went out on a mission this morning..."

Sako hummed and was packing the snacks on the table.

"Zaozi, do you want to send it to that child?"

Mikoto asked as she watched her daughter busy early in the morning.

"Yeah! I want to give it to Uzumaki Naruto...he must have never eaten such delicious snacks in his life."

Sako nodded happily.

The snacks were made by her mother. Naruto has been without parents since he was a child, so she should make up for some things for him.

In the past few days since she was discharged from the hospital, Sako has been reflecting more and more.

She sorted out her performance in the back mountain incident and found that it was not even one-third of Naruto's, oh no, one-quarter...

How can I repair it? I am an elite of the Uchiha clan.

"Mom, how can I become stronger?" Sako asked this question.

"Sako, you are already very strong."

Mikoto squatted down and looked at her daughter with outstanding talent.

"Your brother also opened his eyes a few months ago, and you have done the same thing at your age..."

Mikoto was extremely happy about her daughter's talent.

Especially hearing her interaction with Naruto, Mikoto thought of something.

Only a daughter with such talent can be worthy of the child of the Fourth Hokage.

If Kushina in the spring knew, she would definitely be satisfied.

"Then mom, you have to teach me the "Great Fireball Technique"..."

Sako said this subconsciously.

As an Uchiha, how can you not know the Great Fireball Technique?

"Eh? You don't know it?"

Mikoto was surprised.

Didn't her daughter teach Naruto the C-level ninjutsu "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"?

Based on her daughter's knowledge, the Great Fireball Technique should be...

"Oh, I said it wrong, mom, I mean..."

Sako also suddenly found that she knew the practice method of the Great Fireball Technique in her mind.

Every morning before waking up, a bunch of new knowledge would pop up in her head. The "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough" technique also popped up in her head.

For this inexplicable thing, Sako couldn't figure out why.

In fact, it's not just the Great Fireball Technique. She found that... Dragon Fire Technique, Phoenix Fire Technique...she also knew the specific practice methods of all of them.

"Ha... Mom, I'm leaving first..."

Haha, Sako picked up the snack box and ran out the door.

"By the way, mom, keep it a secret for me, don't tell my brother that I went to Naruto's house..."

Sako's voice came from the yard.

"Got it."

Mikoto stood up and looked at her daughter's back as she left, and couldn't help but smile.


Naruto's house.

After Sako came over, she happened to see Naruto who had finished his morning exercise.


Sako handed over the snack box.

Naruto took it and took a look.

"This is made by my mom."

Sako pinched her waist and said.

You should feel honored, you guy.


"Thank you..."

Sako thanked Naruto shyly, because she was indeed saved by the yellow-haired man in front of her.

Even if he looked stupid, he was very reliable at critical moments.


Naruto looked away from the box and looked at Sako.

"What did you just say?"

I didn't hear clearly.

"Nothing~!" The arrogant Sako blushed and shouted loudly.

Then she turned and ran away.

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