The next day, the sun was blazing, and the forest had not yet become extremely hot in the morning.

Greeting the cool breeze, Yang Yu also shuttled through the forest!

This is the last day of the actual combat killing class, and after today, the leading teacher has announced that he will return to Konoha Shinobi Village.

Today will also be the day when the students desperately hunt wild beasts and strive to make themselves higher in the actual combat killing course this time, but at this moment, Yang Yu is different from most students, he does not deliberately hunt any beasts, but shuttles through the forest alone, constantly rushing towards a low mountain range where the shadows in the forest are not far away.

That’s where the Zerg base hides in the cave!

These days of actual combat killing, Yang Yu, with his proud strength, has already hunted far more beasts than the students in the same period, and the number of beasts he is now hunting has exceeded the number of second place by three or four times, definitely becoming the first place in this period, there is no need to compete with those students anymore.

This was one of the reasons he didn’t go his last day.

Another reason is that he must enter the Zerg base to deal with the Master Gift Pack that he opened last night.

Dominate the big gift package, and the black beetle soldiers and stinging snake class cards that are opened do not require him to be present in person.

It’s already used at the moment.

Each class card represents 100 bugs!

That’s fifteen class cards!

Last night, he brought Yang Yu 1,000 black beetle soldiers and 500 thorn snakes!

Moreover, the black beetle soldiers are still at the elite level, and each one that has just hatched has the strength of at least the lower ninja superior, and can definitely kill most of the lower ninja in seconds.

As for the 50,000 blood essence points, they have been automatically stored in the base, and even blood essence incubation rooms have begun to be built.

With 50,000 blood essence points, Yang Yu gritted his teeth and all of them were built into a blood essence incubation room.

Ten blood essence incubators were built!

In this way, plus the one he had at the beginning, Yang Yu had enough to have eleven buildings of this kind of logistical resource support.

The birth of eleven blood essence incubation rooms made Yang Yu very distressed by the consumption of blood essence.

But in hindsight, it was extremely worthwhile.

Because each blood essence incubation room will bring Yang Yu a fixed income of 1,000 blood essence points every day, and the income brought to Yang Yu by eleven blood essence incubation rooms will suddenly reach 11,000 blood essence points every day!

That’s 11,000 blood essences, and it’s every day, rain or shine!

In this way, Yang Yu’s previous crisis of tight funds was greatly alleviated at once.

With so many blood essence resources supplied every day, Yang Yu was already able to expand the base to a very rich level in a short period of time.

Every day more Bugmen will hatch to strengthen the base’s defenses.

The defensive buildings of some bases also need to be hatched.

Moreover, it is necessary to allocate part of the blood essence and strive to add new blood essence incubators every day, so that the speed of reserve resources can increase again.

The above two rewards from the domination gift package did not need Yang Yu to deal with them personally.

What needed Yang Yu to personally rush to the base were the latter two rewards.

One is the soul rebirth technology permission that is forcibly opened in advance, which belongs to the high-level base.

The other is the C-grade gene enhancement solution.

Because these two things can greatly strengthen the strength of Yang Yu’s current body in a short period of time, and… Viability!

At the same time, when Yang Yu goes to the base this time, he will also spend his strength to imprint all the insect soldiers with the imprint of psychic as much as possible.

Easy to summon at any time.


Walking through the forest, the branches and leaves of the trees were swayed left and right by Yang Yu’s body impact, making a rumbling sound.

Occasionally, there would be eyeless creatures to attack Yang Yu.

For example, those lurking poisonous snakes, and ferocious poisonous insects.

But the appearance of these guys failed to turn over the waves, and apart from contributing some blood essence to Yang Yu, they hardly did anything. Yang Yu’s current Sharingan has evolved to double-hook jade, and it is no joke that he is only one step away from reaching the level of three-hook jade.

His pupils are extremely strong and can catch the movement of the tiniest dust wafting in the air.

Even if it breaks through to the level of three-hook jade, I am afraid that it will not be much better than now in dynamic visual observation, but the three-hook jade writing wheel eye has a stronger ability, that is, the ability to read and copy other people’s ninjutsu.

With such a strong pupil power to observe the surroundings, Yang Yu naturally would not be attacked by those beasts.



While approaching the Zerg base, Yang Yu also checked the scanning map provided by the Zerg base through the system to ensure that there was no unclean tail behind him to track him. This move was not superfluous, and at the beginning, Yang Yu really discovered that some people such as Uchiha Fugaku were trying to track him.

With the powerful scanning power of the map, you can understand everything about the enemy’s movements.

Soon Yang Yu threw them off.

Subsequently, after making sure that there was no one else around for several kilometers, Yang Yu finally approached the cave where the Zerg base was located with confidence, and soon entered the inside of the cave along the cave entrance, climbing all the way down to the bottom of the cave.

Behind, some black beetle soldiers also appeared to finish, erasing the footsteps and other traces of the cave entrance, and here has once again returned to a state where weeds can submerge people, and the cave entrance is also perfectly hidden and covered, if it were not for the people who knew that the cave entrance was here, they would never think that there was anything wrong here.

In the base.

Although he had already seen the appearance of this place from the perspective of the black beetle soldier, at this moment, the Buddha-figure himself came over, which still surprised Yang Yu.

It’s shocking.

When Yang Yu saw the Zerg buildings built by flesh and blood rising from the ground, he still sincerely admired it.

Of course, what made his heart even more excited was the more than 1,500 black beetle soldiers, the snake troops.

These guys are now lined up neatly, staying in the open space on the edge of the base.

This force, as long as Yang Yu is willing, can mobilize them in an instant and fight for his own birth and death!

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