Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 161 161 Everyone defends, I attack alone!

Half a month later.

"Deputy Chief, according to the investigation information sent back by Master Zuo Xiu's secret investigation department, the main force of four thousand people led by Senju is coming towards us and is expected to arrive in two days. Secondly, the main force led by Kaguya and Hatake The Thousand Hands Allied Forces set up camp in the north, with about two thousand people."

In the main camp, an Uchiha special jounin who got the news reported to Izuna.

"No matter which side, is the combat strength twice as much as ours?"

Quan Na asked in a low voice to himself, and then his eyes narrowed, "Have all the clans sent their clan leaders?"

The special jonin hurriedly said: "No, at least according to the investigation of the secret investigation department, the leader of Hatake in the Kitakami area is Hatake Sakuzuki, not the clan leader Hatake Sangya.

As for the Senju side, because Senju Tobirama's perception ability is really terrible, the secret investigation department does not dare to go too deep, but if the deputy chief comes in person, their leader must be Senju Hashirama. "

"Hatake Soya isn't here?"

Izuna touched his chin and said: "Pass my order and tell Uchiha Yueye at the northern border to be careful of the surprise attack by the Senju Alliance. The last time Uchiha Nobu caused my Uchiha to suffer heavy losses due to this, it was also a stumbling block. Don’t fall twice.”

If Izuna hadn't arrived in time after getting the second tail last time, the northern region would have been lost.

The Hatake clan is also considered a powerful clan with a small number of people, so it is not surprising that they would use this trick again.


The special jounin used the teleportation technique to disappear in place.

"In two days, the Senju will arrive, and they will almost come out in full force. Deputy Chief, this battle will probably determine the status of the Senju and Uchiha in the Warring States Period for decades to come."

Uchiha Sen, who was over fifty years old, couldn't help but sigh. Even though he was a generation older than Uchiha Tajima, he had never experienced a war of this scale in the previous generation.

Izuna smiled. Originally, the Warring States Period was supposed to end with the generation of Madara and Senju Hashirama. There would be many more variables than imagined.

"Deputy chief, I will go down first and inform the clan members that they must be on strict guard."

Uchiha Zhan hugged Izuna with a fist, and after Izuna nodded, he exited the camp.

The sun was gradually setting. After the entire military camp learned that the Thousand Hands were about to arrive, even after experiencing countless battles, their mouths and tongues could not help but become dry and their hearts quickened.

This is inevitable.

In this battle, faced with the overwhelming gap in combat power, Uchiha was inevitably on the defensive.

Two days later, looking from the top of the mountain, anyone with slightly better dynamic vision could see that there were several more frontline camps in the plains in the distance.

You can barely see that the tent is mainly red, which is in inverse proportion to the black and blue of Uchiha.

Thousand hands!

Thousand hands!

What actions will they take?

Should we attack immediately, or send out a small force to test?

However, in this case, the secret investigation department can be sent to investigate.

Anyway, with Senju Tobirama's perception ability, he can completely sense it at such a distance.

Soon, the secret investigation department brought back the news.

Senju Tobirama was indeed there, they were just getting close when they were discovered by Senju's people.

If it weren't for Quan Nai's order that if something happened, don't worry about anything and come back immediately, I'm afraid I would have to explain it there.

Only Senju Tobirama can achieve this perverted level of perception.

Many people in later generations believe that the end of the Warring States Period and the creation of Konoha Ninja Village were the result of Senju Hashirama.

In fact, this is not the case. Senju Tobirama also played an important role in it, not only in politics, but also in combat.

Being able to perceive the dynamics of the battlefield thousands of miles away has exceeded the limit of perceptive ninjas.

Any surprise attack tactics will be lost in front of him.

"Thousands of Hands are coming from thousands of miles away. In terms of supply lines, we are in an advantage. They should hope to decide the outcome as soon as possible."

Quan Nai sat in front of the desk, looked at the map and muttered to himself.

Three days have passed since the Qianju were stationed. They should have been full of breath when they rushed towards them, and they expected that they could not help but take action.


The special jounin responsible for transmitting information quickly rushed into the camp and said quickly: "Senju sent two thousand people to attack our clan!"

Quan Nai stood up suddenly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up, "I said they can hardly sit still!"

Walk to Baili Stone City and look down into the distance.

Dots of red are already visible, but with a cup of tea, these red dots become more and more numerous, eventually forming a red sea that becomes increasingly clear.

It’s an army of Thousand Hands!


Behind Izuna, Uchiha Zhan and Uchiha Enhuo, one on the left and one on the right, shouted at the same time and stood ready.

"Two thousand people were sent. I'm afraid they wanted to test the strength of our defensive city first."

Quan Nai ordered: "Fire."

"My subordinate is here!"

Uchiha Flame quickly replied.

"Your dynamic vision is good. Keep an eye on this grandson of Senju Tobirama."

Quan Nai smiled coldly, "If he leaves the mark of the Flying Thunder God somewhere, there will be endless troubles in the future."

Izuna himself made a fool of all the major ninja clans by leaving the mark of the Flying Thunder God in Uzushio Village and Kaguya Village.

Although Senju Tobirama is not yet able to teleport the ninja army like Izuna, there is still no problem in teleporting a few people.

Just imagine, if he sneaked into the Uchiha defense wall, left the mark of the Flying Thunder God inside, and then teleported Senju Hashirama in...

"My subordinate understands."

Uchiha Flame replied, quickly searching for traces of Senju Tobirama in the army.

When we reached this position, we could already see the state of the Thousand Hands Army.

What surprised Izuna was that, as Senju's most loyal ally, Uzumaki with red hair as his symbol was not among the army in the first battle.

"Choose to let my family go first in the first battle. Is it to show the major ninja clans in the Warring States period that the Senju will not let the allies be used as cannon fodder? Or is it for some other reason?"

Quan Nai whispered secretly in her heart.

"Deputy Chief, they are here."

Uchiha Zhan from the rear left reminded.

Senju has entered the attack range.

Izuna said proudly: "Except for me, everyone else uses ninjutsu to defend themselves. Once the chakra is exhausted, they will switch to the second round!"

Before the war started, Quan Nai told him about his crazy plan.

Although most people stopped him at the first time, Quan Nai still insisted on doing so.

In the end, Uchiha Zhan and others had no choice but to agree.

"Do it!"

Quan Nai raised his right hand and then drew it down suddenly two seconds later.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Above Baili Stone City, the first row of Uchiha ninjas had already completed their seal preparations. A huge fireball erupted and fell after a distance.

In the eyes of Qianju Fangfang, it was like countless meteorites falling, extremely spectacular.

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