Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 281 281 A weak country has no diplomacy

Although these Konoha ninja clan leaders all expressed their congratulations to Izuna, in fact, they all had their own hidden agendas.

Overnight, Uchiha, no, the entire Konoha Village underwent such drastic changes, it was hard not to be shocked.

Like Senju Tobirama, what surprised them the most was Izuna's attitude.

Although I don't know what reason Uchiha Madara was forced to leave Konoha, isn't his attitude at this time too relaxed?

With a lot of confusion, the top decision-making group and representatives of various families entered the top conference room.

Among the seven elders, the position that originally belonged to Madara's diplomatic elder was currently empty.

Everyone averted their eyes from that position, but couldn't help but glance at it from the corner of their eyes.

"Everyone is here, let's vote."

Senju Hashirama was not in the mood to talk nonsense now, and simply got to the point. This shows how big a blow Madara's departure had to him.

The results came quickly.

Three days ago, Senju Hashirama's proposal was unanimously approved, and no one mentioned launching a war to complete the war of unification.

Even the Kaguya and Shimura clan, who had been shouting the loudest before, fell completely silent.

Seeing the empty position of the diplomatic elder, the original war faction couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.

They didn't know the reason why Uchiha Madara left Konoha, but previously Uchiha Madara was also a representative of the main war faction.

Is there any relationship between the two?

They couldn't help but guess so in their hearts.

But none of them had the courage to ask, because at this time, Senju Hashirama's face was so gloomy that even a discerning person could see it.

"In that case, how about accepting the surrender request of the four countries and signing the treaty... I and Senna will go there?"

Hashirama said, looking towards Izuna.

Accompanying the Hokage to sign the armistice treaty can be said to be a great honor.

Everyone thought that Senju Hashirama would give this task to Senju Tobirama, but unexpectedly he said Izuna's name.

But after thinking about it carefully, I immediately understood the truth.

Now that Uchiha Madara has left, Uchiha Izuna, as the new leader of the Uchiha clan, naturally has to comfort him.

Izuna smiled slightly and said: "Don't be too polite, Hashirama, just ask them to come over. You must maintain your authority as Hokage. Also, when do you plan to implement your plan to distribute tailed beasts?" ?”

Senju Hashirama frowned and thought deeply. To be honest, he suspected that it was because Madara disagreed with his tailed beast distribution plan that his ideas conflicted with his own, so he left.

Therefore, he still had to consider three points to implement this plan in detail.

After thinking for a while, Senju Hashirama said: "Currently, the Nine Tails have not been captured, and we have not come up with a more suitable sealing policy for the tailed beasts. This plan is on hold for the time being."

Izuna's eyes were slightly vacant, and she stopped mentioning the topic. She smiled and said, "I would like to send an invitation to the Kages of the Four Villages and ask them to come to Konoha and sign the Peace Treaty."

As a defeated country, they had no right to let Konoha, a victorious country, come to them.

Only if they lose the battle will they come over obediently and kneel down to lick them.

This time, Senju Tobirama rarely reached an agreement with Izuna, and he was also very dissatisfied with his elder brother's humble attitude.

How can there be any reason for a victorious country to go to a defeated country to sign a treaty?

Hashirama scratched his cheek and saw that everyone had the same opinion, so he had no choice but to agree and immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting.

At this meeting, he did not mention the issue of the candidate to take over as the elder of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But everyone knew in their hearts that this position would most likely belong to Senju Tobirama.

However, due to political needs, Senju Hashirama could not promote his younger brother before Uchiha Madara left.

This seems to be too much.

The "invitation" to the four villages was sent out, which also announced that the first ninja war had officially come to an end.

In just three months, the winner of the war between one village and four villages in Konoha, which affected the entire ninja world, was decided.

It was also the first time that the world saw the power of the three heroes.

It is expected that in their lifetime, no one will dare to challenge Konoha's authority.

But at the same time, the news of Madara leaving Konoha also spread to the ears of ninja villages in other countries through word of mouth.

Everyone was in disbelief, but even so, they didn't dare to think too much.

Even if one person is missing, Konoha's position at this time is still unshakable.

Just when the four villages were invited to go to Konoha to sign a truce treaty that would surely humiliate the country, a piece of shocking news came out again:

Uchiha Madara, who left Konoha, went to the Kingdom of Thunder alone, captured the Nine-Tails, and then disappeared.

After learning about this, both Konoha and the major ninja villages were shocked.

When Senju Tobirama wanted to send troops to investigate, he found that Madara Uchiha had disappeared without a trace with the Nine-Tails, as if he had disappeared from the world.

As a result, Konoha's sealing shrine sealed the six tailed beasts: one tail, three tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, and seven tails.

The Two-Tails and Eight-Tails are under the control of Uchiha Izuna.

Kyuubi is now in the hands of Madara Uchiha who is missing.

Although it seems that these tailed beasts are in Konoha's hands, this is not the case.

And because at this time, the Raikage and the Kumogakure ninjas he led, despite the extremely long journey, were the first to arrive at Konoha and demanded an explanation from Konoha.

After all, Uchiha Madara broke into Kumogakure and captured Kyuubi in an extremely rough manner, and also injured many Kumogakure who were monitoring Kyuubi.

This time, the number of troops led by the Raikage was not large. There were only seven members of the Raikage Guards headed by the future second-generation Raikage.

The golden horn and the silver horn are not among them.

After all, they were the culprits who had previously unsealed the Konoha Seal Shrine and caused the tailed beasts to riot. The Raikage did not dare to call them here to cause hatred.

Under the Hokage Building, facing questioning from the Raikage, Izuna, who was wearing a Konoha ninja forehead protector, stood guard at the door and stopped the Raikage and his party from advancing.

"Uchiha Izuna, what do you mean?"

Looking at Uchiha Senna standing in front of his group, the first generation Raikage gritted his teeth angrily, "Your brother Uchiha Madara forcibly broke into our territory of the Land of Thunder, injured our Kumogakure ninja and took away the Kyuubi. This We must be given an explanation."


When these two words came into his ears, Quan Na seemed to have heard some big joke. The next moment, his eyes suddenly turned into eternal kaleidoscopes, and the silver-white giant roared up.


Boom, boom! ! !

Before the Raikage and the seven members of Raikage's escort could react, their bodies had been blasted out heavily and they fell on the streets on both sides.

"A weak country has no diplomacy! Where did you find the courage to question me, Konoha!?"

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