At this time, there was a scream.

The weak ones who were burned and cut by the compound attribute ninjutsu flew into the sky first.

In just the first round, the ninjas from the Ghost Country defeated most of the guards.

The abnormal intensity of their spells simply exceeded the normal range.

"Fire Escape..."

Seeing this, Uchiha Inari directly used the fire escape ninjutsu that the Uchiha clan is proud of.

The fireball technique he spits out has a huge range.

He actually used a single attribute to offset the aftermath of the enemy's spell.

But the next moment.

A long stream of water flew over.

"Water Release...Water Dragon Technique!"

A large amount of underground water flowed out of the bursting ground.

These currents condense into a long dragon.

A giant water dragon with a length of at least 20 meters extinguished the powerful fire ball.

Uchiha Inabi suddenly opened his eyes.

Between life and death, he showed his strength as a Jonin.

With the help of the Sharingan, he narrowly avoided the water dragon's attack.

"Can't beat..."

Hinata Xia judged the situation at once.

The other party only sent out 5 people and dispersed the guards with extraordinary strength.

What is even more worrying is that the long-haired man [Huang Quan] who is suspected to be the leader did not take action.

On the opened road, Huang Quan slowly raised his feet.

The next moment, his body flickered, as if shrinking to an inch, and he approached the witch's residence.

At this time, Uchiha Izumi rushed out from inside.

And showed the Uchiha clan's proud Sharingan.

"Oh? Nice eyes..."

Huang Quan stopped and looked at the eyes of the Uchiha girl in front of him with great interest.

"It's a pity...the heat is not enough."

He just waved his hand and Uchiha Izumi flew out.

The Uchiha girl let out a scream and instantly fell to the side.

Then, Huang Quan, who was looking for his goal, prepared to step into the house.

However, the barrier suddenly shone.

In the night, the lavender light formed a shield, blocking his intrusion.

Obviously, this was a barrier set up by the witch, and it was touched by the power of the monster.

At this time, Naruto shook his head and decided to take action.



Yuhi Hong stood up from the ground and looked at the miserable situation in front of her.

The ferocious-looking ninjas of the Demon Country have inhuman looks, and each of them looks like an evil ghost from hell.

Obviously, some unknown force was in their bodies, turning them into this terrifying appearance.


As a guard and the daughter of Yuhihi Kurenai, Yuhihi Kurenai will certainly not retreat.

Inheriting her late father's will, she hones her illusion skills and strives to reach the heights that her father once had.

That is... "The First Genjutsu Ninja".

Uchiha Shisui's rise in fame made her particularly anxious, and she also had the idea of ​​​​a showdown.

It's just that there is no chance for the time being.

And now, this mission... must not fail!


A loud bang suddenly hit the yard, causing countless smoke and dust to rise.

Naruto checked on Uchiha Izumi and found that she was injured to a certain extent.


Uchiha Izumi murmured. Lying on the ground, she looked at the yellow-haired boy who suddenly appeared.

"Sister Quan~, don't worry, I'm here to support you."


Uchiha Izumi didn't understand.

Why would Naruto know what happened here?

Although he did run here all the time these days and got to know the miko-sama and Shion...


However, before she could think about it, the injuries caused her to pass out.

And before she fell into a coma completely, what she saw was Naruto supporting her...

Soon, Naruto handed over the unconscious Uchiha Izumi to Hinata Natsu.

Hinata Xia hugged her and left quickly.

This kind of battlefield is no longer something she, who is only a "chuunin" in strength, can handle. was her duty to rescue Uchiha Izumi and report the situation to others.

"Xi Yan, go and help."

Naruto ordered to Xiyan who was standing next to him.

"Yeah!" Xi Yan nodded and quickly joined the battle.

After her second bout of madness, her mind became even more depraved, and her thinking became even more distorted.

This time Naruto called her by her first name, and she didn't feel any problem.


Kurenai Yuhi was forming seals to perform illusions when she felt a pain in her back.

Naruto kicked her to the ground.

"A woman with long hair and short knowledge!"

Naruto repeated what Uchiha Inari once said about Yuhi Kurenai.

The ninjas of the Demon Country in front of them all possess similar alien creatures formed by the power of sprites.

It's useless to cast illusions on them.

Those alien creatures will awaken them and make them become the same as the Perfect Jinchuuriki.


Before Yuhi Kurenai could figure out the situation, Naruto took her place and faced the opponent in front of her.

As his running speed increased, the red pupils in Naruto's eyes became saturated, and his teeth and nails became sharp.

Naruto, who used the power of the tailed beast, rushed in front of his opponent in an instant...

Chapter 38. Darkness and the power of nine tails!

"This brat..."

When the demon ninja in front of him saw Naruto suddenly speed up, he knew that Naruto was not an ordinary brat.

And the lying Kurenai was thinking, how could she be knocked down by a little kid? !

When she looked up and saw Naruto's figure clearly, she realized that the one who stepped on her was the child of the Fourth Hokage... Uzumaki Naruto.

But even if he was the child of the Hokage, he couldn't be so rude.

In front of the enemy, he hit his teammates instead?

What was he thinking?

Naruto didn't know what Kurenai was thinking and didn't intend to consider her thoughts. He only knew that sometimes stupid women don't make trouble is the biggest help.

As Naruto rushed to the enemy, his body suddenly burst into light.

The whole person was surrounded by a faint black halo.

The sudden attack, seemingly small fist, but with unmatched strength.

Just one blow, the demon ninja who stretched out his palm to resist was blown away.

The latter smashed the stone wall like a cannonball, and then flew all the way outside.

"Not bad."

Naruto glanced at his palm.

This is the result of the combined effect of the Nine-Tails' power and the Yang Release's power.

Well, maybe we should give this Dark♦ power a name.

How about calling it "Dark Nine-Tails' Power"?

Naruto's suggestion was naturally conveyed to the Nine-Tails.

In response, the Nine-Tails snorted coldly and disdained to comment.

When the golden-haired Naruto was stained by the dark halo, his shadow projected on the ground shook like a demon.


Naruto's appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Including the miko who maintained the barrier, her daughter Shion beside her.

Uchiha Inahime and other guards.

And... Huangquan and his three subordinates.

The enemies who realized Naruto's specialness began to adjust their strategies and did not treat Naruto as a little devil.

Uchiha Inahori couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Naruto coming in to help.

He looks immature, but he can actually defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. How powerful will he be this time?

It's time to witness the truth of the rumors.

The next moment.

Naruto turned around and faced everyone.

"Good evening, everyone."

Oh, wrong, it's not the kind expression of the motherland Naruto.

Naruto rubbed his cheeks, then put on a look of anger and loud questioning of a righteous protagonist: "You damn guys... why do you come to hurt Aunt Miko and Shion~~~!!!!"


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