Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 256 256 Too bullying

"In addition, the remaining two tailed beasts have also been accounted for."

Senju Hashirama continued: "The Five-Tails appeared on the border of the Earth Kingdom, while the Six-Tails appeared in the Rain Kingdom."

Izumi Nexu stared and thought to himself: "Originally, the Five-Tails was also the Jinchūriki of Iwagakure Village. Now the construction of Iwagakure Village has been completed. As for Amegakure Village, there is currently no Hanzo and Rokudou Pain. It is just a 'shadow' city. It’s easy to deal with small villages that don’t have them.”

Thinking of this, Izuna smiled and said: "The Vulpix is ​​a tailed beast that likes humid climates. It is not strange for it to appear in the Land of Rain, which has rainfall all year round."

Senju Hashirama turned his head and glanced at Izuna, and continued: "The question now is, how should we deal with these three remaining tailed beasts?"

"Do you still need to say it?"

Ban Leng said proudly: "Of course, catch them all, these beasts."

Nara stopped him deeply and said: "Elder Madara, this is not a trivial matter. Not to mention the Six-Tails of the Rain Country, the Nine-Tails and Five-Tails are now in the Land of Thunder and the Country of Earth of the five major kingdoms. They are now facing each other. The beast has launched a capture plan, and the situation is completely different from the last time."

"That's right,"

Chisato Hinata said: "Last time Elder Izuna snatched the Eight-Tails from Kumogakure in the Moon Country, it caused their extreme dissatisfaction. This time it's the Nine-Tails again."

"Are you scared!?"

Madara's eyes swept over the people around the round table, and he said coldly: "If you are afraid, just stay at home and take care of yourself. There are only three beasts, and I can take care of them by myself."

In the entire conference room, except for Izuna, Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, no one dared to look at Madara, and they all turned their eyes to the other side involuntarily.

"Madara, we are all friends of Konoha, please pay attention."

Even when facing his gay friends, under the general premise of Konoha, Senju Hashirama's tone was a little more dignified.

Madara glanced towards Senju Hashirama, and for a moment, the atmosphere in the conference room seemed extremely stiff.

Some people started to feel suffocated when breathing.

After a while, Madara snorted and chose to retreat. At this time, Senju Hashirama smiled and looked at everyone, "What do you think?"

Senju Hashirama's temperament is like sunshine, able to warm people's hearts. This may be the special ability only possessors of Asura bloodline have.

Of course, the premise is also to have that extremely powerful strength.


Quan Nai spoke out, only one word.

But that’s what most people think in their hearts.

Now Konoha has six of the nine tailed beasts, and there is no reason not to take the remaining three, even if they have now become the targets of other countries.

"I think Elder Senna is right."

Sarutobi Sasuke, the father of Sarutobi Hiruzen, said: "As long as we control the nine tailed beasts, we, Konoha, will be able to assume a unique position in the ninja world, and we can also ensure the peace of Konoha for generations to come."

Kaguya Butori also nodded heavily. To be honest, their clan had a family blood disease, and even with the help of Senju Hashirama, the situation did not change much.

The best way is to stop using corpse veins, that is, stop fighting.

At least less fighting.

Therefore, Kaguya Takeri also agreed to capture all the tailed beasts to ensure the peace of Konoha, or the future generations of the Kaguya clan.

Nara felt his brows deep, and seeing that everyone basically agreed, he could only retreat and say: "But in this case, the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder will never give in."

"What are you afraid of!"

Madara was extremely disdainful of Nara's "cowardly" attitude, but he immediately raised his head and said: "I will go to the Kingdom of Thunder myself. I will let you see the largest military power in the north. How vulnerable this guy is in front of my Uchiha name!"

"Oops, this guy's fighting habit has come back again."

Izuna, Hashirama and others thought in their hearts.

Senju Tobirama said at this time: "Basic information shows that the Kingdom of Thunder sent two masters close to the shadow level. The Golden Horn and Silver Horn used weapons handed down from the Six Paths era to capture the Nine-Tails, while the Raikage A large-scale defense force has been arranged to guard the border areas of the Kingdom of Thunder."

"In other words, they expected that we would come to snatch the tailed beasts. Just sending an elite team there like two years ago would be a bit dangerous. We should dispatch troops."

Qianju Tobirama said with a solemn expression.


Madara disagreed.

Senju Tobirama's eyes were slightly vacant, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Senju Hashirama touched his chin, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "I think what Tobirama said makes sense, and it is always right to be cautious."

"Let's do this. On the other side of the Country of Rain, I will ask the Daimyo to send an envoy to negotiate. The Ninja Army will begin to move towards the Country of Thunder and the Country of Earth. Although it feels unlikely, we still have to prevent the other party from counterattacking and affecting the country. Ordinary people.”

"Madara will come from the Kingdom of Thunder, and I will come from the Kingdom of Earth. How about that?"

As soon as Senju Hashirama finished speaking, Izuna immediately responded, making Senju Tobirama's face look as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

This Uchiha Izuna has made it clear that he does not want him to be in charge of the military!


Senju Hashirama also saw through Izuna's thoughts and couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

"Does any of you have any opinions?"

Without waiting for Senju Hashirama to express his position, Izuna asked the many decision-making representatives around the conference table with a harmless expression.

Scanned by Izuna's gaze, Sarutobi Sasuke, Shimura Fenglin, Hinata Chisato, Kaguya Butori and others immediately averted their eyes.

Although Izuna's eyes were not as fierce as Madara's, the danger level was even greater than that of his brother.

Under such pressure, everyone quickly expressed their stance:

"Elder Quan Nai is right!"

"With two Uchiha adults personally taking charge, we will definitely be invincible!"

"The Shimura clan would like to wish the two elders a triumphant return."

"The troops of the Sarutobi clan are willing to obey Elder Senna's orders."

Totally intimidated.

Think about it, even though they are now in charge of the top management of Konoha, how can they dare to offend Senna?

Completely agree immediately.

Senju Hashirama's eyelids twitched, and he finally had to agree to this allocation.

Senshou Tobirama, on the other hand, clenched her teeth tightly. Such an approach was too bullying!

However, those who feel the same way as Senju Tobirama are the Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Earth, and even other countries.

Unless you are blind, it is impossible to hide such large-scale operations from the deployment of troops to the eyes of the major ninja nations.

Especially the detectives from the other four major countries immediately reported back to Raikage, Tsuchikage and others.

Konoha is coming to capture the remaining three tailed beasts.

As soon as they received the news, Raikage, Tsuchikage and others had the same thought as Senju Tobirama - what a bully!

You Konoha have already taken six of the nine tailed beasts, and now you want to snatch them away!

And it was a blatant robbery!

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