Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 116 116 High morale

Izuna secretly thought about the incident between Hinata and Sarutobi Shimura.

In the final analysis, this is a grudge battle between the two sides created by himself using his identity as "Kite".

"Kite" was the culprit responsible for the death of more than 20 jounin from the two tribes of Sarutobi and Shimura, headed by Ri Shimura.

He deceived Sarutobi Koyuki, making Keizo Shimura and others mistakenly think that Tobi was a member of the Hyuga clan, so they launched a massive attack.

As for the Hyuga clan, it was because of the death of the leader of the subsidiary clan, Moonlight Clan, Moonlight Fengbo.

Originally, the Hyuga Ten Sect did not want to go to war with a powerful clan like Sarutobi Shimura just because of the death of a subordinate clan leader.

But when he was looking for a solution, the other party had already called.

In the eyes of people on the Hyuga side, the behavior of the Sarutobi Shimura clan was simply that the evil ones complained first, and the whole clan was so angry that they had no choice but to go to war.

Don't think that the clan leader can completely control everything in the clan. In many cases, if his subordinates are dissatisfied, the clan leader can't do anything.

In the original work, didn't Madara leave Konoha with no one following him?

But in the final analysis, there is no eternal hatred, only eternal interests.

Although people on both sides died, the Hinata and Sarutobi Shimura clans were far from reaching the level of hatred between Uchiha and Senju.

The result of this battle is that no matter which side wins, they can't take any advantage.

Presumably this war will not last much longer.

An eagle whistle came from the sky. As the Uchiha clan's special psychic beast and as a communication tool, the ninja eagle flew through the valley and flew to the elbow of the guarding ninja from the observation deck of the Yunshan military camp.

The guarding ninja took off the secret message from Ninja's feet and his expression became concentrated.

It's a handwritten letter from the deputy patriarch!

The guarding ninja did not dare to open it and immediately handed the letter into the hands of the main tent camp Madara.

At this time, Madara was wearing a thin and loose kimono. When someone walked in outside the camp gate, he would not be able to see who the person was unless he walked within five meters and looked with his eyes alone.

Under the wooden escape between Senju Hashirama, Madara's Mangekyō Sharingan rapidly consumed his vision.

The last time he faced the birth of the Flower Tree Realm, he forced out his killer armor form Susanoo, which was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Hahaha! As expected of my brother! Go and call Uchiha Enhuo, Uchiha Gakue, Watanabe Ryoukai... all of them!"

Madara read out the names of all the high-ranking ninjas in the Yunshan military camp in one breath, not only the Uchiha family, but also the representatives of the four northwest clans who are now Uchiha's affiliated clans.

The guarding ninja was shocked because Madara hadn't shown a smile in almost half a year.

What was in that secret letter?

It can make Madara so excited.

But he didn't ask, and quickly followed Madara's instructions and called the senior staff.

Soon, several high-level representatives of Uchiha, as well as the clan leaders or elders of the four northwest tribes, gathered in Madara's camp.

"Everyone, come and take a look."

Madara stretched out the letter. Everyone saw the joy on Madara's face and couldn't help but be curious.

Now that the battle front is so tense, what happened to make Madara so happy?

"This, this, this is impossible!"

"No, it won't, right?"

"One person, this, what exactly is this..."

Everyone's first reaction was the same, which was disbelief.

Facing an elite ninja army of 500 people led by Senju Yuma and Uzumaki Hiroyuki, two masters at the clan leader level, Uchiha Izuna defeated it with one person and forced the opponent to completely retreat from Shirogani Pass.

He also cut off one of the right arms of Senju Yuma, the current leader of the Senju clan, and seriously injured him at the same time.

Make it impossible for the opponent to go to the battlefield again in the future.

It is expected that in three days, Quan Nai will lead the reinforcements from Baigu Pass to arrive for reinforcements.

"When Izuna comes, the situation of the war will completely change."

Madara said confidently, even the problems caused by his eyes were temporarily ignored by him.

"Cough cough cough!"

Suddenly there was a cough.

The person who sent it was Uchiha Gakuye, the current Uchiha Kage-level master. In the last battle, he was first disturbed by the birth of the flower tree world, and then was hit by Senju Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Killing Technique.

He is still recovering from his injuries.

"Is Minister Yue Ye okay?"

Madara frowned.

Although the other party used to compete with him for the position of clan leader, he is now one of Uchiha's main combat forces.

Without him, it would be a big loss for Uchiha.

Uchiha Yueye waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and said with a forced smile: "Nothing, I was just frightened by the deputy chief's achievements."

This is true even for Uchiha, let alone people like Watanabe Ryoukai.

He was completely shocked and could not recover for a long time.

Madara waved his hand and said: "Inform the entire army immediately about this news. We Uchiha have taken the lead in the war."


Everyone was extremely excited and clasped their fists to receive orders.

Senju Yuma and others who returned from Baigu Pass returned to the Congyunshan battlefield faster than Izuna.

But unlike the excitement of Uchiha, everyone fell into a dead silence when they saw the scene where Senju Yuma, the clan leader, had a whole section of his arm cut off next to his right clavicle.

Until now, Senju Yuma is lying unconscious on the hospital bed. Everything that happened in Baigu Pass was told by Uzumaki Guanghai.

Senju Tobirama couldn't believe it and said: "No, it's impossible, isn't it? Is it true that Uchiha Izuna alone can defeat you elders..."

"While it's unbelievable, it's sadly true."

Uzumaki Guanghai sighed heavily, but after a year, he finally rescued his precious granddaughter. This can be considered a great blessing among misfortunes, right?

But for Senju, there is no "lucky" at all.

"Quenna's growth is really exaggerated, I'm afraid she's already above me."

Senju Hashirama pinched his chin and said.

"Brother, it's impossible!"

Senju Tobirama immediately retorted.

Growing up, he had admired Senju Hashirama the most. In his eyes, Senju Hashirama had long been the representative of "the strongest in the Warring States Period".

Now he suddenly said that Uchiha Izuna, who was of the same generation as him, was stronger than his elder brother. Senju Tobirama would not believe it no matter what.

"Deputy leader, now that the leader is seriously injured and unconscious, we can only ask the deputy leader to take charge of the overall situation and take over the position of leader."

Senju Yunjian asked Senju Hashirama for instructions.

"Please ask the deputy chief to take charge of the overall situation! Take over as the chief of the tribe!"

The next second, the senior management of the Senju group in the camp asked Senju Hashirama for instructions.

Senju Yuma hasn't woken up yet, and it looks like he won't be able to go to the battlefield in the future.

Coupled with Senju Hashirama's performance so far, taking over the position of clan leader is a sure thing.

"Everyone, please get up, please get up."

Senju Hashirama quickly helped everyone up, "Now that the clan leader has not woken up, how can I, as a junior, take over under such circumstances? Don't worry, I will definitely lead Senju Shui out of the predicament."

Hearing this, Qianshou Feijian muttered in his heart: "Brother, we have the upper hand in the situation now."

One Uchiha Izuna actually overturned the situation of the war to a certain extent.

Senju Tobirama became increasingly fearful. Is there any way to kill this monster?

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