Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 403 403 Unexpected Harvest

White Fang's eyebrows frowned fiercely behind his mask.

At this time, if there is news that the leader of the Shimura family, one of the major clans in Konoha, has been arrested, it will definitely cause turmoil that affects the entire front line of the war.

Not to mention, the evidence is still incomplete.

Konoha is currently at war with three countries, two of which are big countries, and one of them, Amegakure Village, is not weak.

Nothing could go wrong at a time like this.

Finally, White Fang gritted his teeth and signaled all his subordinates to retreat.

"Lord Danzo, please take care of yourself and wait until this war is over..."

White Fang did not say what he said clearly, but the meaning was quite obvious.

After saying that, White Fang disappeared from the spot together with all the ANBU members.

Danzo Shimura had a sneer on his face, "Ha, White Fang... let's wait until you can survive until then."

White Fang ordered the few ANBU people who knew about this.

Keep this thing in your stomach.

After all, it is too sensitive.

Now is a critical period of the war, and there is no room for internal chaos.

White Fang secretly made up his mind that when the war was over, he would settle the score with Danzo Shimura.

However, what White Fang probably never expected was that Danzo Shimura had already started a plan against him.

After leaving Danzo's house, White Fang rarely took a little time to visit his newly born son Kakashi.

Afterwards, he seized the time and rushed to major hostile countries to collect secret information and create opportunities for Konoha to win the war.

Uchiha, Shimura, Hatake and other wealthy families began to rush to the front line.

Suddenly, more than half of Konoha's military strength was committed to the battlefield.

Especially the battlefield in the northwest region has ignited the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain into a flame of war.

The people of the Country of Rain, who had just recuperated, were once again in a state of displacement.

Under the triple onslaught of Konoha, Amegakure, and Iwagakure, an increasing number of refugees began to wander around the border areas of Rain Country or Fire Country.


Today, the rain in the Land of Rain is not heavy, but it has already entered winter. With such a drizzle and humid climate and the cold wind blowing, if you don't have a layer of thick clothes, it will only make people feel as if their skin is moisturized all the time. Experiencing the pain of being scratched by a blade.


At this time, a ragged girl wearing only a thin shirt walked across the wet soil.

Her body was stooped, and her stomach kept making protests from her abdomen.

He hugged his lower abdomen with his hands, trying to prevent the sharp pain in his abdomen caused by being too hungry.

Another reason is that she is too cold now.

This hugging action can at least make her feel a little warmer.

Although I don’t know if it’s just a psychological effect.

The girl is only about seven years old.

According to the age of Konoha children, she should be studying in a ninja school now.

The girl has rather delicate facial features, amber eyes, clear and translucent, and extremely rare blue and purple shoulder-length hair.

But because of long-term hunger, it now looks a little brown.


The next second, the girl wanted to find a place that could shelter from the rain and be warmer, but in the end she couldn't overcome the twin pains of exhaustion and hunger.

He fell heavily into the rain-filled mud, and his face was covered with mud.


From nowhere, a puppy with brown fur and mud came up to the girl's face and licked her cheek.

The girl reluctantly opened her eyes and saw that the puppy had the same expression as hers. She smiled hard and said, "I'm sorry... I don't have food either."


For some reason, the puppy seemed to see a green spring in the desert and suddenly ran forward.

The girl reluctantly raised her eyes and looked in the direction where the puppy ran away.

It's just that she doesn't even have the strength to raise her head now.

Only a pair of boots-clad, adult feet came into view.

The brown puppy ran to the feet and jumped.

It was as if he had met his long-lost master.

Then, the girl saw an incredible scene.

The puppy actually floated up out of thin air and fell into the man's hands.


Then, the girl could no longer bear the heavy feeling coming from her eyelids. She closed her eyes and fell heavily into the puddle.

Are you going to...die...?

This was the girl's final thought before she fainted.

Why is there a war?

This was a question she couldn't understand from beginning to end.

Throughout her wandering journey, she had seen too many homeless orphans similar to herself.

I have also seen too many dead bodies lying on the ground, lifeless.

"This is really unexpected."

Holding the dirty puppy in one hand, the owner of those feet walked up to the girl, "An unexpected gain..."

Zizz... snap...

The aroma of barbecue penetrated the nostrils, and the sound of burning wood reached the ears.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, and the first thing she felt was a sense of warmth.

I'm alive?

He looked down with amber eyes, covered by a black robe, which was very comfortable.

Although she didn't understand it, it was obviously made of very high-end materials.


The girl was shocked when she realized that she was not wearing any clothes!

"You will catch a cold if you wear water-soaked clothes."

A cold voice sounded not far away.

On the other side of the bonfire, a handsome man about 25 to 30 years old took a barbecue stuck with a branch from the bonfire and handed it to the girl.

"Take it."

The girl was stunned for a while, pursed her lips, and finally failed to resist the temptation of food.

He reached out to take the barbecue, said weakly "thank you", and started to bite into it.

"Okay, so hot!"

The girl who ate too quickly was first flinched by the heat. After a few blows, the speed slowed down slightly, but the frequency did not drop at all, and she kept taking small bites of the meat.

The man looked at her appearance and suddenly smiled evilly, "How does dog meat taste?"

The girl's eyes widened, and she subconsciously thought of the puppy she had before she passed out.

The barbecue fell on the black robe covering him, and he looked at the other party in disbelief, "This, this meat, is it difficult, could it be..."

Suddenly, she felt a queasy feeling coming from the delicious barbecue she had just eaten.

"Hahaha! Just kidding, it's rabbit meat."

The man laughed.

At the same time, from behind him, the brown-haired puppy ran out and was sitting next to the bonfire, chewing bones.

The girl's eyes widened. Only then did she realize that the other party was playing tricks on her. She angrily picked up the barbecue, turned her little face to the side, and ate angrily.

"Drink soup, not dog soup."

The man scooped out a bowl of hot soup from the iron pot.

I don’t know how he made the wooden dishes and chopsticks.

The girl pursed her lips, almost understanding the man's character.

But he couldn't help but think wildly, why did he want to save himself?

Is he a ninja too?

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