Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 198 198 Senju, Uchiha, forced to join forces!

Uchiha Conference Hall.

The highest decision-making group.

Clan leader: Uchiha Madara.

Deputy Chief: Uchiha Izuna.

Logistics Management Director: Uchiha Ise.

Head of the Secret Investigation Department: Uchiha Sasuke.

Captain of the clan's defense team: Uchiha Flame.

The five current top decision-making representatives have gathered here.

"There are Uchiha hubs present, so I can speak directly."

Izuna glanced at Uchiha Sasuke.

After hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke stood up and walked to the map hanging on the wall. With a pen dipped in red ink, he drew a circle on the center of the Fire Country and a large area in the east.

At a glance, the area within the red circle is a quarter of the entire Fire Country, or even almost a third.

Yes, this is the land owned by Uchiha and Senju combined now.

"The information our secret investigation department obtained yesterday,"

Uchiha Sashu said: "The clans headed by Hinata, Sarutobi, Shimura, and Inokacho have formed a grand alliance known as the [Three Clans Alliance] and are preparing to declare war on us Uchiha and the Senju."

Uchiha Yanhuo smiled ferociously and said: "You guys who overestimate their capabilities, as long as the clan leader and deputy clan leader are here, these chickens and dogs will simply..."

"Idiot, don't underestimate them!"

Uchiha Ise retorted: "The total military strength of these three forces is probably more than 12,000 people. It is a very terrifying force."

"Yes, not even I and Izumi can say that we can defeat so many ninja troops."

Madara unexpectedly did not show off this time, but told the truth.

Of course, the more important thing is that he must say this if he wants to complete his dream of building a village.

"Their alliance was designed by me, my eldest brother, and Senju Hashirama. They deliberately released the news that Uchiha and Senju were going to join forces to sweep away the Warring States Period, and then aroused their fear, leading to the current situation."

Izuna said.

Uchiha Yanhuo was stunned for a moment and asked: "Deputy Chief, what is your real purpose..."

"Indeed, I have the idea of ​​​​wiping out other forces except the Thousand Hands Alliance. This is an opportunity."

Quan Nai said calmly.

"My subordinates are stupid. Even so, why do we have to force them to form an alliance?"

Uchiha Yanhuo said dumbly: "Wouldn't it be easier to defeat them one by one?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't there be no reason for us to join forces with the Thousand Hands?"

Izuna chuckled.

His purpose with Madara and Hashirama was to form an alliance among the three tribes and make the people of the two tribes feel more pressure.

Because neither Uchiha nor Senju can cope with the "Three Clans Alliance" alone, the only way out for them is to form an alliance.

Although they are forced, in order to survive, the tribesmen will put aside their grudges and temporarily join forces with their enemies to deal with the enemy.

After the entire Warring States period had been pacified by the Uchiha Senju Alliance, they proposed to join forces to create a Ninja Village.

This is the overall plan of the three.

Uchiha Yanhuo frowned, and after struggling for a long time, he still mustered up his courage and said: "I, we really want to alliance with the Senju... Now, deputy chief, you should know, our grudges with the Senju... My Father, as well as you and the patriarch’s father…”

Quan Nai asked calmly, "Yanhuo, do you have a child?"

Uchiha Yanhuo was stunned. He didn't know why Izuna asked this question, but he still answered honestly: "Yes, yes, yes, my daughter is just two years old..."

"Do you want her to go to the battlefield in the future? Or do you want her future husband to go to the battlefield and die on the battlefield? So that she will end up like so many single mothers in the clan now?"


Uchiha Yanhuo was speechless for a moment by Izuna's words. After a long while, he bit the bullet and said: "Of course I don't want to, but since we have the power of the clan leader and deputy clan leader, we can definitely This generation…”

"Then you want your wife to lose her husband and your daughter to lose her father!?"

Izuna asked again.

This time, Uchiha Yanhuo was asked directly until he couldn't answer a single word.

"The three of you are all married and have children. You should know how hard-won the opportunity is now. There is a clan leader in Qianju who wants to join forces with us, and our clan leader also wants to join forces with Qianju. The hatred between the two tribes has lasted for hundreds of years."

Quan Nai stood up, "Of course, I know that my subordinates are not without wives and children. They even lost their only friend and brother in the war with the Senju. Now they are alone and only want to seek revenge from the Senju. The tribesmen will definitely not agree. United with the Thousand Hands,"

"However, due to the current situation, for the sake of Uchiha, they have to agree. I hope that during this period, you can find a way to relieve their mental burden."

Izuna ordered: "Calling all the team captains, that is, all the Jonin of our Uchiha, to hold a whole clan meeting, tell them the news that we are going to join forces with the Senju Alliance to deal with the three clan alliance, and then let them tell the lower-level people ."

That afternoon.

Izuna held a clan meeting where all the jounin gathered together, and made public the news that the current situation was imminent and that they must unite with the Senju.

Suddenly, the situation naturally stirred up a thousand waves.

But when he thought that if he didn't do this, Uchiha would face annihilation.

Therefore, even though many people held deep hatred towards Qianju in their hearts, they still bowed in agreement and left.

Then tell the news to the lower-level clan members.

In a short period of time, the entire Uchiha clan was discussing this matter.

It was just as Izuna thought, although more than half of the clan members were strongly opposed to alliance with the enemy clan.

However, when the clan faced difficulties, they all chose to put aside their personal grudges and agreed to join forces with the Thousand Hands to fight against the three clans.

Of course, after this, many tribesmen suggested that when this war is over, the next person to be dealt with is Thousand Hands!

Quan Nai had also expected this situation.

But he just smiled bitterly, no matter what happens next, anyway, let's put the Uchiha and Senju clans into the same camp for now.

Let them slowly get used to how to get along with each other, and then find a way to get along.

This is the first step in jointly building a village.

On the other side, Senju's situation is almost exactly the same as Uchiha's.

Although many people do not want to join forces with Uchiha.

However, taking into account the danger faced by Qianju, he could only temporarily put aside his hatred and choose to make peace temporarily.

He also planned to completely eliminate Uchiha after this war.

Under such circumstances, the real alliance agreement was sent over by Qianju.

The two parties agreed, just like the Five Shadows Conference in later generations.

The clan leaders of the Uchiha and Senju clans could each bring only three followers to meet on a mountain on the dividing line between the two clans.

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