Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 239 239 Crazy Laughter

"You, you guys..."

Hei Jue's body was nailed to the ground by the Yin Escape Sword made by Quan Nai. He was unable to leave for a while and could only glare at the opponent with gritted teeth.

On the right side, more than ten meters away, Otsutsuki's corpse was lying there quietly.

He had wanted to kill Quan Na more than once in order to make Madara his chess piece. Unexpectedly, the result was the opposite of what he expected.

"Although it's not as good as the Amanuma Spear of the Sage of Six Paths, it's still pretty impressive, right?"

Izuna grinned and held the hilt of the Yin Sword with one hand, sneering at Black Zetsu below.

"You've lived for so long, that's enough, right? Asshole."

Izuna's other hand condensed the sword of Susanoo, with the pattern of Yin Escape's power attached to it.

The next second, Izuna used her last strength and waved her sword downwards.

Although not strong, it is a weapon capable of killing Black Zetsu.


As Hei Jue roared, the tip of the sword kept approaching in his eyes, and finally pierced his eyebrows.

All the reincarnations of Indra and Asura in the past were more or less used by him. Even the original Indra himself was secretly instigated by him to embark on the completely opposite path to Asura.

Now, he was ended by a brat of ordinary Uchiha blood. How could he be willing to do so! ?





Izuna kept drawing the sword out, thrusting it in, drawing it out, thrusting it in, drawing it out again, and thrust it in again.

The action was repeated dozens of times before gradually stopping.

As Quan Nai's movements gradually stopped, she couldn't help but laugh crazily.


In the end, Izuna was exhausted and leaned on the ground, falling heavily.

On the other side, after seeing this scene, Hashirama reluctantly opened his mouth and said, "Finally, was it successful?"

The powerful Immortal Yang Release Chakra was repairing his wounds, but the feeling of physical exhaustion was indeed getting stronger.

And in the right rear direction of Hashirama, Madara was in so much pain that it was difficult to say a word.

Only after ensuring that the enemy was truly killed, the tense nerves gradually relaxed, his eyelids drooped shut, and he fell into a drowsy state.


The feeling of exhaustion that kept flooding into my heart made Izunamoto want to fall asleep like Madara and Hashirama.

But not far away, the life energy in the body was gradually dissipating due to Otsutsuki's decision to use the Death Gate Ninjutsu, which was similar to the Eight Gate Dungeon.

Quan Na seemed to remember something and walked forward with a staggering pace.

"Does it work?"

Izuna mercilessly dug out Otsutsuki's eyes with her fingertips.

He remembered the eye-changing property of the kaleidoscope.

He was also very interested in the secret of the Tenseigan.

After thinking for a while, Quan Na took out a scroll from the ninja tool bag on his waist. After pulling it out, it was filled with dense runes.

After placing Otsutsuki's chosen body and the pair of reincarnated eyes, Izuna bit off his fingers and pressed them on the abdomen of the body.

"Reverse Psychic Technique!"


As Otsutsuki's body turned into white smoke, his body had been transported to the Uchiha's psychic space.

When Quan Nai put away the scroll, he remembered one more thing.

That's the problem with skill tree points!

After killing the two perverts Otsutsuki Shousha and Black Zetsu, the points are already high, right?

Can I redeem the Samsara Eye?

[Host: Uchiha Izuna, current points: 789]

[Blood inheritance limit: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (already owned)] → [Reincarnation Eye: Redeem 800 points (required condition: bloodline of reincarnated Asura)]

"Fuck! Just a little bit worse!"

Izuna cursed angrily, and after seeing the redemption conditions for the Rinnegan Eye, she walked to Hashirama's side with heavy steps.

At this time, he had already passed out, but Asura's Yang Escape Chakra still automatically helped him repair his wounds.

Quan Na transcended the kunai, cut off a piece of flesh from his wound, and threw it into the system.

[Obtain the necessary items to exchange for the Samsara Eye: the bloodline of the reincarnated Asura]

Next, just fight a few small battles and you will be able to awaken, right?

not bad.

Thinking of this, Quan Nai smiled with satisfaction and fell heavily together with the two people who had fallen asleep.

I don’t know how long it took.

After realizing that the shock of the battle had completely subsided, many ninjas from Konoha rushed out and rushed to the battlefield.

Hinata Gensheng's Byakugan was enough to see through an area nearly thirty kilometers away. He rushed to the front and shouted to the other Konoha ninjas behind him: "I saw it! It's Lord Hokage! And the two Lords of Uchiha!"

"How is it going!?"

Someone asked immediately behind.

Hinata Yuanzheng's head was dripping with cold sweat, "They all fainted... Oh my God, what kind of battle is this? It's so destructive!"

When Quan Na and the others woke up, the first thing that caught their eyes was the unfamiliar ceiling and the pungent smell of potion.

Konoha Hospital.

Fortunately, even if that battle was exaggerated, Otsutsuki's decision-making was not at the level of the Ten-Tails, and the attack was enough to affect villages hundreds of miles away.

Under the protection of the barrier, Konoha's foundation was not damaged.

But even so, this battle still gave many ninjas in Konoha a deep shock.

The power of the three heroes, as well as the mysterious strong man who could deal with the three of them at once, all of this deeply refreshed their outlook on life.

The first thing Izuna did when he woke up was to order him to be moved from Konoha Hospital back to his home for recuperation.

He didn't want to stay in the place managed by Senju Tobirama.

What surprised Izumi was that his injury was obviously the lightest among the three, but it was Senju Hashirama who recovered first.

I have to secretly sigh that his healing ability is indeed abnormal.

Even though Quan Nai was recovering from his injuries, the affairs in the village did not stop.

The pair of reincarnated eyes taken from Otsutsuki's body are most likely the eyes of Hinata Chisato, the head of the Hyuga family whose Byakugan was taken away.

When Izuna checked again, she found that the pair of reincarnated eyes had turned into ordinary white eyes again.

Izuna was so angry that she wanted to scold her.

But then I thought about it, since I have become the reincarnated eye, there must be something special about this pair of white eyes.

Therefore, there is no, and it is impossible to return him to Chisato Hinata.

Later, I heard that the Hyuga family planned to transplant the Byakugan of a key member of the branch family to Chisato Hinata.

According to the Hyuga family, the separation of the family was originally meant to sacrifice for the clan in times of crisis.

This is the Hinata family's own business, and Senju Hashirama, the Hokage, has no control over it.

But because of this, it also paved the way for the complete break between the main family and the branch family of the Hyuga family in later generations.

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