Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 194 194 Rumors spread

The months passed.

As the cicadas chirp gradually, everyone knows that the season is about to usher in midsummer.

At the same time, the clan can also see more and more children entering school and starting to study under the leadership of their mothers.

The youngest among them is only four years old.

This is the Warring States period.

Although they have experienced this war, most people in the clan can predict that there will be no war in three to five years.

Because the losses in the last battle were too exaggerated.

The next generation must be allowed to grow up as a new complement of combat power.

This sounds cruel.

Because the short-term peace is for the growth of the new generation, and the ultimate purpose of the new generation's growth is to send them to the battlefield.

Those who send their children to school rarely see a pair of parents. More than half are single mothers because their husbands died on the battlefield.

But even so, they didn't complain.

Because they know that this is the case in this era.

Izuna looked at the admission report sent by the third elder Uchiha Kai.

There are more than 300 children enrolled in school this year, the highest number in the past decade.

"There is one more thing I want to report to you, Deputy Chief."

One of Uchiha Kai's chuunin whispered.


Izuna responded calmly.

"City lords, nobles, and wealthy businessmen from all over the Warring States Period gradually began to unite and form a group."

Reported by Uchiha Chuunin Hui.

Hearing this, Quan Nai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Has it started yet? Fire Nation.

As the power of ninjas, or should be said to be the power of the Uchiha and Senju clans, gradually expanded.

Those who belong to soft power have also begun to learn to stick together for warmth.

If we are building the Konoha Ninja Village here, then that group of people is building the prototype of the Fire Country.

I'm afraid the Fire Nation will be officially established soon, replacing the name "Warring States".

"I understand, please step back."

Izuna waved his hand, and the Uchiha chuunin bowed his head and left with the teleportation technique.

"Everything seems to be on track."

Peaceful days are always intoxicating, even if they may not last long.

At least at other times, it's hard to see many mothers of children standing by the playground next to the ninja school, looking at their children who are being trained.

It's also hard to see family ninjas who don't enjoy ninjutsu, but spend time playing a game of chess, drinking tea and chatting.

Although the ninja schools during the Warring States Period were many times more strict than those in later generations, they were still given time to rest.

When dusk falls, the children, whose average age is only 4 to 8 years old, throw themselves into their mother's arms one by one, hold their mother's hand, and return to their fatherless homes together.

After dinner, they came out from home like ordinary children. Some played in groups, and many came to the school's training ground to continue taking out kunai for special training.

Because they know that this is the only way if they don't want to die on the battlefield.

"Oh, everyone is working hard."

At this time, a middle-aged ninja walked to the training ground and couldn't help but smile as he looked at the dozens of students who had returned to school from home for training.

"Teacher Xin!"

The students turned and saluted and shouted.

The person who came was none other than Nobu Uchiha. Yes, he was the jounin who made a big mistake in the northern battlefield, was seriously injured on the battlefield, and was sent to teach at the ninja school by Izuna.

"Teacher Xin! Tell us more about what happened on the battlefield!"

A little boy suggested.

The other students looked at Uchiha Nobu with the same eagerness.

Whether it is the Warring States Period or the Peaceful Era, children worship heroes.

In his spare time, Uchiha Nobu talked a lot about the past Uchiha Tajima, Uchiha Gakue, and the current Izuna and Madara's deeds.

Especially Madara and Izuna's performance on the battlefield made these children admire them and listened to them intoxicated.

Uchiha Nobu chuckled lightly and began to talk about how in the last war, Izuna and Madara showed great power and defeated thousands of troops of the Senju Alliance.

Just as Uchiha Nobu was telling this, he was like a storyteller, attracting more and more clan members who had some free time after dinner.

Before you knew it, hundreds of people had gathered.

At this time, a boy raised his hand and said: "Teacher, my father said that we Uchiha and Senju are going to unite. Is this true?"

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone looked towards the child.

He is only about nine years old, which sounds very young, but in fact, a ten-year-old child during the Warring States Period could already be sent to the battlefield.

Therefore, in ninja school, nine years old is considered a graduate.

And everyone recognized this boy immediately.

Uchiha Takeyasu, the son of Uchiha Sasuke, the head of the secret investigation department.

And Uchiha Sashu is the cousin of the clan leader Uchiha Madara and the deputy clan leader Uchiha Izuna.

Therefore, this Uchiha Wuyasu will call the clan leader and deputy clan leader "uncle", she is a queen of a famous family!

"You, who did you listen to?"

Uchiha Shin's eyes widened.

Uchiha Takeyasu looked innocent, "My father said it seems that because of the strength shown by Uncle Madara, Uncle Izuna and Senju Hashirama, other ninjas are afraid, so..."

"Shut up!"

At this moment, an angry shout came.

Everyone, adults and children alike, was shocked.

Looking in the direction of the sound, everyone was startled again and subconsciously asked: "Lord Zuo Xiu?"

The person who came was none other than Uchiha Sashu.

"Father, father..."

Uchiha Wu'an looked in awe, shrank his neck and whispered.

"Go back!"

Uchiha Sasuke's face was filled with anger.

Uchiha Wu'an didn't dare to say more, he immediately lowered his head and quickly slipped away towards home.

"Everyone, it's best to forget what you just said."

Uchiha Sasuke left these words lightly and left quickly.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one was in the mood to continue "listening to the book", and returned to their homes one after another.

However, just a few days after this, a rumor began to spread in the Uchiha and even the surrounding areas of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha and Senju are about to unite!

No, to be precise, it should be a forced alliance.

I don’t know who started spreading the news.

The content of the rumor is: "Because they are afraid of the power of Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Madara, and Senju Hashirama, the Warring States clans want to unite to fight against Uchiha Senju, and Uchiha and Senju also seem to hope to These families were eradicated, and finally the Warring States Period was divided between these two powerful families."

To be precise, the union cannot be said to be the subjective idea of ​​Uchiha and Senju, but to the objective environment.

But it doesn't matter whether it's subjective or objective.

The alliance between Senju and Uchiha was big news that could shake up the Warring States Period and even the ninja world.

Like a bomb thrown into the calm water.

The pot exploded.

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