Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 213 213 Three Heroes of the Warring States Period

It has entered early winter, and the cold wind is passing by.

The military camp that lost its fire could only rely on campfires to keep warm.

This is the center to the west of the Fire Country.

Under the concentrated crushing of the Uchiha Senju Alliance, the Three-legged Alliance retreated again and again.

Today, the Uchiha Senju occupy more than two-thirds of the Land of Fire.

Of course, the premise is that the territory owned by the city lords and nobles is not included.

"Deputy Chief!"

"Deputy Chief! Come back!"

"You have worked hard."

Izuna walked in from the gate outside the military camp, and many Uchiha people bowed and said hello.

What surprised Izuna was that some of the Senju ninjas nodded slightly to show respect when they looked at him.

"The effect is not bad."

Quan Nai walked into the main tent while thinking.

Inside, Senju Hashirama was sitting at the main seat, with today's lunch on the table in front of him.

Venison grilled over charcoal fire, with steaming wine beside it.

Although the army strives for fair treatment, the clan leader and ordinary clan members eat the same.

But the logistics staff will still considerately make small adjustments to the senior figures.

Seeing Quan Nai come in, he immediately smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work on the southern battlefield, Quan Nai."

The military camp here is located in the far west. Naturally, Senju Hashirama was the first to arrive, followed by Izuna, who was in charge of the southern battlefield.

Madara, who is in charge of the northern battlefield, should still be on his way back at this time.

Quan Nai unceremoniously tore off a piece of venison on the charcoal stove and put it into his mouth, then picked up the cup of hot wine and poured it into his belly.

It is really a pleasure to have such a feeling on the battlefield.

The corner of Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile and said: "Speaking of which, that guy Madara stole the show when he went to the battlefield in the north. Do you know what the ninjas of the Fire Country call him now?"

"Ninja Shura,"

Izuna smiled lightly and replied, "And the three of us are collectively called the Three Heroes of the Warring States Period."

Senju Hashirama crossed his arms and smiled, "In this way, that guy can feel relieved."

As a reincarnated gay friend, Senju Hashirama knew very well that Madara had always been resentful about the fact that he and Izuna had always been the one to blame.

"Inarakacho has submitted a truce to me, where is Hinata?"

Senju Hashirama's face instantly became much more serious, and he got to the point.

"I killed a lot of people, but I let them go, such as the small patriarch of the Hyuga family and other core figures. But these guys claimed that they needed some time, so it must not be a big problem."

Izuna said that Hinata, who values ​​bloodline, is hypocritical and is about to surrender, so it’s just a shame.

But he doesn't need to worry. He doesn't need himself now. He can kill them by gathering an army.

"Now we're left with Madara..."

Senju Hashirama said worriedly, "I hope it can go smoothly."

Two days later, the first light snowfall of winter this year fell in the Fire Kingdom.

Madara rushed back from the north, and the armor on his head and shoulders was stained with snowflakes.

"Madara, how is the situation in the north?"

Izuna and Senju Hashirama were sitting in the main tent at this time. When they saw Madara coming in, they immediately asked.

An unnatural expression flashed across Madara's face for a moment, and just this scene told Izuna and Senju Hashirama that they were in trouble.

But Madara frowned, but still wanted to save face and said: "One died, and the other ran away."

"Who's dead!?"

Senju Hashirama looked shocked.

"That old fox Shimura Keizo."

Madara forced himself to calm down.


Senju Hashirama scratched his scalp in distress and complained: "Madara, didn't you say you shouldn't go on a killing spree? Especially for people at the clan leader level. In order to build a ninja village where everyone can live in harmony, we can't kill people like this. !”

"You know nothing!"

Although he knew that he was in the wrong, after listening to Senju Hashirama preaching to him, Madara immediately scolded him, "Do you think that old fox is a good thing? I tried my best to keep my hand, but he is like a fly, kill him , is already my mercy.”

"If you want to build a village, you should first learn to be patient!"

Senju Hashirama said again.

Seeing the two people arguing again, Quan Nai, who was sitting in the back, shook his head.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to persuade, let's wait until they finish arguing.

...half an hour later...

The Three Heroes of the Warring States Period.

Uchiha Izuna, the pupil emperor of the ninja world.

The God of Ninja World, Senju Hashirama.

Shura Uchiha Madara in the ninja world.

It can be said that this is the first time we have gathered together in such a state.

"First let's sort out the status of the three-tribe alliance."

Seeing the expressions of dissatisfaction between the two of them, Izuna had no choice but to act as a middleman and took the initiative to speak: "The three clans of the Ino, Deer, and Butterflies have submitted a letter of surrender to Hashirama. They don't need to worry. The remaining Hinata and others The Alliance's Inuzuka, Aburame and others are just tough talkers, it's just a matter of time."

After a pause, Izuna continued: "What's more, Inuzuka Retsu, Shiranui Genji and other clan leaders have been captured, so there is no need to worry."

"So, the problem is still in the north,"

Senju Hashirama said earnestly: "That's why I said Madara that you should not kill Shimura Keizo on impulse."

"Do you want to fight with me?! Even if you don't kill, the old immortal will not surrender easily!"

Madara roared.

Quan Na sighed secretly, can the two living treasures stop arguing?

"Compared to those, now is the relationship between Uchiha and Senju."

As soon as Quan Nai said this, the two people's faces instantly became serious.

"Although the relationship between Uchiha and Senju has eased due to this war, it is only temporary and superficial."

Izuna placed the map between the three of them and drew a diagonal line in the Fire Country, dividing the southwest and northeast areas equally.

"From now on, the southwest belongs to the Uchiha, the northeast belongs to the Senju, and the two divide the Warring States Period."

As he said that, Quan Nai glanced at the two of them, "I'm afraid, there are many people in our two clans who want to kill each other and let one family completely unify the Warring States Period."

"So, now is when the trouble begins."

Quan Na said: "What do you think?"

Madara is silent and can kill enemies easily, but he is not good at this kind of thing.

"I will try my best to persuade our tribesmen to build a village where everyone can live together. It doesn't matter Senju, Uchiha, Hinata, Sarutobi... we all have only one common title - ninja."

Although Senju Hashirama was having a mouth attack again, it was the only way.

It's impossible to take action against a member of your own family, right?

You can only rely on persuasion.

Izuna closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "This is the only way. You go to the Senju side, and the Uchiha side... let me do it."

After saying that, Izuna glanced at the map again and asked: "Hinata is accepted by the Uchiha. That's a tough bone to chew. Shimura and Sarutobi, are you confident in Hashirama's persuasion to surrender them?"

"Hmph! If you don't surrender, kill them. You can't do that with those chickens and dogs, right?"

Madara snorted coldly.

Senju Hashirama frowned, solemnly, "I will do my best."

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