Inside the Tower of Ninjutsu, Yang Yu was rapidly learning a large number of ninjutsu.

In a short period of time, he had already spent a full twenty or thirty thousand points of blood essence and successfully mastered a large number of ninjutsu of various departments.

Because he has a perfect-level body, his talent is amazing.

Yang Yu now also has all attribute Chakra, as long as it is not a specific blood succession limit, Yang Yu can learn ninjutsu of almost any attribute smoothly!

Inside the Ninjutsu Tower of the Uchiha family, in addition to the fire ninjutsu that supports the field, there are also some sealing techniques, wind dun, earth dun, water dun and other middle and low-level ninjutsu. Yang Yu naturally learned all of them easily.

Only some ninjutsu Yang Yu, who was really useless and too rubbish, did not touch it.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yu had changed from a few scumbags who did not flow into ninjutsu to a qualified ninja with a large number of ninjutsu in an instant.

The strongest fire dun of the Uchiha family is even more slippery at the moment, and after accelerated learning of blood essence, these ninjutsu are mastered to a peak by default at this moment. Peak state. Compared to when others first learned it, these ninjutsu are much more powerful. Coupled with Yang Yu’s already strong Chakra mass amplitude, the power of ninjutsu is even greater, and it is sour to think about it.

For example, if Yang Yu is performing A. level ninjutsu now… The art of fire escape, fire extinguishing art.

I’m afraid it’s not much different from the power that Uchiha has unleashed.

Of course, just one A. level ninjutsu is about the same power, and Yang Yu’s comprehensive combat power is still much weaker than that of Uchiha, the strongest ancestor of the Uchiha clan. Uchiha is a terrifying powerhouse of the super shadow level, and at the last moment of the original work, he has become a terrifying existence comparable to the six immortals! At that time, Uchiha Spot, even if the eight doors were fully opened, he could completely hang the Kai Huang of the super shadow-level existence, he could only suppress, but could not win!

Yang Yu had flames on his fingers, just as he was playing.


Yang Yu’s ears moved, and he also heard a rumbling sound from outside, and he also sensed a slight tremor under his feet.


The faint flame on his fingers dissipated, and Yang Yu got up with a cold smile on his face.

“Is it finally here?”

Coming to the window of the Ninjutsu Tower, Yang Yu looked out through the transparent glass window, and the three-hook jade chakra eyes slowly emerged in the scarlet eyes. At the same time, his gaze also fell on the end of the street opposite the Ninjutsu Tower, looking at the dense group of ninjas wearing heavy protective gear.

At least three thousand people.

Yang Yu’s heart sank, and his eyes sharpened.

“Snake troops! Get ready! ”

Yang Yu’s order was quickly issued, and outside the Ninjutsu Tower, more than five hundred thorn snakes also gathered, and soon took an attack posture, one bone spur after another ready to attack.


A large area of black beetle soldiers even stepped up, protecting the stab area, ready to launch a charge at any time to block the impact of the enemy ninjas.

The Zerg are efficient.

With just one thought transmission, they were already in formation in an instant like elite legionnaires who had been training for countless years.

Without a trace of unnecessary sound, a cold wind blew through, and a head of insect soldiers waited quietly for the outbreak of war like a cold steel sculpture.

Just wait for the enemy to get close to the effective attack distance, and it will instantly launch a fatal blow!




The Great Earthquake shook.

The ninja legion of the Uchiha clan was also wearing heavy ninja tools at this moment, and even some people in the front held huge steel shields and pressed up step by step.

They obviously came prepared, knowing that the Zerg Legion had a strong long-range attack power such as the thorn snake, and if they didn’t make some countermeasures, it would be really stupid. Those ninjas with shields are obviously also muscular, obviously some ninjas with strong physiques who are proficient in physical skills!

Moving forward in silence, some ninjas also began to make imprints.

Soon, Yang Yu’s familiar earth escape, stone rock armor technique, and light spirit cloud mist technique were unleashed.

Only large patches of earthy yellow are seen. The color light shone inside the ninja army, and a large area of light and spiritual cloud aura was also shrouded. Soon, there were more than 3,000 ninja legions, and the aura of stone rock armor and light spirit wind appeared on the surface of each of them, making them greatly increase their defense power and not affected their actions in the slightest.


Yang Yu was not afraid, and sneered coldly: “Thorn snake troops, prepare!” ”


A large group of thorny snakes immediately entered the posture of about to attack, and those ninjas of the Uchiha clan still moved forward regardless of it, while the patriarch Uchiha Sen at the rear of the ninja legion followed the ninja Uchiha fire barbarian with a disdainful smile.

They had already studied those snake bone spur attacks under Yang Yu, and now they were fully prepared and had full confidence to resist that long-range attack.

Confidence will never again be killed by him in an instant as it was at the beginning.

Even with the protection of giant shields and stone rock armor, they are confident that they can enter the insect soldiers and start killing almost without injury!

Many ninjas in the rear also began to seal and prepare for ninjutsu under their orders.

Ninjutsu attacks are much worse than the bone spurs of the snake, so they must be close to the nearest to launch it, otherwise they would have already started losing ninjutsu in turn.

Soon, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan came to the area more than a hundred meters away from the insect soldiers.

It is about to reach the most powerful range of 100 meters!

“Uchiha’s warriors!” Uchiha Sen raised his arms and shouted.


“Sweep away the rebellious Uchiha Harushui in the clan! Kill! ”



“Kill!” In an instant, countless people responded, and then the entire ninja legion launched a charge and charged towards the Ninjutsu Tower where Yang Yu was!


The black beetle soldiers were also not to be outdone, and instantly rushed out in the opposite direction.


The bone spur attack of the stinging snake was one step ahead, and immediately formed a large black oppressive dark cloud Biao shot out, and the bone spur phalanx formed directly bombarded the oncoming Uchiha Ninja Legion. _

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