But then, in an instant, I remembered the Hinata family who had been taking care of themselves since childhood.

Hinata was ‘sacrificed’ for the benefit of the village, the young Ning Ci lost his father for no reason, and Aunt Meiling, who had always loved her, lost her husband, remembering their expectations of themselves in the past.

In the end, all emotions were put aside in an instant, and his eyes turned into a firm and decisive color.

“Don’t say any more!” Momentarily, he tried to calm his mood, and replaced it with a flat tone and said to the water stop in front of him: “Stop the water, we are all ninjas, and ninjas should not regret the choices they made.” ”

“I only know that everything I see with my eyes really exists in this world, even if I go back in time and have to choose again, I will still choose to take this path!” In an instant, his tone was sonorous, and he truly said what he thought in his heart, “What I pursue, I will naturally get it in my own way.” ”

“Instantly, you…” Shuishui’s eyes widened, and the resolute attitude of Shui was beyond his expectations, and his mind turned, so he had to sigh helplessly, “It seems that you have decided, just use your mouth. Ba can’t convince you to go back to Konoha with me…”

“I’m sorry, then I can only arrest you and go back.” The eyes of the scarlet chakra flowered, and his face seemed to have made a decision in his heart, “Although the village did not give you a chase order and did not list you as a traitor, but with your talent, you really shouldn’t go down this road…”

“Arrest me?” In an instant, as if he saw something incredible, he had a surprised expression, “Stop the water, you’re not telling me a joke, are you?” ”

“Although you are known as the current number one master of Uchiha and the strongest illusion ninja.” In an instant, he was not angry, but calmly told him a fact: “But with your strength alone, you want to capture me back, this is an impossible thing.” ”

“I know that your kaleidoscope ability to write chakra eyes is not small, but the pupil power of my white eyes is far stronger than that of ordinary Hyuga ninjas, my eyes are always watching the flow of chakra on you, once you start using illusion or ninjutsu, the first time I will see it.” Seeing that the expression of stopping the water was still firm, he immediately persuaded out of kindness: “You don’t have any chance, give up and stop the water, I won’t go back with you.” ”

“No, I know, with your current strength, I can’t be your opponent.” Shisui said as he slowly pulled out the short knife behind his back, “But giving up without trying is not my ninja!” ”

“Let’s do it, although we have never really fought each other, I have long wanted to feel the true strength of the white-eyed demon!” As soon as the words fell, the middle finger of the left index finger of Shuishui formed a handprint in front of Xiong, and suddenly the whole person disappeared in place.


When the white eyes of the moment caught the figure of the water stop again, a touch of shock. The bright sword light had already bloomed in front of him.

Too fast!! Before even the consciousness of reaction was generated, the knife was already swung in front of him.

Sure enough, worthy of the name of instantaneous water stopping, he felt a cold from the blade on the skin of his body, and he was amazed in his heart, this is the fastest ninja he has seen to use the teleportation technique so far, and there is no one.

I don’t know who has a faster instantaneous technique compared to the legendary Golden Flash Wave Feng Shuimen? The knife light that stopped the water approached, but the mind of the moment was swimming. Walk.

Duh! Duh!

The moment he was slashed by the sword light, he did not make any resistance, his body directly turned on the elementalization, stood in place and hardened the attack of the water stop, and saw that the body that was slashed by the water stop knife splashed ice chips on the ground.

“No use to stop the water, any physical attack is ineffective against me.” In an instant, he stood in place for a while, and said indifferently as he looked at the water.

“Sure enough, as rumored, your body can turn into ice cubes, and no physical attack can hurt you…” The face of the unsuccessful water stop did not fluctuate, as if he had already expected the result to be like this, “Then let’s try another way.” ”

“Fire Escape Hao Dragon Fire Art!!”

Gently threw the small knife into the air, his hands instantly formed more than a dozen complex handprints, stopped the water and took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spewed out three huge balls of fire, forming a ball-like and quickly striking towards the moment with an amazing high temperature.

The sealing is really fast, no wonder the weasel who learns with the water can have such a fast printing speed in the later stage, and sighed in his heart for a moment.

In the face of the attack of the three fire dragons, before he could get around, he could feel that the temperature contained in this advanced fire ninjutsu was much higher than that of ordinary fire dun.

“Vacuum back to the sky!!”

At the moment, he didn’t dare to be careless, his body Chakra overflowed, and his whole body rotated at high speed to release a huge Chakra ball, and a vacuum barrier outside the ball was enough to isolate any external attack.

Sure enough, the three dragon-shaped fireballs with amazing temperature bombarded the sky in an instant, without setting off the slightest fluctuation in the vacuum of returning to the sky, and the flames were directly dispersed and dissolved into invisible.

“Of course, I know that this high-level fire dun is not so easy to deal with you…” Seeing that the high-level fire dunge he released was also easily dissolved in an instant, he was not discouraged, because he knew that it was impossible for him to be injured so easily, and he had already prepared a backhand.

“Take it, instantly! Uchiha Ryu Ken Yue Yan!! ”

One hand took the small tai knife that just fell in the air, and ran the fire attribute chakra in the body, and I saw the small tai knife on the sailor red light, covered with a layer of high-temperature flame.

“Uchiha Ryu Hinata!!”

Holding the Flame Blade, Shuishui instantly swung more than a dozen swords into the air, and more than a dozen flame sword qi crisscrossed the air, which at first glance looked like someone had cut the space with red lines.

In an instant, just stopped the vacuum and returned to the sky, more than a dozen hot and sharp flame sword qi had broken through the air, and immediately turned around, and instantly dodged to the other side, and as a result, the dozen flame sword qi seemed to have spiritual intelligence, bending an arc and continuing to chase towards him, with an endless posture.

Sword qi capable of tracking targets?

At a moment, he looked at the dozen flame sword qi that was about to be slashed on his body with some surprise, was this really the ability to track the target, or was it a manipulation made in advance by using the ability of the Sharingan Eye to predict in advance?

He didn’t have time to think carefully, and in an instant, a thick ice shield quickly condensed out of thin air, blocking in front of him, and resisting all the flame sword qi.

“It’s really a wonderful sword technique…” After blocking the Flame Sword Qi Sword Qi, he looked at the ice shield that was almost cut off in an instant, and praised it in his mouth.

“It’s heartening to have your appreciation.” In the face of the momentary praise, Shui Shui had a noncommittal look on his face, “But I guess you haven’t shown your real strength at all.” ”

As soon as the words fell, the voice almost stayed at the position where Shuishui had just spoken, but in the blink of an eye, he saw that Shuishui had appeared in front of his eyes in an instant, and the flame blade in his hand brought a sharp hot edge, slashing towards him.

But the speed of the moment was not slow, and with a slight flash, he displayed the speed of the two hundred and fifty-six palms of the soft fist method Bagua, fusing the power of Konoha Gang Fist and the strange power fist to shake the earth, and used the ultimate physical technique against the water stop.

In the blink of an eye, the speed of the two is extremely fast, and they have exchanged dozens of times in an instant, and both of them are secretly marveling at each other’s strength during the battle.

Instantly, he found that every slash of the water stop was slashed by using his speeding instantaneous technique, if it were not for the physical skills and reaction ability of the moment itself had reached a realm beyond the human body, I believe I don’t know how many times it has been chopped.

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