Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 202 202 Unexpected reinforcements

"Master Kong, the three tribes alliance's human attack..."

Another Uchiha chuunin ran over and was about to report, but when he saw Uchiha Sora's miserable state, he froze in shock again and was speechless for a long time.

What followed immediately into everyone's ears were the shouts of many ninjas from the Three Clans Alliance.

In the blink of an eye, many ninjas from the Three-legged Alliance rushed in through the holes in the city gate.

Everyone roared and shouted to release their ninjutsu, and their morale was high.

Uchiha Sora didn't care about the severe pain coming from the wound at this time. Blood spurted out of his mouth when he spoke, "Damn it, is this city going to be destroyed today!"

Inuzuka Retsu stood on a rooftop and shouted: "Starting today, this city belongs to us!"

Immediately, several ninjas holding swords rushed towards Uchiha Sora.

He is a ninja from the Moonlight Clan!

"Asshole! You are delusional!"

Several Uchiha ninjas guarding Uchiha Kong gritted their teeth and pulled out their weapons, preparing to resist.

"Wood Release: Ghost Face Technique!"

Suddenly, a huge ghost-faced wooden shield rose from between the two sides, blocking all attacks from both sides.

Before everyone could react, the voice came again.

"Wood Release·Multiple Strangulation Techniques!"

Suddenly, countless vines as thin as earthworms but extremely long emerged from the ground. They tightly tied the legs of the charging Moonlight Ninjas and kept moving towards their upper bodies.

"This, this is..."

"Damn it, chakra quilt!"

The moment they were restrained by the Wood Release, they felt that chakra was absorbed by these strange vines. In less than ten seconds, their whole bodies began to lose strength at a rapid speed.

At this time, the ghost-faced wooden shield was restored to the ground, and a figure wearing red armor descended from the sky.

He turned his head and glanced at Uchiha Sora's right foot that was blown to pieces behind him. His right hand emitted a light green chakra light, and he placed it on Uchiha Sora's right foot.

The next moment, the rotten flesh on Uchiha Sora's right foot began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This, is this medical ninjutsu?"

"Such a powerful medical ninjutsu, as well as the strange ninjutsu just performed, you, you are..."

"How come they arrived before the patriarch and the others?"

Sora Uchiha and the other Uchiha ninjas around him also looked in disbelief.

After all, even Madara and Izuna haven't arrived yet, so why can he arrive one step ahead.

Senju Hashirama smiled knowingly, and his thoughts returned to the temporary gathering place of Uchiha and Senju three days ago——

Three days ago.

When they heard that the Three-legged Alliance had begun a general attack on Hagoromo City, the Uchiha clan quickly mobilized troops and prepared to go for reinforcements.

At this time, the "allies" team of Uchiha and Senju had not yet formed.

Just when Madara was about to personally lead the reinforcements, Senju Hashirama took the lead and led a team of two hundred Jonin to arrive, claiming that he was willing to take the lead and go to reinforce.

Looking at Senju Hashirama and the two hundred people brought behind him, Madara looked confused, while Izuna frowned for a while, then couldn't help but smile, guessing Senju Hashirama's intention.

Madara is not stupid either, and he quickly understood what Senju Hashirama meant.

The battle site is mainly Uchiha's territory. If a war breaks out, Uchiha will definitely bear more.

This must make many tribesmen feel dissatisfied.

At this time, if Senju Hashirama stood up and sent out reinforcements, many dissatisfied Uchiha tribesmen would definitely shut up, and they might even be grateful to him.

"Ninjas of the Senju clan, go and protect the injured first, and I will block the entrance to the cave!"

Senju Hashirama shouted, then put his palms together.

The next moment, giant vines began to grow on all sides of the cave entrance that had just been blasted out by Sarutobi Furukawa and Shimura Keizo. In less than half a minute, the cave entrance was completely blocked.

"This, this is the rumored leader of the Senju Clan, Senju Hashirama's Wood Release!?"

Some ninjas who had never seen the Senju Hashirama Wood Release with their own eyes were completely shocked.

There were not many ninjas from the Three-legged Alliance who had just poured into the city, only about a hundred of them.

Most are blocked outside.

"This kind of thing should be destroyed quickly!"

A ninja from the Shiranui family shouted, and at the same time, the giant shuriken in his right hand slashed at the vines blocking the entrance of the cave.

Dang! ! !

His arms felt numb, and the Shiranui ninja took two steps back in shock, looking at the giant shuriken with tiny cracks, his eyes widened and he said: "This, this, how is this possible..."

Wood is harder than steel?

"This is the Wood Release specially enhanced with my Yang attribute chakra. It cannot be cut off easily."

A voice of explanation came, and immediately afterwards, a figure was seen descending from the sky. Instead of standing on the city wall, he jumped down to meet the army head-on.

Besides Senju Hashirama, who else has such courage?

"One of the murderers of the clan leader, Senju Hashirama!"

Hyuga Genmasa of the Hyuga clan stood up and said.

Senju Hashirama squinted his eyes. Although he wanted to say that it was Hyuga Tenzong who took the initiative and that he was just passively defending and even wanted to save Hyuga Tenzong, it made no sense at all to say this now.


Senju Hashirama spoke in a deep voice, his eyes full of solemnity, "Now that Uchiha and Senju have officially joined forces, not to mention the Warring States period, even the entire ninja world is not our opponent. The result of this battle will only increase the number of people without any hope." It’s just a meaningful sacrifice.”

Although Senju Hashirama's words were meant to be nice, they made the tribes of the Three-legged Alliance opposite him feel angry.

Because in their opinion, Senju Hashirama's words were completely intended to provoke.

You Senju are planning to join forces with Uchiha to carve up the Warring States Period, and you are still talking nonsense about "sacrificing for the sake of gain"!

"As expected of the leader of the Thousand Hands Clan of the Love Clan, his words are really different!"

Hinata Genzheng spoke in a provocative tone as he took a step forward, veins bursting out around his Byakugan, "Don't you know that the [God of Ninja World]'s strength is equally unique?"

The next moment, Hinata Genzheng burst out chakra pressure in his hands, "Soft Fist·Thousand Break!"

In an instant, he rushed in front of Senju Hashirama and hit his abdomen with both hands.

Bang! ! !

The next moment, everyone saw Senju Hashirama being knocked upside down by this palm.


Senju Hashirama hit the city wall hard.

The rest of the alliance looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

This, is this successful?

Is he really the Senju Hashirama known as the "God of Ninja World"?

Immediately afterwards, Senju Hashirama's body, which hit the wall, turned into cork and fell to the ground with a "thud".

"Mu, Mu escape clone?"

Hinata Yuanzheng's eyes widened in astonishment, "Why, how could it Byakugan doesn't actually..."

"It looks like the negotiations have broken down."

Senju Hashirama's voice suddenly came from the city wall.

Everyone looked up again, only to see that the other party had clapped his hands together heavily.

"Wooden Release: The Birth of the Tree Realm!!!"

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