Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 218 218 The Big Day

Wedding building.

It is the building that has just been completed and is located under the cliff, in the center of Ninja Village.

Only Izuna knows that it is the future "Hokage Building", which will be the office of all future Hokages.

And three days later, Izuna Mito and Senju Hashirama Uzumaki Rena will also be there, as two newlyweds, standing on the roof to receive the blessings of the whole village.

Remember in the original work, Uzumaki Naruto and Hinata Hinata got married, right there?

From this point of view, I can be considered their ancestor.

Ha ha.

Although he couldn't see Mito for the time being due to this inexplicable rule, Izuna didn't force him and left to a place - the cliff behind the mountain of Ninja Village.

That is, in the future, directly above the Hokage Rock.

Looking down from here, the prototype of Konoha has been initially completed, and the building below that is temporarily used as a wedding building has also been completed.

Just mark it with the word "fire".

Hinata, Saito, Fuma who once relied on Uchiha... Kaguya and Hatake who relied on Senju...

You can see them from a distance in the village.

Although the village has been built, if you think about it carefully, you can find many differences from the original work.

For example, when Konoha originally founded the village, there was no "Kaguya" clan.

The situation in the village was that the Senju almost beat Uchiha to the ground, and they were forced to sign an alliance agreement.

But now the Uchiha was in a much better state.

And Senju Tobirama, the former second-generation Hokage, had one of his right arms cut off by himself.

Of course, the biggest change is that he, the person who should have died, is still alive and well.

For people like Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and Senju Tobirama who were extremely busy, Izuna took some time off from the busy schedule and left the matter to Uchiha Ise, Uchiha Sashu and others, and started wandering around the village.

On the way, I met many ninjas of various races who came to congratulate me.

Among them are many ninjas of various races wearing costumes with various clan emblems.

Before long, their attire will also be unified.

And when there was only one day before the wedding.

It can be seen that many red-haired ninjas have arrived in the village. They are the Uzumaki clan who have not been incorporated into Konoha and continue to live in the country of Uzumaki.

The white-haired old man at the head was none other than Mito's grandfather, Uzumaki Hiroyuki!

At the entrance of the village, Izuna and Senju Hashirama had been waiting here for a long time.

"Lord Guanghai!"

Thousand-armed pillars held up their hands and said.

Quan Na also held her hands with a playful smile, "Grandpa, thank you for your hard work coming all the way."

Seeing Izuna's playful smile, Uzumaki Hiroyuki couldn't help but twitch his eyelids and wanted to slap him.

But then he passed through the two figures and looked inside.

Although it was not yet completed, when the prosperous Konoha Village came into view, Uzumaki Hiroyuki sighed inwardly and realized that a new era was coming.

In the end, Uzumaki Guanghai muttered "Yeah" as an answer.

Senju Hashirama shrugged at Izuna and said it was done.

Izuna pursed her lips and smiled lightly. If it weren't for Mito, she wouldn't be too lazy to deal with this old guy.

Early the next morning.

All residents of Ninja Village walked out of their temporary residences and stood on both sides of the main street leading from the Ninja Village gate to the central building.

With the special blessing of ninjutsu, colorful ribbons floated over the entire village, making it look like a fairyland.

Senju Hashirama, who was wearing a black robe and white underwear, and Izuna, who was wearing a red dress, stood on the left and right at the entrance of the future Hokage building, waiting for the arrival of the bride.

This is quite similar to ancient China.

The brides are brought out from their respective families by their parents, and then held by the elders and delivered to the groom's hands.

As for Madara, Senju Hashirama and other relatives of the groom, they were wearing black clothes and standing on the street on both sides of Izuna and Senju Hashirama...separately.

Suddenly, the fireworks fell even more fiercely.

Looking closely, a girl wearing white clothes and a woman wearing a bright red wedding dress, one on the left and one on the right, were being held by an old man from Uzumaki and Uzumaki Guanghai, heading towards the wedding building. Come along.

The one wearing a white wedding dress is Senju Hashirama's new fiancée, Rena Uzumaki.

What Quan Nai didn't expect was that he had met her once.

It is the little girl who was wearing clothes next to Mito Mito back then.

You were only about thirteen or fourteen years old, right?

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed and she has become a beautiful girl aged seventeen.

Although there is still a lot of gap between it and Mito.

Mito, on the other hand, was wearing an improved version of the same bright red wedding dress as Izuna's dress, with light makeup on her face and extremely bright lipstick.

He was supported by his grandfather, Uzumaki Hirokai, with whom he had already severed ties.

"Mito, I leave it to you."

Walking up to Izuna, Uzumaki Guanghai said in a deep voice.


When Mito heard this, his accent was filled with tears, and he was speechless for a moment.

After sighing heavily, Uzumaki Hiroyuki looked at his granddaughter with complex eyes, "Be happy...Mito."

A stream of clear tears fell from Mito's eyes.

Quan Nai grabbed her delicate body in time.

Mito hugged his one and only tightly, turned around and walked with him towards the wedding building.

The same is true for Senju Hashirama.

On both sides of the end, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Flame, Senju Tobirama, Senju Cloudma... Nara Enkaku, Kaguya Butori...

Representatives of various clans in Ninja Village waited and sent their blessings one after another.

Uchiha Ise: "Congratulations! Deputy Chief!"

Senju Tobirama: "After getting married, I will be able to worry less. Reina, I am a stupid brother, so I will trouble you."

Akimichi Shefeng: "Congratulations, Izuna-sama, Hashirama-sama."

The four of them smiled at each other.

Go through the stairs and reach the top of the building.

He was greeted with cheers and blessings from tens of thousands of residents of the Fire Country below.

"Peace has arrived."

Senju Hashirama sighed.

Quan Nai rolled his eyes, this idiot, couldn't he stop doing that when he got married?

Suddenly, Izuna looked sideways and noticed that Mito was looking at him with an unguessable expression.

Recalling the wedding banquet in his previous life, under Mito's stunned gaze, Izuna smiled evilly, and in front of tens of thousands of people, he directly held her pretty face and kissed her.

For a moment, the whole village's exclamations almost broke the clouds.

"Ha! This kid!"

Madara below couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

In this era when customs were relatively traditional, Quan Nai's skill still left many people stunned.

Especially some girls in their late teens below were so embarrassed that they held their eyes with both hands, but secretly peeked through their fingers.

Seeing the pair next to them, Uzumaki Reina, a slightly younger girl, couldn't help but curl her lips slightly and look towards Senju Hashirama.

However, Senju Hashirama was dumbfounded for a while, his head lowered and raised for nearly five minutes, unable to speak, which made Uzumaki Reina embarrassed and angry.

Madara didn't even appreciate it and laughed heartily to show his ridicule to Senju Hashirama.

The people in Uchiha would not miss this opportunity and burst into laughter.

It made Senju Hashirama's face turn red.

Although Senju Tobirama and others were very angry, they couldn't find a way to refute, they just secretly hated their family leader for not living up to expectations.

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